I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

Is it sad that I NCNS one day and NO ONE mentioned it to me? 3 days later I realized I missed a shift...
Have you worked with your TL or ETL since then?

Yeah this happened like 5 months ago. I was just waiting to be called into the office to sign the CCA sheet. Never happened, no one mentioned it...I would say my ETL and TL are really on top of things, so I guess I'm just on their good side?
I've work there 7 years and ncns 3 times. The first, I was still in training and they wrote my schedule wrong on the paper they give you at orientation. That one I fought and they didn't hold it against me. The second I was in the ER and couldn't get anyone to pick up the phone before they took me back for tests. The third I showed up 3 hours after the shift.
Normally you'd think that call-outs are worse, but in my store if we call out, we get a simply, "ok" over the phone. If we're late though, we get told how we supposed to come to work on time and get pulled aside later in the day and asked why. It feels like a coaching.

It makes it seem that you'd rather just call out and not have to deal with the lectures and whatnot
I don't like to call out sick because I always feel guilty and always feel as though they automatically assume I am lying about being sick ( which they probably do) . I have woken up late a few times over the years and they always say just get year as soon as you can....so I guess it varies by store and if the team member is making a habit of it .
At my store, we're not allowed to call people in except for key positions (Operator being one of them) so the people doing the gruntwork will feel that it's worse to call in... but yeah, being late appears to be more coachable, even if you have a good reason
My store always says "we'd rather you come in late than not at all" but it's a total lie. Calling in gets you an "okay, feel better." Or "okay" if it's not an illness. Being late gets you a ten minute lecture about responsibilities, no matter the reason.
Traffic stops moving for 20 minutes due to an accident? Your fault, you should have known every possible back road.
Car gets a flat tire? Your fault for picking up a nail.
Mandatory school thing runs late? You're only late because you were mad we denied your time off request.
Having never called off, I can't say what my store was like. However there was one morning I was scheduled at 6 for presentation and slept through my alarm. I woke up freaking out and called the store as I ninja rolled out of bed and into some clothes. There had actually been a small snow storm that morning and the PTL was worried about me. Both TLs who were there were glad to hear I was ok and just told me to drive careful and get there as soon as I safely could. I am the person who is never ever late for anything so I had to have apologized a million times and ended up staying late to make up for being late.

I do know there was a time when one of our electronics TMs was pretty sick and had to call off a few days in a row and the ETLs and TLs started getting pissy about it. Meanwhile he was in all reality fairly sick and very contagious so those of us who actually cared to know the story were ok with doing some extra work in order to not get sick ourselves.
Both will land you, at the least, a verbal but It depends on what day or reason for it. I would be more lenient to a TM who calls out because of a family emergency than a TM who is tardy because he woke up late.
So technically both are coachable but if you switch it up enough you might be able to shrug off a corrective action. The reason is that when it comes to corrective action they have to be very specific about what behavior they want you to change and missing shifts is different than being tardy. That's not a guarantee they can't/won't hassle you but it's at least a strategy to keep them from taking you down.
Whenever possible, call Spot to tell them you're going to be late. The main reason leadership gets cranky at you when you're late is that they don't like not knowing if you're going to show up or not. If they know you're running late they can plan accordingly.
I called out and hadn't called out in a couple months and they said "Ok we'll talk to you when you're next in", but not negatively or anything. Didn't know that was classified as "a lot".. hm lol

I did call over 4 hours in advance too.
I think part of it is from a coaching standpoint, it is much easier for someone who calls out a lot to attribute it to a medical issue, family problems, etc.--things really outside of the realm of the store's control and reasons for which if you were to draft a CCA on attendance on those factors alone, it can easily be dismissed by the ETL-HR, STL, or HRBP due to the sensitive nature. I've had TMs who have horrible attendance call out wise that it took forever to get them to that stage simply because a lot of the times they would say they were in the hospital, collapsed, or anything else. Especially with getting organizations like ADA involved in some cases, it is especially tricky.

Lates however, pretty much 90% of the time you are well enough and fully capable to come into work, but you didn't give yourself enough time or make it a priority to come in on time. Personally, I do not mind if someone is late every now and then cause shit happens. But...I have several TMs currently where they are habitually late. I'm talking 15, 20, 25+ times late during a 90 day period when I pull their attendance detail. It's where I might ask "Oh, has anyone seen so and so?", and someone say "Oh it's only just now X o'clock. So and so usually is here like 10 minutes after." To me that's way worse cause you being late is the norm, instead of the exception. In those cases most of the time when I talk to them and let them know how bad their tardiness is, they usually improve it.

Sometimes TMs just need someone to step back and tell them about their attendance because they are late or call out so often that they don't even realize it anymore.
Yep. I had a coworker like that...always late. At least five minutes. Every single day. So, I did the only thing I could: I left on time. Every single day. I figured if they were going to let her get away with it, I was going to make it their problem, instead of mine. In less than two weeks of me doing this, she was given a corrective action for it. Now she is exactly one minute late every time she works. I figure it's close enough at this point.

Now, if a coworker is usually on time, and is running late, I have no problem staying, because we all know crap happens. I was late exactly once in the two years I've been here...I was 20 minutes late because of a doctor's appointment. I called ahead of time when I knew I would be late, and they were completely fine with it.

Now, the two times I've called off...once was for a week, and the second time was for two weeks....I was in the hospital both times. After the second time, the ETL-HR started to give me a hard time about it...but as soon as I pulled her aside and told her what was up, she dropped it and no one ever mentioned it again.

My only regret was not letting my GSTL in on in sooner in the game for his support.
I hate when my front end team is late, but it's worse when they call off. We're the highest volume in the district and one call off can wreck my plan (and my day) as the GSTL. If they let us know they'll be late or when they will get in, we can plan around it. I coach for lateness and being absent in the same document. We just call it "attendance issues".
I hate when my front end team is late, but it's worse when they call off. We're the highest volume in the district and one call off can wreck my plan (and my day) as the GSTL. If they let us know they'll be late or when they will get in, we can plan around it. I coach for lateness and being absent in the same document. We just call it "attendance issues".

ULV is almost worse...one of your cashiers calls out, and that means half of your staff is now not there.
At my store, they never ask you WHY you're late or not coming in (I believe it might be against our policy to do so), but calling in is definitely worse at my store. If you say you're going to be late, they just tell you to get there safe (aka don't speed), but if you call in, you can hear it in their voices that they're not happy. We're an ULV, if that matters.
The title pretty much says it all. I've been ralphing all day so I called in sick for today's shift. However, I just realized that I've lost the little slip of paper I wrote my schedule down on, so I have no idea when my shift tomorrow starts (or if I even have a shift tomorrow-I'm pretty sure I do but I can't be positive). What do I do?
The title pretty much says it all. I've been ralphing all day so I called in sick for today's shift. However, I just realized that I've lost the little slip of paper I wrote my schedule down on, so I have no idea when my shift tomorrow starts (or if I even have a shift tomorrow-I'm pretty sure I do but I can't be positive). What do I do?
Call and ask or if your a my time store. Use your phone.
Our store doesn't allow team members to call in about schedules, and we're not yet on mytime. It's good to have a couple of team members' numbers and call them to see if they're at work to help you out. It's saved me on a couple of occasions.

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