I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

exactly what Hardlinesmaster said. The dates you key in eHR are the dates approved - and the time you took off was 15 days. Target doesn't allow that much time off - it actually is more like a leave of absence.
exactly what Hardlinesmaster said. The dates you key in eHR are the dates approved - and the time you took off was 15 days. Target doesn't allow that much time off - it actually is more like a leave of absence.

hmmm, then I best be careful for next year when I take of 2 to3 weeks for being out of the country! I plan on taking it as vacation -- saving all my vacation time. Alot of people know I'm leaving for that long and no one has said anything to me about it.
Yeah you have to do a LOA for anything over something like 10 days

It's a complete joke. What's a bigger joke is that you have to call for that leave request...Your store's HR team only handles Educational Leave requests.
my biggest issue with taking the longer amount of time off is that the execs are not consistent about whether or not they make you take the LOA.

And then they can take that much time off - must be nice
I recently took a vacation Aug 7-21st. We have tons of people that were taking vacations during this time as well. My dates got approved, but I saw that I was scheduled Aug 15-19th during the time I'd be out of state. That got fixed by my HR. I told them I was flying in late Saturday(19th) and that I'd like to return to work Monday as apposed to Wednesday.

Long story short, I go in Sunday around noon to see what time I start Monday for work and see that I was scheduled 4am-12 that day (I never work Sundays). I approached my STL who knew I'd be returning Monday and he said not to worry we'll talk later about it. I ran it by my HR out of curiosity because I don't want that coming back at me once I get my next review.

If I'm approved for vacation till a certain date and made clear I wasn't returning till Monday, hows the NCNS my fault? I understand I could have checked my scheduled week sooner, but they scheduled me 4am-12 in a position I am not trained in on a day thats not in my availability. And my HR still saying it's a NCNS.. Can I fight this?

Yes you can fight this.........I would go to my HR again and have her change that. Since you were scheduled for an area you are not trained in and for a day thats not in your availability you wouldnt expect that. Also since you asked for that time off and it was approved they cant schedule you for that time.
Was the day in question part of the time you requested? If I read your post correctly you said you requested certain days off then verbally told them you wanted to return on Wednesday, not Monday. This could be the difference in knowing whether a NCNS applies or not.
The way I read it, he/she requested off through Wednesday in writing, said verbally he would be back on Monday, but was scheduled on Sunday (when he has no availability ever).
It depends on how you entered it on max. Years ago, I screwed up on my dates too. Got it fixed & wasn't penalized. In your case, did you enter it on max from aug 7 to aug 21 on one request? If so, that's the issue. Print out the approval from your mailbox, as proof to hr.
Next time, if you are taking time off, it is highly suggested to do in multi requests. For ex: aug 7 to aug 11 on the 1st request. Aug 12 to aug 18 for the 2nd request. Aug 19 to the aug 21 for the third request.
That way it keeps it separate, makes it easier for vacation pay to be used, & ensure that you don't work the day after you come back from vacation.

That is exactly what I did. requested August 7-14, then 15-21st. Before I left for vacation I took a closer look bc they had me scheduled aug 16th while I'd be away and saw that only the 15th was approved by the computer. Cleared that up with HR and everything was okay. I told them I'm coming home the 18th instead of the 21st and that I can start that Monday on the 20th.

EDIT: About the 15th only being approved for the 2nd half of requested vacation. When reading my emails the title read as "your scheduled request off for aug 15th-21 has been approved" so I thought nothing of it and had my flight booked till the 18th. Once I saw the schedules posted was I alarmed to actually click in to the email and saw only the 15th had been approved. I caught this in time before my vacation and cleared it with HR and that taking off till the 21st was fine.. Yet the same HR is holding the NCNS against me.

I understand there was miscommunication amongst ourselves, but the part that irks me is not being trained in said scheduled area...

as far as LOA, the 18th would be exactly 9 scheduled work days thus not hitting a LOA. Plus by breaking up the requests off that wouldn't of been a concern
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So I've already put my two weeks in, and I've confirmed with HR that I will be paid for my unused vacation and sick hours on my final check. My question is, if I don't show up for the entire two weeks do I forfeit those hours? The reason I ask is because I've been working at Target for 6 years and barely touched my vacation/sick hours and have about 130 hours combined that they would pay me for. I just started a new job and I might not be able to make it for one or two of my shifts on my final week at Target but I don't want to lose all of those hours.

