I'm a huge freak about capacity. I know that you guys don't have time to get anything done, but I would give ANYTHING for Spot to approve one person to do nothing but go behind POG during these major resets and fix all capacity issues once stuff has been pushed.
As a BRTM I'm so tired of pulling crap, having it come back, try to backstock it and be told it's challenge, but my leaders say we don't have time to deal with challenge so I backstock it. ...and then it inevitably comes out again in the next pull.
It's such a massive waste of time. We had something in HBA that had an actual capacity of 12, but when I scanned it it said the capacity was 97.
...yea...no wonder 20+ of that item came out in every pull. It doesn't make sense for me as a BRTM to leave the backroom and go fix the capacity every time I have challenge, but it just seems like they should be able to see the logic of taking a little extra time to make sure that things are accurate when such a minor problem creates a massive trickle down issue.
But alas...they're too cheap to do things the right way 😕 ((and yet they fail to realize that in the long run they're probably wasting just as much money since TMs are constantly backstocking/pulling/trying to push stuff that could've been avoided had Spot just bit the bullet and allowed time for things to be done right he first time around))