Archived The Big & Dandy Plano thread!

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i love the signs. but the aisles without them look very ugly. the infant toy one is my fave!
to all the signing tm's. do you have issues with a lot of the times that are given on our instruction sheets. like the christmas wrap set? or those stupid halloween clouds. i am thinking the clouds were like 5 minutes. takes me longer than that to put in all the viking clips. the christmas wrap aisles, took me longer to peel off the stupid blue paper off the tubes. sometimes the times are close. BTS is a breeze until they change the style again. i myself like repetition. i build the first one, complete. then build the remainder all at the same time. I cannot wait to see if i am a store for the trees to build for lawn n garden? they look really cool.
Star Wars was in a large fat box marked Boys Action Star Wars.

Normally don't have a problem with times, but your right, Halloween was way off!

Okay, now that I have a few signing tm watching, are you having problems with your 18" one up single hooks? I have gone as far as tossing all mine twice and reordering to see if I just got a bad batch. The "ears" that go into the spider clip are fragile and break off too easily. I've never had signs fall like I have in the past year......
I cannot wait to see if i am a store for the trees to build for lawn n garden? they look really cool.

The trees look nice. They are big and easy to build. They attach to a cardboard shelf fixture, that also needs to be built, so it looks like the tree is growing out of it.
Star Wars was in a large fat box marked Boys Action Star Wars.

Okay, now that I have a few signing tm watching, are you having problems with your 18" one up single hooks? I have gone as far as tossing all mine twice and reordering to see if I just got a bad batch. The "ears" that go into the spider clip are fragile and break off too easily. I've never had signs fall like I have in the past year......

Yep, I found it thankfully...I wrote the wrong thing on it when I threw it into the steel after breaking my pallet down.

I don't have that exact problem with the 18" hooks, but I ordered a batch of new ones along with the ceiling clips, and I don't know which the culprit is but the hooks don't spin when they sit inside the swivel - they bind up and signs don't always hang in the optimal position so I have to get the wave and fiddle with the hook and clip until it's rotated properly.

I think One-Up or whatever company makes the pole has a racket going... break one of the orange arms of the pole and you can't order a replacement part, you have to order a whole new pole for like 70 dollars. And of course the plastic they use doesn't work with super glue.
The only problem I've had in the past with 18" clips is the extensions hooks being so brittle that the snap at the smallest movement.
Anybody know a part # for the hooks on the softlines signs in juniors RTW?
You know, the ones where the signs just slide on except sometimes some idjit decides we have to store them in boxes built into the back of the sign and you E decides to throw out the sign without checking with you?
Anybody know a part # for the hooks on the softlines signs in juniors RTW?
You know, the ones where the signs just slide on except sometimes some idjit decides we have to store them in boxes built into the back of the sign and you E decides to throw out the sign without checking with you?

The ones used on the former GO International fixtures? I will check and get back to you.
Yea them.
Thank you very much.

I couldn't find a part number the last time my ETL tossed them, but I didn't have a lot of time to look.

We've been using the spare adhesive wall hanger clips that are used with the low wall signs throughout SL.
Yep Ajax, thats what I'm talking about. Those thingys being brittle! Formina, I've esupported the exact thing about why we couldn't buy just the top.

Well, I hope they have the floor all stripped and waxed by the time I get there, so I can hang the trees finally.

This has been such a busy week!
Normally don't have a problem with times, but your right, Halloween was way off!

Okay, now that I have a few signing tm watching, are you having problems with your 18" one up single hooks? I have gone as far as tossing all mine twice and reordering to see if I just got a bad batch. The "ears" that go into the spider clip are fragile and break off too easily. I've never had signs fall like I have in the past year......

i have quite a few that are bending on me. i keep throwing them away, but some how more pop up.(that is the two clips that snug in the one up system, the ones i ordered b4 halloween are just really tight. they are hard to get them to snap into place.
The trees look nice. They are big and easy to build. They attach to a cardboard shelf fixture, that also needs to be built, so it looks like the tree is growing out of it.

