I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

Today I was brought into TSC by my GSTL and was told I had a no call no show from March, which is very unlike me. I've never had a NCNS in my 3 years at Target. I worked the next two days following that date, showed up on time, etc, so why would I skip just one day? And why would no one bring it to my attention then? I signed my corrective action paper and went home extremely upset because I was supposed to transfer next month because I'm moving out of state, and they told me I can't transfer now because of being on CA. Something just didn't seem right to me so when I got home I did some investigating and I have text message proof and what have you between my husband and I actually saying "I'm at work, can you call ____ for me?". I remember that day very vividly and I knew I was at work that day, so I'm not sure what happened because it was an 8 hour shift so clearly I had to punch in/out for lunches and what not.

Is this substantial evidence to clear my record or am I SOL? How did this even happen?
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The first thing I would demand to know is why it has been almost a month before anyone said a word to you. I would also demand to see the proof with a copy of original schedule for the week and your punches for that week. Go see you HR and if you are not satisfied call the hotline. If your moving you do not have to fear retaliation which we all happens despite the BS Target says.
The first thing I would demand to know is why it has been almost a month before anyone said a word to you. I would also demand to see the proof with a copy of original schedule for the week and your punches for that week. Go see you HR and if you are not satisfied call the hotline. If your moving you do not have to fear retaliation which we all happens despite the BS Target says.

That's what I don't understand either, why they asked me a month later. And all I was shown was the CA form I signed, and she showed me the schedule for that day and it said I wasn't there. It makes me wonder if the time clock was offline and I didn't realize or forgot to punch in or something, and no one notified me of a missed punch. Or whoever was GSTL that day just forgot I existed over at the service desk and marked me not there even though I was. I don't know.

I have to go in today (since I forgot something after my shift last night) and talk to someone and check out Max. If not I'll be demanding some answers my next shift.

Also excuse the typos and what not in the OP. I'm on my phone 😉
You told them you're transferring to another store so they found a way to screw you.

I really hope this isn't their plan of action but I'm not going to lie, it crossed my mind. But, I can't help that my husband's job relocation means I have to relocate too.

I really enjoy my job. And the fact that it works well with our family's schedule is a plus. So having to start new after we move would be pretty upsetting.

If this really is the case and nobody bothers to help me at my store, HR hotline is going to be my next action. We'll see.
Do they still have camera footage dating back then? Can someone verify they saw you come in? Maybe you signed out equipment that day?

There's so many ways to verify you were working, don't let them tell you otherwise if you know you were there. I'm sure they expect some people not to put up a fight and just take the punishment.
FYI - any type of corrective action or warning needs to done by your next shift after the event. I had a fellow team member who was written up at the end of January for a ncns in December. She spoke to our STL and he told her that it should be thrown out as the delay in the write up was too long from the actual event. She had spoke HR and they ripped up her write up.
FYI - any type of corrective action or warning needs to done by your next shift after the event. I had a fellow team member who was written up at the end of January for a ncns in December. She spoke to our STL and he told her that it should be thrown out as the delay in the write up was too long from the actual event. She had spoke HR and they ripped up her write up.

Really? I'll have to definitely bring that up then because I honestly do not understand why it wasn't brought to my attention oh I don't know... almost four weeks ago now? Like I said, I was scheduled the Thursday and Friday following the supposed incident and showed up for both of those shifts and NOTHING was said to me. I think this was a mistake on HR's part or something. Or like leonhart621 said, they're trying to screw me out of my transfer or somehow weed me out.
You shouldn't have signed that!!! You can always refuse to sign a write up that you feel is invalid, at least until you get a chance to challenge it.

Did you do any swap shifts, or have people work for you? It could be that someone worked for you, but they never took you out of MAX so it recorded as a NCNS since you never punched in.

Otherwise, tell them to see an actual copy of that week's schedule (and your punches off e-hr), and tell them that you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you were there that day, and you don't appreciate them waiting a whole MONTH to talk to you about it. Also, your TEXT MESSAGE to your husband is GREAT PROOF if you said you were at work in it! It is timestamped, so show them that, it should prove that it is a punch error. Go to ETL-HR, STL, HRBP, Integrity Hotline. RAISE HELL about this and don't let it go. You are RIGHT, they are WRONG. Don't let them get away with murder.
FYI - any type of corrective action or warning needs to done by your next shift after the event. I had a fellow team member who was written up at the end of January for a ncns in December. She spoke to our STL and he told her that it should be thrown out as the delay in the write up was too long from the actual event. She had spoke HR and they ripped up her write up.

