Archived The Big & Dandy Plano thread!

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because this ptl was out for support help training a new ptl next door. the STL had the salesfloor take it down off an aisle and flex bulk items in its place because he didnt like the way it looked. basically, he ptmed the aisle we had set a few days before and the tm apparently didnt know what to do with it.
my guys know if the fixture room is wrecked they come to me, and i coach whoever needs it. i coached 2 flow tm who took down sss a couple weeks ago, 3 sl tm for their shelving, and 1 hl tm last week for dumping pegs in the floor. i know it seems time consuming, but they seldom do it again. if they don't own up to it, then we huddle and the entire team gets to have "fixture room time". i'm not a babysitter, and its not fair to my team to have to pick up after grown folks. but that fixture was an example. he also threw away the xmas signing snowflakes because he "didnt know how they went up". he didnt seek to understand, he just chunked 'em.

Ah..Now I understand. Love that you take initiative to keep the room clean. Wish it happened here.
best part, the pricing team got assigned the fixture room for bounceback. not sure how that happened, but yippie!
Cool that they assigned someone, but the one team that probably doesn't touch a fixture was assigned to clean it?

The sl team was assigned here, but seems that everyone of them are terrified of ladders..... *sigh*

Now the stl came to the ptl and told her that targetoldtimer needed to get up in the steel and sort through all the fixtures we didn't need...

When you do a good job, they take advantage of it and really push for more blood.....
definitely agree there oldtimer... had this same conversation with our flow tl the other day. he promoted to tl quickly, doesn't have a degree, but basically runs the early am processes by himself. first challenge was the truck, got that down so they're out by 8 every day (we're a 4am process--with the old tl/etl, they were here until noon), then they (etls) wanted 7. he hits that goal when feasible. we have a small flow team.

the pricing team got assigned to it because their junk was everywhere. our signing is no longer located in the fixture room. i got tired of picking it up. but the stl took away their "tipps" table and gs space for NOP, NOF, etc. they're supposed to work it every day, but you know how that goes. so we have boxes and boxes of merchandise, 72 hour stuff, nop, nof, cluttering our fixture room floor now. their clearance stuff is everywhere and they park their carts in there when they're done for the day. it's a mess. the bins need sorted, which we'll do as we can, but otherwise the fixture room is clean.
That is just wrong. The only thing our pa team has in the room is 2 shelves of drawers of tickets and their flags. I keep that up every morning. Just easier.

Every day, I sweep for merchandise because if one little piece is found in there by ap there, guess who gets called back there to explain it?

1/3 is signing, 2/3 fixtures. All bins are perfectly sorted, Nothing on the floor, but its because I take 30 minutes Every morning to slide open every grey box and check( I don't use any wacos!!!)

I realized the ptl doesn't have time to do that, so I just work a bit harder to make sure I have that time. Its worth it to me as clutter is extremely distracting to me. OCD? maybe.

BUT, I used to get my full adjacency hours at a minimum. New regime sees I finish, so they are now trying to cut signing adjacency hours by 10%. Great reward, huh?
Been at a full run trying to keep up with the infant signing..Help me fill in the blanks... How did you sign the 2 dressers?

Really hated how they boxed the signing.
It's been fun building all the bouncers, playpens and strollers. Have to agree with TOT about the the way they packaged the signing this time around. Between the displays, fixtures and signing this set has taken up more space than any so far.
Really hated how they boxed the signing.
I have never seen such a waist of cardboard. When i got my pallet in i went thru all the boxes and condensed them down into one. I took all the signs out and got them up early. That way, I know what was in the boxes and if the sign they say is missing, is truly missing. Due to the way this stuff has been packaged lately, with all the false bottoms. Too many signs have been tossed, since i cannot get the team to completely take the box apart before tossing. I am tired of spending money!! Even if it's not mine. It still takes a lot of time to input all those into tipp.
Yeah I couldn't believe it either, a box per planogram with all new backer paper and then the rest of the signs buried deep down somewhere.

I set all the new CSE on Tuesday... Ugh what a chore. I don't like the new signs because they don't have the adhesive fasteners to hold them together, so it's very time consuming to get them to all hang in perfect alignment and without white gaps. Can't wait for the softlines CSE to appear next monday... and the rest of hardlines the monday after.
Been at a full run trying to keep up with the infant signing..Help me fill in the blanks... How did you sign the 2 dressers?

Really hated how they boxed the signing.

There was a message board post about printing out the 7x11 sign and placing it in a free standing holder and putting it on top of the dresser for the focal.

Infants was a joke. Sending the same backer paper that was already up. Half the headers were the same, and the only difference with the updated headers were they took out the little white design work.

I already put up the new toys divider wall signing and the updated electronic wall signing. Don't want to get too far ahead because all that I have to do next week is the CSE graphics and prep for bounce back.
I noticed the backer paper is just slightly different plus they want all the endcaps with paper now.
And it is the free standing signs for the dressers.
Impact still hasn't shown up to build the displays but that's all right since we haven't received one of them anyway.
Infant endcaps should have always had backer paper. I almost don't remember a time where they didn't.