Any one happen to know?
in my state we don't have sick hours, so I can't answer that. But the vacation hours are yours and are automatically paid out on your last check whether you request it or not.

Good luck to you
in my state we don't have sick hours, so I can't answer that. But the vacation hours are yours and are automatically paid out on your last check whether you request it or not.

Good luck to you

Thanks for the well wishes. I'm specifically asking about not showing up for my last one or two shifts. I'd hate to lose all that extra pay from the unused hours just because I couldn't make my last 5 hours shift.
as far as I know - the hours are yours no matter what. You earned them.

never in my over 20 years of experience have I heard of someone not getting their full vacation hours.
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Thanks all. I was freaking out a little because if they did deny me my vacation and sick hours for whatever reason it would mean losing out on $1100 that I was owed.
Can you find someone to cover those shifts?
Ya don't wanna burn any bridges if you can help it.
Hey guys, I'm a front end team member and I felt terrible one day, but i knew i couldn't call off so I went in anyways, i had terrible nausea and it felt like I was going to pass out, so I'm walking around trying to find the GSTL, and couldn't then I asked some random flow tm what I should do, he called LOD and told me to wait in the back, she asked me what was wrong, I told her i was sick and felt like I was going to be sick at any given moment and that I didn't want to call off, so she was just like yeah you can go home, i said thanks and left.

Think this will this affect my probationary period ? aka get me fired at 90 day review or sooner
I really doubt it. If you get let go after your 90 day probationary period it won't be because of that. Just your attempt at trying to come into work shows your commitment. As sad as it is, the people who call out all the time pretending to be sick ruin it for the people who need to legitimately call out sick, and all call outs seem to be viewed with a hint of suspicion. But when you're there and they can tell you're sick, you'll be okay. That won't be the reason you are let go, if you are let go at all.
Nah, you won't be sent to the chopping block over that. You tried your best. I was really sick once and came in anyway, at the end of my shift I had 15 minutes left and had to keep going to the bathroom because I was so sick and couldn't hold it any longer. I had 15 minutes left to go and I even stayed longer to cover someone else's shift that called off. They were really appreciative that I came in and made the commitment and let me go home a little early. You'll be fine. People at my store tend to call off if they have a slight headache. Yesterday I had to do Photo, Guest Service, and Cart Attendant all at the same time. I'd be willing to bet most were just playing hooky.
I really dislike the whole 90 day probationary period thing. I think it's kind of a sick game to play with people's financial security because of a silly 90 day period. I had my 30 day review two months after I started and was told I was doing a good job, but I needed to increase red card conversion, which I have no control over past asking if they know about the benefits, and if they would like one. Also, today i found out that our ETL-HR asked a cashier that was hired nearly a month and a half after I was if she wanted to train to do service desk, also they have hired a few new people today, and I don't know what to think anymore.

I think my prospects suffer because I'm not very social at all. I don't really talk to anyone besides some of the other cashiers and occasionally I'll say hello to the brass, but it's akward. I'm always nice and polite to the guests, and push red cards hard, but I just don't talk to my co-workers that much. If I lost my job unexpectedly, I'd be totally screwed.
I really dislike the whole 90 day probationary period thing. I think it's kind of a sick game to play with people's financial security because of a silly 90 day period. I had my 30 day review two months after I started and was told I was doing a good job, but I needed to increase red card conversion, which I have no control over past asking if they know about the benefits, and if they would like one. Also, today i found out that our ETL-HR asked a cashier that was hired nearly a month and a half after I was if she wanted to train to do service desk, also they have hired a few new people today, and I don't know what to think anymore.

I think my prospects suffer because I'm not very social at all. I don't really talk to anyone besides some of the other cashiers and occasionally I'll say hello to the brass, but it's akward. I'm always nice and polite to the guests, and push red cards hard, but I just don't talk to my co-workers that much. If I lost my job unexpectedly, I'd be totally screwed.

I gave up on that crap. I only pressed it to upset the coworker that held it before me. Now I get one a day if I'm lucky. I don't see a Pop Tart as inspiration to get a Guest to sign up for a friggin card. 11 is the record, I have it, I'm not pressing anymore. End of story. If they would give me some actual incentive I'd consider it. I don't want a candy bar. Sorry. In case you haven't noticed I'm not 12 years old.
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