I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

The only thing is if they recently hired you and you knew you had a condition that would interfere with the job duties they gave to you, and you didn't tell them you needed accommodations. They might feel as if you were being deceptive.

If you are a good worker and they like you though, you should sit down with mgmt and discuss your options. Bring your dr recommendations and maybe they can accommodate you in some way.
Is there any way to call off work after hours? I work on flow and will I just have to wake up at four and call in ?
Not unless your store was overnight (Considering flow starts at 4, I highly doubt this). Unfortunately you'll have to wake up a little before 4 and explain why you won't be there. I'd hope it's a legitimate reason (serious illness, family emergency, etc.) A call off first thing in the A.M. usually isn't want an LOD wants to deal with, so a legitimate reason does help.
What time does your Flow TL/opening LOD arrive at the store? At my store flow starts at 4am and the flow TL arrives at 3:30.
I call off at around 3:45. Some of my fellow TMs have tried calling the night before, but usually the closing LOD forgets to write in the email.
Which leads to TMs getting phone calls at 4am asking if they're reporting to work.
At my store the deadline is two hours after your scheduled shift. So if you're scheduled for 4am and you wait until 6:01am to call, it's considered a "No Call, No Show". There's no point in trying to call while the TL/ETL is setting up the truck/line and writing our grid because they won't answer. They're usually busy during those thirty minutes. They just want you to call so they can know you're not showing....not to potentially replace because they literally can't because it's so early in the morning.
I'm morning flow and when I got the flu and called out two days in a row, the first day I knew I wasn't going to make it because I was non-stop sick all day prior. I called in around 5 pm and told them I was morning flow and throwing up, blah blah blah. I asked if I had to call my TL in the morning and they told me I was good. That day I felt worse and when I called in again around the same time a different LOD told me that I had to call first thing in the morning and talk to my TL. Our store starts at 4 and I was told my TL gets there about 3:30 and to call then. Of course my TL guilt tripped me (it was fourth quarter), but did they really want me working while I was vomiting every half hour and could barely walk downstairs to feed myself? They may have, but I'm sure my fellow team members were thankful I stayed home.
I just didn't feel like going to work.

Fuck Target.

(and yes, I felt a bit bad for putting my fellow team members in a potential bind but this was just a middle finger to management)
Sorry man but it really isn't that much of a FU to management.
Maybe a bit to whatever TL needed you on hand but the ETL and STL got a deal by not filling your slot and saved some hours.

So really all you did was screw the people you were working with.
If you hate the job that much, just quit.
It's not worth the stress on you or on the people who work with you.
They weren't able to fill it. An ETL did my work.

And the rest of their job?
I've met ETLs who could fill in like that but they are few and far between.
They had to half ass something and lay off the rest of it on someone else.
Chances are it wasn't the ETL work.
Not sure about y'all stores ^^^^ but ETLs (even the STL) at mines jump in and fill in for a call in. Just today our ETL Logistics did bulk because our bulk guy called off and when one of the ETL Salesfloor and the STL came in, they did softlines because our softlines girls called off and the backup softlines girls didn't work today.
When an ETL helps out it's the exception not the rule. The other day we had an ETL help out behind IGS for an hour and we were all shocked. Usually if there is a call-in at my store it just makes the ETLs hide even more and readjust everyone else's workload to compensate.
Dude...just because is the worst excuse. And why shoot yourself in the foot with a NCNS. Just put your shift up on the swap board or call in and fake being sick.

I only officially missed work only once in 9 years.
And that was because an ex-girlfriend begged me to stay home with her. So I called in to to say I had a slight fever with a sinus infection. The truth was I was only coming down with a sinus infection.

Other times Clerical entered in my leave a day short.
Disability leave (but I was still scheduled for some reason)
I received the wrong schedule
The computer schedule was different from the posted schedule
Other times I either left earlier because of troubles at home or came in an hour late because severe lack of sleep or needed 8 hours between shifts.
Honestly, it's not a middle finger to management. They could care less if someone doesn't come in. There are so many call offs on any given day that they have been desensitized to the whole "stick it to the man thing". As others have said, it's highly rare that an ETL fill in for a TM because technically that is not in their core roles to do YOUR job. Yes, if you are the only person there to do CAFs I can see it happening, but most times they make everyone work twice as hard (or at least expect them to) or badger people to stay later in their scheduled shift to get the work done. Especially true with early morning flow/backroom.

Target sucks sometimes. Trust me I have far from drunk the Koolaid that Target serves. I've had my share of days when I just do not want to come in. Sometimes I go anyway - sometimes I call. NCNS should be left for days out of your control (overslept, got in a accident, misread the schedule). Three strikes and you're out.
Cool? You have zero respect for your co-workers or anyone that works hard for a living. Glad you could share.

this. ncns doesn't effect your etl. its effects your fellow team members, or your team lead. guarantee after you didn't show, the lod did the rounds and begged anyone working to stay later.
I just didn't feel like going to work.

Fuck Target.

(and yes, I felt a bit bad for putting my fellow team members in a potential bind but this was just a middle finger to management)

Calling out at the last minute would be just as effective for leaving "management" in a bind. Same result except you did nothing wrong.

Failing to call out only makes you look like you don't care about your co-workers but worse of all you show little respect for your own reputation if you are so willing to hand management a valid reason to coach you just to try to make a point.

It's bad enough that sometimes people have a NCNS because they mix up their schedule or they have an emergency & couldn't call in time but to actually WANT a NCNS makes no sense.
You work an adult job which comes with basic responsibilities, like being able to pick up a phone and call in. And ETL isn't going to do your work, they pass it off to someone who already has way to much shit to do

I have co-workers that never call out so when they pull a NCNS we worry and know something is wrong. But employees like you just waste hours that could go to someone who would work them. But you think you are being cute giving the finger. Nope you are serving - Immature, selfish, and disrespectful to your co-workers who have to pick up and do your job.
You aren't showing them anything except for the huge 'opportunity' that is your work ethic... they're just going to throw you under the bus as another TM who isn't meeting expectations. The only people you're screwing over are your peers.

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