Logistics The Flow/Inbound thread: Until We Yeet Again edition 🤙

Is anyone working inbound getting more than a 4 hour shift? I've been asking if we should expect longer shifts eventually and "we don't know anything" seems to be the consensus at my store. I've been getting 4 hours a week since January and if this is how it's going to be for inbound TMs I'll be resigning come April.
Is anyone working inbound getting more than a 4 hour shift? I've been asking if we should expect longer shifts eventually and "we don't know anything" seems to be the consensus at my store. I've been getting 4 hours a week since January and if this is how it's going to be for inbound TMs I'll be resigning come April.

I'm getting a 5 hour day per week. Most of the usual flow team is having cut hours, even backroom people. And there's backroom people doing push work now, when before they would never have done it. Not enough people on the clock
I have had 12 hour days about a year ago. since then its been 8 hour weeks and a hard 8 hour, no more "just 20 min to finish" thing. the process can work and i like the accountability aspect, but only if you start guaranteeing around 15 hours a week. otherwise.. another sting in my ass is that even with open avail, which i had to forego any other job start until we know what's up, they aren't telling us any more info on how many hours their gonna give. as great as 15$ a hour is-i only got a small raise to 12 which pissed me off as everyone suddenly made what took 4 years for me to earn, but i made more working "the old way" at 16 hours a week on truck and picking up other shift-even at the 9.50 start. how the fuck do we go from a starting wage and making more to this abomination?! tbh i hate those who wanted a "fight for 15" attitude.
tbh i hate those who wanted a "fight for 15" attitude.

This has inherently nothing to do with that. We were told at my store a year or two ago that Target as a whole was "overspending on Logistics". Target would have had to bump up to $15/hour anyway because everyone else is doing it. My second job that I get 28-32 hours a week has done it and I haven't lost hours there.

This is all a ploy to cut costs by slashing out vacation, benefits, and various other things to TMs. The $15/hour is pure bait to get people to stay and a PR tactic. All of this would have happened anyway because it's all about maximizing profit any way they can. When a good chunk of what we sell comes from China that has tariffs all over it now, it means they have to slash costs with employee hours and benefits.
This has inherently nothing to do with that. We were told at my store a year or two ago that Target as a whole was "overspending on Logistics". Target would have had to bump up to $15/hour anyway because everyone else is doing it. My second job that I get 28-32 hours a week has done it and I haven't lost hours there.

This is all a ploy to cut costs by slashing out vacation, benefits, and various other things to TMs. The $15/hour is pure bait to get people to stay and a PR tactic. All of this would have happened anyway because it's all about maximizing profit any way they can. When a good chunk of what we sell comes from China that has tariffs all over it now, it means they have to slash costs with employee hours and benefits.
in the fight for a higher wage, i dont disagree with. BUT many of those at my store and town in general want to be paid WAY more than what their work is worth. i tried to explain with the tariffs, logistics overspend, etc. we have to deal with that wanting more pay would just hasten us getting less. also i was told by my STL and TL that they wanted "open avail" or else maybe you dont work here. how can they want open avail on a 8 hour/week schedule? i had a meltdown last night before i went to sleep. i remember picking up hours at other departments to make up the difference in my checks. now its nothing. i think the side jobs/hussle i can find won't cut it anymore. now the weather is getting better, i dont think im gonna put all my energy into work anymore. i use to come to work and ask questions, ensure we were on time for work flow, etc.-while only being a proud TM- but at this point...fuck it. im job hunting again. ill show up for work and give it my all but im not going above and beyond anymore and the moment i can switch to even a lower paying job with more hours-im doing it. my reference is more towards the entitled attitude i see when people talk about a 15/hour wage-while not taking into account how businesses and economy react to this.
Is anyone working inbound getting more than a 4 hour shift? I've been asking if we should expect longer shifts eventually and "we don't know anything" seems to be the consensus at my store. I've been getting 4 hours a week since January and if this is how it's going to be for inbound TMs I'll be resigning come April.

I've been getting 38-40 the last few weeks, because after my store restarted e2e suddenly the backroom has gone back to being piled with backstock and I'm the only inbound flow TM who's willing to stay 8 hours every day. Still can't get anything done but I'm more than happy to take their money!
and the moment i can switch to even a lower paying job with more hours-im doing it. L
Plenty of fast food places hiring. (I don't miss that hell, but I did get a constant 40 doing it years ago.)