I built all the displays last week to fill in hours. Almost not worth Impact coming. We still haven't recieved the new Simmons crib, the dresser just needs to be popped out of the box, so all he built was the glider. Our dresser isn't on a focal (we were remodeled last year), it is inline on the low flat, back to back with another dresser. I'll make sure to read that message, see if it gives me a solution, right now all I have on them are sticky 3x5s on the sides.

Came in this morning and had a email saying to check out one of the cribs. Seems a VERY heavy person must have climbed in the crib last night and buckled the spring frame....
So unless we can find another store that hasn't thrown out their JOY crib( so we can use parts off it), I'll have to order another one!
I set all the new CSE on Tuesday... Ugh what a chore. I don't like the new signs because they don't have the adhesive fasteners to hold them together, so it's very time consuming to get them to all hang in perfect alignment and without white gaps. Can't wait for the softlines CSE to appear next monday... and the rest of hardlines the monday after.
i so love the CSE signing. I managed to get all mine up Tuesday. I am short, and to have to deal with the signs that are atleast a foot or more taller than i am. We have an old wave, so i have to stand on the lower rungs to reach the rails. the ones in consumables, have to stand on the coolers. (i watch my sft walk up and down them, so it is fair game for me) i still have the 4' signs for baby to put up on our diaper wall, again 28'' deep shelves. toooooo much fun. i know we have a box for new circle over infant flat, does it call come down, or just some of it? took 3 of us to put it up last time. i am never there, when they set the flat so have to work around all the furniture. could they make them any more awkward to deal with?
I'm the opposite, I normally don't even need a ladder!

I haven't even pulled in Mondays pallet (waaayy out in garden!). Dang, I just changed all the CSE with my remodel....

The Infant drum box label was misleading. Made you think it was a retrofit, but it wasn't. Whole new drum.

It took 45 minutes from box to baler to set. I removed the crib that was below where I had to hang the drum. I had my maintenance man, on the wave, hold up the drum while I used the pole to secure it to the ceiling. I used double hooks in each hole for a total of 8 hooks holding it up. Its soo heavy, I had hooks break last time...

Oh and the instructions tell you to put the bottom on before hanging. If you are using the pole, leave it off so you can put the pole up through the center of the drum, hang it and then, with help, put the bottom on.
I wish I has multiple people helping me with the infants drum. I had the put it up myself with the wave. Clip the first two clips into the ceiling, drive really fast to the other side and clip in the other two while praying that the first two clips hold the weight.

Started the CSE but did the easy ones (photo, portrait, pharmacy, optical) since all i have left for next week is the rest of the CSE signs.
I wish I has multiple people helping me with the infants drum. I had the put it up myself with the wave. Clip the first two clips into the ceiling, drive really fast to the other side and clip in the other two while praying that the first two clips hold the weight.

Started the CSE but did the easy ones (photo, portrait, pharmacy, optical) since all i have left for next week is the rest of the CSE signs.

Haha! Done that before! I was almost in tears when the hooks kept breaking before I could get to the other side! Now, I horse trade with the sft. "You help me with that drum, I'll screw down all the wood furniture." I'd rather do it anyway to get the furniture in the exact position I want.
I set all the new CSE on Tuesday... Ugh what a chore. I don't like the new signs because they don't have the adhesive fasteners to hold them together, so it's very time consuming to get them to all hang in perfect alignment and without white gaps. Can't wait for the softlines CSE to appear next monday... and the rest of hardlines the monday after.

Do you all hang these signs while the store is open? I never hang while there are guests in the store,(way too busy) & they didn't give me any signing hours next week, so I might have to do it tomorrow.....
the ones in consumables, have to stand on the coolers. (i watch my sft walk up and down them, so it is fair game for me)

You can reach the rails just by standing on the coolers? How low is your ceiling?! @_@

I had to put my infants drum up by myself as well. A difficult task if I say so myself, because we're a non-innovation store so it hangs directly over the middle of this 5 foot wide furniture/gear low gondola. I can get close enough with the wave to hang the first side by two hooks (had to lift the drum with one arm while hooking it with the other...ouch) but couldn't get close enough with the wave for the other side. Luckily, my SFT is cool and lets me use his lift which has an extendable platform so that wasn't too hard!

Do you all hang these signs while the store is open? I never hang while there are guests in the store,(way too busy) & they didn't give me any signing hours next week, so I might have to do it tomorrow.....

And I got all my CSE hung before the doors opened. However, it's usually not too busy for the first 30 mins or so, so it's no biggie if I still have the wave on the floor after 8.
IDK, can you? I hope you have two waves so you can keep working and the backroom can get through all their autofills without having to steal the wave from you!
There are 5 big wall focals - Toys, Entertainment, Grocery, Paper, Cosmetics, and a smaller focal for above the TV wall. Then there are smaller signs for Photo, Food Ave, Clinic, Pharmacy.
Does anyone here have the numbers to order the clear signs that go over the 3x5 signs for the displays in small appliances? We are missing a ton of them...
The 4 foot thin acrylic strip for the shelf bullnose?
Does anyone here have the numbers to order the clear signs that go over the 3x5 signs for the displays in small appliances? We are missing a ton of them...

I don't have the part number, but I believe it was called Overlay?

I don't use them. I never had any problem with the signholder that fit over the bullnose, so I never removed them.
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