Wish I could say I had no problem with hanging the trees. I had to use several sizes of hooks to get the branches to hang just right. I'm not proud to say hanging the CSE, chair flat and the trees took me a solid 3 hours.....
BTW, had at least 8 - 18" hooks (from new bags) fail today. I don't trust them and give a tug on each one before moving on.

I decided to email the company directly ([email protected]) and see if there is any solution.
ok guys, i'm working on moving my signing guy, who has been with target over a decade, away from signing (at least most of the time).
he goofs off. he's throwing stuff away. if it doesn't scan into location, it gets chunked... even if it clearly says "furniture display---set 4/4/14, do not toss". i've coached him several times. the last straw was that he threw away a carry forward fixture set a few weeks ago. he bragged that he knew it was carry forward and we would need it for patio, but if they wanted him to keep it, they shouldn't have left it sitting on the fixture room floor. it had a note on it saying "hey we took this down per stl, didn't know where to place it". we had to reorder it and spend a couple hundred bucks. it's little stuff like this constantly. so my question....
is there a better way that i can follow up with him, know his workload, etc.? he can do more. he's been there a long time in the same position, and i think because no one else in our store has done signing, he thinks he's irreplaceable, even if he's not getting his job done.
whats the best way to train a new person? someone to at least help and maybe get our current signing guy a little more excited about coming in? thanks for your help!
ok guys, i'm working on moving my signing guy, who has been with target over a decade, away from signing (at least most of the time).
he goofs off. he's throwing stuff away. if it doesn't scan into location, it gets chunked... even if it clearly says "furniture display---set 4/4/14, do not toss". i've coached him several times. the last straw was that he threw away a carry forward fixture set a few weeks ago. he bragged that he knew it was carry forward and we would need it for patio, but if they wanted him to keep it, they shouldn't have left it sitting on the fixture room floor. it had a note on it saying "hey we took this down per stl, didn't know where to place it". we had to reorder it and spend a couple hundred bucks. it's little stuff like this constantly. so my question....
is there a better way that i can follow up with him, know his workload, etc.? he can do more. he's been there a long time in the same position, and i think because no one else in our store has done signing, he thinks he's irreplaceable, even if he's not getting his job done.
whats the best way to train a new person? someone to at least help and maybe get our current signing guy a little more excited about coming in? thanks for your help!

For training a new person you're going to definitely have to have someone that knows Signing do the training imo. Trying to learn to do overheads without proper training will cause you to rip your hair out.

You can find the NOP portion of Signing workload under Workbench -> Sales Floor -> Signing -> Monthly Signing updates. That will give a month by month view of what is going on and estimated time to assemble / takedown overheads and such. That report is in addition to the hours allocated under Adjacency Calendar, and does not include things such as breaking down supply pallets, TIPP ordering, fixture room cleanup and all of the other jobs Signing is held responsible for. It's odd but for signs that scan on planogram there is really no way to track workload other than by doing a thorough audit during your Post POG Assessments.

It's an interesting department since corporate will always allocate 30 hours to signing regardless of workload. Some weeks you get a 70 hour workload, and some only 12 hours.

I don't know how it's going at your store but the last couple weeks have all had 40-60 hour workloads at mine and the stress of trying to get all of that done while preparing for bounceback, I might snap too if people just decided to start dropping fixtures randomly in my fixture room instead of making time to find a home for them. Honestly he was in the wrong by throwing out the fixture, but leaving things on the floor in the fixture room is not the right choice either.
My question why did the PTL allow this very valuable fixture to sit on the floor of their fixture room not have it put away properly at the time it was taken down?
As you can see most of us who do signing kind of understand why he tossed the fixture.
He shouldn't have but we know why he did it.

