So, just recently for whatever reason we now only have someone in market/pfresh form 8am to 8pm. This week it has been 7am-7pm. Are you #%%# kidding me? One of the LODs was talking to my CTL and had mentioned the closer didnt get to the DRY zone and my CTL acted all shocked it wasnt done. Maybe if they closed once they would know what it is like. The LOD was awesome though, they said, "well, they ARE only here till 7, so....." But ya this is rediculous. They cut our pfresh hours by 3 hours EVERY day and expect the EXACT same work to get done. Please tell me none of you guys have had to deal with this in your pfresh area, its complete BUll%%#. When I closed this last week I just flat out told the LOD, im off in __ minutes til 7 and I got EVERYTHING other than the dry market zone and had to do cleaning as well, sorry, I cant do it all.
Sorry for venting, this is just rediculous though. I think I saw only 2 closers listed yesterday too for the salesfloor, lol, so crazy.