While I agree that the OP's corrective action came to late to be entirely ethical, this is 100% not true. It might not even be possible. There are a lot of approvals that have to happen for certain CAs and it should be delivered by someone involved in the situation, so it can't always be delivered right away. In my opinion, a week should be the max amount of time between the action and the CA, but that's just me.

Edit: In response to what PricingMaster said right below me, I think I should have worded this differently. I think the goal should be no more than a week before a CA is delivered, but like PM said, its not always possible.
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I've seen it go up to 2 weeks before a CA or Final being delivered because it not only has to go through HR, but also the HRBP. Depending on how quickly approval is given (sometimes the CA has to be rewritten if not worded appropriately) vs the next time the TM in question is working, that's how soon it will be administered.
FYI - any type of corrective action or warning needs to done by your next shift after the event. I had a fellow team member who was written up at the end of January for a ncns in December. She spoke to our STL and he told her that it should be thrown out as the delay in the write up was too long from the actual event. She had spoke HR and they ripped up her write up.

While I agree that the OP's corrective action came to late to be entirely ethical, this is 100% not true. It might not even be possible. There are a lot of approvals that have to happen for certain CAs and it should be delivered by someone involved in the situation, so it can't always be delivered right away. In my opinion, a week should be the max amount of time between the action and the CA, but that's just me.

Edit: In response to what PricingMaster said right below me, I think I should have worded this differently. I think the goal should be no more than a week before a CA is delivered, but like PM said, its not always possible.

I think what the OP meant was that it was a month of hearing NOTHING.

There should at least be a verbal seek to understand followed by coaching before any written CCAs are brought into the question. Especially in a matter such as attendance where MAX Errors run rampant.

Some leaders just don't give a **** though, especially in OP's case.
So I talked to an ETL and we went and checked out MAX. Sure enough, I was there that night. We even went over the whole month of March and I had absolutely no NCNS. No missed punches, nothing. Luckily HR was there tonight and she took off my CA, so everything is back to normal and my transfer is still going to be processed. They didn't tell me what happened but I'm hoping it was an error.

Thank you everyone for your advice and words of encouragement!
It was very possible that either your punches didn't take or your shift was edited and the final edit was not brought to your attention.

There have been times where the posted schedule had me closing or not working at all, and the computer had me down for opening.

This is the reason why Maxx is crap.
NCNS is conduct, you can still transfer with a CA for conduct. Conduct includes things such as NCNS, losing keys.
You can't transfer with a CA for performance.
People will now chime in and say I'm wrong, blah blah blah. It states no where on the CA for conduct that you can not transfer, there have been TL's, ETL's that transfer while on a conduct CA. The issue depends on what the CA was for, there's a difference in a baler key falling off because of a loose carabiner and someone who cusses at another TM from anger.
I'm curious. How often do pre-planned/warned visits end up being NCNS at your stores? It wasn't until recently that I started thinking about it. It makes me want to keep track of the numbers. Is corporate just trying to keep us on our toes, with minimal effort, or are they actually coming in when they say they are and really trying to help the store do better?

My store just recently was supposed to have a visit, where the date was changed and then no one showed up to do the visit, which is why I am thinking about it now.
Our DTL is terrible at that. I would say a good 90% of our supposed-to-be visits never occurred. Which is frustrating when we're massively overspending on hours during recovery and then forcing the team out early the rest of the week to make those hours back.
It kills me that we cram all the hours into one night, right before a visit. If the store isn't normally good enough to present to a corporate visitor, then they need to see that! Could this be part of why the expectations placed upon Target stores is often so out of line with what we can actually manage? I certainly think so, though there are definitely other factors that may or may not play larger roles.
Hi! I'm new to the forum and joined Target earlier this year. I recently had a discussion with my TL where a particular day came up that I was told I was a no call no show. I know I worked that night, but there is no indication of any punches created for that day. Is there any other way I can prove that I worked? Also, has anyone had issues where the hard copy of your schedule did not correspond to what was in the computer? I had a day where I asked to work early, the hard copy of the schedule did not show any hours for that day, but I was scheduled in the computer. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
I had the same situation happen to me, except I was not written up for it. I was told I was a no call no show for a date in March. There were no punches from me that day, but I clearly remember being there that night. I posted on fb when I got home that night (the night they said I ncns) saying how I was glad the night went quick and was off from both jobs the next day. Is there anything I can do to prove I worked since there were no punches recorded for that day?

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