On the training side of things, you are in a tough place.
The signing job is one of those positions that is one of the few that changes with every season, that requires very hands-on training and isn't something you can learn from a book.
You also have to be motivated and very much of a self starter.
The person who trained me was a bit like your specialist, a long time on the job and real burned out.
If you want someone to be properly trained in signing you will have to send them to another store.
My question why did the PTL allow this very valuable fixture to sit on the floor of their fixture room not have it put away properly at the time it was taken down?

because this ptl was out for support help training a new ptl next door. the STL had the salesfloor take it down off an aisle and flex bulk items in its place because he didnt like the way it looked. basically, he ptmed the aisle we had set a few days before and the tm apparently didnt know what to do with it.
my guys know if the fixture room is wrecked they come to me, and i coach whoever needs it. i coached 2 flow tm who took down sss a couple weeks ago, 3 sl tm for their shelving, and 1 hl tm last week for dumping pegs in the floor. i know it seems time consuming, but they seldom do it again. if they don't own up to it, then we huddle and the entire team gets to have "fixture room time". i'm not a babysitter, and its not fair to my team to have to pick up after grown folks. but that fixture was an example. he also threw away the xmas signing snowflakes because he "didnt know how they went up". he didnt seek to understand, he just chunked 'em.
Anybody know a part # for the hooks on the softlines signs in juniors RTW?
You know, the ones where the signs just slide on except sometimes some idjit decides we have to store them in boxes built into the back of the sign and you E decides to throw out the sign without checking with you?

GO White Peg Hooks
Part #: 4290823
because this ptl was out for support help training a new ptl next door. the STL had the salesfloor take it down off an aisle and flex bulk items in its place because he didnt like the way it looked. basically, he ptmed the aisle we had set a few days before and the tm apparently didnt know what to do with it.
my guys know if the fixture room is wrecked they come to me, and i coach whoever needs it. i coached 2 flow tm who took down sss a couple weeks ago, 3 sl tm for their shelving, and 1 hl tm last week for dumping pegs in the floor. i know it seems time consuming, but they seldom do it again. if they don't own up to it, then we huddle and the entire team gets to have "fixture room time". i'm not a babysitter, and its not fair to my team to have to pick up after grown folks. but that fixture was an example. he also threw away the xmas signing snowflakes because he "didnt know how they went up". he didnt seek to understand, he just chunked 'em.

First of all, good for you on the fixture room.
Keeping that place neat is a major bone of contention and it never seems like there is much support from above, so thanks for being one of the good guys.

On to your problem ...
Can I just say Wow!
Dumping signage cause he can't figure out how to hang it (and the snowflakes were pretty simple, I can think of others that were much more obnoxious).
Part of the signing job is making it up as you go along, you just get used to it (which is why training is a bit of a problem).
Don't have the fixture you need, make something.
They didn't send you the signs you need, order it: then figure out how to make due till it comes in.
Sign got crushed in shipping? See above.
It's all part of the job and your guy sounds like he's hit the end of his rope.
Finding him something else to do and getting some new blood may be your only hope of getting back on track.
Part of the signing job is making it up as you go along, you just get used to it (which is why training is a bit of a problem).
Don't have the fixture you need, make something.
They didn't send you the signs you need, order it: then figure out how to make due till it comes in.
Sign got crushed in shipping? See above.
It's all part of the job and your guy sounds like he's hit the end of his rope.
Finding him something else to do and getting some new blood may be your only hope of getting back on track.

I would like an iron to fix those wrinkled signs we get. i have rail signing threw out the store, when we used to have those nasty heavy cardboard signs in sl, i would always have one of two that i had to make the hangers for the back, cause the factory forgot to put them on.

there is no excuse for leaving stuff on the floor in the fixture room. to many possibly accidents can happen that way. we have been fighting for some time for our to be clear. i have thrown a lot away. but stuff i knew i wouldn't use. i keep things too long sometimes. but fixtures are hard to toss, all well knowing i will have look up the number myself and order it. cause no one will give do it for you. we all know how user friendly TIPP is NOT! i would love to be able to type a word in and it give me possibilities. but nooooooo. i do my best to keep the fixture room clean. why didn't the signing team member put it up themselves? as far as the training goes. find a good store in or around your district with signing guru, and have them sent there. better to send them out of your store since your signing person is not going to be happy and probably make their life not happy either.
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