Honestly, we all have to realize that at some point, our job is on the way out and we'll have to deal with it when the time comes. Automation is coming for us and two jobs is probably going to be the norm whether we like it or not. If Target is only going to give you a reliable 20 hours, you should demand only that and then get another part-time job that will give you 20 other hours. Strive for control and strive for something better, not worse. Target, just like any corporation does not care for you as a human, you should reciprocate that and do what you need to survive and thrive.
Any suggestions how to handle a 1900 piece truck with 200 repacks? I have 1 TRW, 4 SRTs, 3 A&A, 2 PP1, 1 SSZ3, 2 BTY, and 1 PP2.

Total shitshow. I already know if we get more than 120 repacks, we will not finish. Now that we have to do autofills, which are huge, it became worse.
My ETL asks me what’s the plan. What plan? I can’t add hours, I don’t have anyone on the floor, my team can’t stay, one of my TM is training a new TM, you can barely move in the backroom. I’m losing my fucking mind

If you can't add hours, then your TMS aren't working hard enough. Performance them out asap and get people in there that can meet Target's level.
If you can't add hours, then your TMS aren't working hard enough. Performance them out asap and get people in there that can meet Target's level.
okay then you do it and all the other corporate lackies let us poor down trodden knuckle draggers see you do it
Performance them out asap and get people in there that can meet Target's level.
Where will all these new people come from? Do you think $15 an hour is only going to attract the type of dedicated, hardworking, sales driven individuals Spot only wants working in their stores? The quality of the the job seeking candidate pool will remain the same as it is now. The new hiring guidelines (check out the "Hire the Best of the Best" section in the April Addendum) will further limit the Target-approved candidate able to be hired. And, once these candidates are hired, how many are going to realize they were sold false promises on duties and hours, and say "This is bullshit!" and take a hike? Performancing Out poor TMs will still take too long and stores will still be directed to keep turnover low. When positions are available, there will be pressure to fill them rapidly, so we will be more selective by hiring the warmer body and hope it works out. The caliber of TMs hired in the future will not be so different than the current TMs.
If you can't add hours, then your TMS aren't working hard enough. Performance them out asap and get people in there that can meet Target's level.
We just hired a person that moves slower than a sloth for “food and beverage expert”. Um come in HR didn’t you see him walking into the interview with NO pep to his step. Why did they hire this sloth ??? Just makes others work slower cause we are all making the same wage.
We just hired a person that moves slower than a sloth for “food and beverage expert”. Um come in HR didn’t you see him walking into the interview with NO pep to his step. Why did they hire this sloth ??? Just makes others work slower cause we are all making the same wage.
I always gauge how a potential new team member walks when going into an interview. If they can't keep up i keep it short.
Target needs a wage hike quick gonna be impossible to get new hires at $12 with the new store reputation. I'm stuck on next 8 days straight around 62 hours
probably hire new hires at 13/hr ,,,, while those still working getting 12/hr for 3 to 4 weeks till we all get that bump to 13/hr.
Any new hires we get will work one 2600 case truck with mountains of boxes crushed into receiving and dip out faster than you can say at-will employment. The bravest ones might stick around long enough to really get a load of all the mickeymouse Rube Goldberg shit we do like sort repacks on the line, extend unload time on purpose and stagger start times for no reason, and they'll dip too. Basically inbound is heading toward being entirely NEW-new hires who have zero previous work experience and thus no frame of reference for how non-retarded companies do things, and that set is the only one they'll be able to retain at all. Fun!
Anyones stores go to complete shit like a day after backroom and flow officially went away because boy did it at my store
But they catch is unload is still pressured to do most of the work still while hardlines still just dicks around all day.
While fucking up the back when there backstocking. Like someone backstocked case stock in a waco for reasons and some pets got backstocked in the toy area for reasons
The reviews/raises are such a joke. Everyone will be bumped up to the same pay. They can miss me with the bullshit lol

And good luck trying to "performance" someone out. If it's like my store--no one can finish anything. It's not a matter of if we're good enough. I'm one of the fastest workers in my store. I'm literally jogging around all day, and it's impossible for me to finish in two hours after doing the truck for the first two.

They'll put me out there with four vehicles and the backroom still has the nerve to do pulls? To hell with that--the backroom needs to push whatever they pull from the back because Flow (at my store) ain't got time for none of that!

I don't even try anymore. Morale is at an all time low. Don't kill yourself for this job. Just bullshit your way through everything. The higher ups clearly don't give a damn, so why should we? There are like 100 softline repacks in the backroom at my store! They've been there for a month. Or maybe not, some will be broken out, then others will replace them for a few more weeks.

How is any of this cost effective?
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Don't kill yourself for this job. Just bullshit your way through everything.

That's what I'm doing. I get one five hour shift a week and I do the bare minimum because I'm on my way out anyway. Busting my ass will not get me anything, and I am not about to make my anxiety worse just for the definite possibility of a firm maybe /Hunnicutt

I might be able to get more done if it weren't for having to help guests.

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