I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

I just realized that I had a NCNS on Monday morning. I know there is no excuse for not showing up, it seems that I had my last week's schedule written down twice on my calendar at home. I have worked for Target for about 2 years now and I have never NCNS or been on probation, never even talked to. I currently hold the best AAR and ESP rates in Electronics at my store and I feel like I am an important asset to the Electronics team.

I transferred to this Store from my original store a few months back and I am worried they will be quick to give me the axe because of this NCNS. Are they going to fire me?
It's an automatic corrective action at my store. You'll essentially be on probation for 6mo. If it happens again, final warning. After that you're done.
At my store, they probably didn't even notice and no one communicated it via the closing email. lol
Technically, you have to ncns 3 times in a row and then you are considered to have voluntarily abandoned your position.
I had an accidental NCNS when I was a cart attendant. I woke up super late (overslept) and called and said I was on the way right away, even though it was 2 hours past my shift they let it slide and I didn't get CCA.

After I became a GSA they stopped being so lenient (different management) on people and it was Automatic CCA no exceptions.
No Call No Shows fall under the Conduct Category of performance management. It is an instant Corrective Action, if your leader holds you accountable .

To add on this, CCAs for conduct are separate from performance so most of the time it's nothing to stress over. For example, having a NCNS and maybe doing an unsafe action could get you a write up for conduct, but if they wanted to write you up for performance issues, none of that would be applicable as they are two separate write ups and cannot be combined. So if you are good with your core roles, don't worry about the occasional NCNS. Just make sure you don't do it again within the 6 months you are on probation or else it can escalate to a final.
I knew a co-worker who walked clean with 5 ncns's in a year. Nobody noticed because no work would've gotten done anyway so who cares right? Of course I got written up within 5 seconds of my first day back after my 1 ever because they needed me to do my boss' job for him so he could be 2 hours late every day and spend 90% of his shift in the TLO. Brilliant motivation... I'm not sure why it's not working at all...
Well, I'm not exactly sure what ended up happening if that is possible.....

Went in for my shift yesterday, only person that said a word to me was our entertainment specialist who had to cover for me. I went and talked to the STL and HR and both shrugged it off, but my Electronics TL said they might have to give me a CA. If they do will they call me in and notify me of it or will it just happen with zero communication?
Well, I'm not exactly sure what ended up happening if that is possible.....

Went in for my shift yesterday, only person that said a word to me was our entertainment specialist who had to cover for me. I went and talked to the STL and HR and both shrugged it off, but my Electronics TL said they might have to give me a CA. If they do will they call me in and notify me of it or will it just happen with zero communication?

If they do the CCA, your electronics TL will have to write it up and it will need your signature to be processed so you'll definitely know.
How is calling out handled? Is it the same with 3 in a 6 month period?
It really depends on the store. I've had STLs that INHALE spot Kool-aid that think working at Spot is a privilege. I got a little talking to after calling out twice in a year lol but that was just a verbal coaching because a CA for 2 call-ins in 12 months is ridiculous and they knew it. A buddy of mine worked at a store several years ago that would only talk to you if you had more than one in a 30 day span, so he carefully called in every 31 days 🙂
I've called in twice in almost 5 years, but I'm thinking of doing it next week because of my other job. I told them I had to work at spot last weekend.
"So he carefully called in every 31 days" WTF Please tell me he or she no longer works at spot ? For Pete's sake put in for a vacation day
So random question. Tomorrow is my last day. I know I get paid out for my vacation time and not the personal holiday. However, I am listed on next week's schedule as just off the whole week. Could I possibly put in for my 8 hours of personal time to be used that week so I actually get it?
I started in November .. have accumulated 0 hours of vacation/personal hours. I was told at my store that you had to work at least a year before you got it. But everyone on here says different. So who really knows
Hello everyone! I'm brand new to this site and have a question about accrued sick time. At some point will I be paid out any accrued sick time? For example if I've accrued 100 hours, do I have to "be sick" to get that time or can I tequest that it be paid out? Also, at what point do we stop accruing sick time?
Hey there, just wondering if when I call out sick do I have to tell the operator that answers the phone? Or do I need to ask for LOD and then let them know? And if my shift starts at 9 in the morning what time can I call?
Ask for the LOD, inform them that you can't come in for your shift (no real need to be specific and they're not supposed to ask why) and call at least 2 hours before your scheduled start time or as soon as possible if the start time is before store opening (i.e. You have a flow shift and opening lod also comes in at that time) .

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