At some point over the holidays, I picked up a chest cold. I was starting to feel the first signs of it yesterday at work, but upon waking up this morning, it's way worse than I expected. I'm having a hard time talking and find myself in a coughing fit every few minutes. It sounds pretty nasty.
I've never called in sick to work before, not even once in the 5 years I was at my old job. But I think I might need to do so in this case. I'm supposed to work tomorrow, either 2-9:45 or 5-9:45 (I have to double check). I feel bad about it, because our TL left work yesterday after an hour, due to sickness as well. So I know that there are already a limited amount of people to cover these shifts. And I was supposed to close with one of our new employees. But I honestly don't think I'd be a very productive worker despite my best efforts. I personally feel like people would probably be grossed out if I was making their drinks, and would probably have a difficult time understanding me if I was taking orders.
So anyway, all of that was to ask... How exactly does one go about calling out of work? Who should I speak with when I call? And when is an okay time to call? I don't want them to think that I just want a Friday night off of work by calling today, but I also want to give them a fair amount of warning. I can tell that this isn't the worst of it, and it will probably continue to get worse tomorrow, based on what I know from other times I've been sick.