Logistics The Flow/Inbound thread: Until We Yeet Again edition 🤙

Damn fam I'm just beside myself with relief that they fixed the ❗ error in MyWork. I was shook to the core because they've been putting me on dreaded "work 600 repacks by yourself" duty lately, which if I had to pick between doing that and taking a fat rip from a tank of anhydrous ammonia, I would literally pick Door #2 every single time.

Also why the hell did our average repacks per trailer suddenly double or triple? I've never seen this happen before even when they're sending us a shitload of revision. Needs to stop.
I believe it's illegal. For example food ave was paid at a different pay grade at one point. You could have a tm fill in for a shift or cover a break but if more than half their shifts were scheduled there they had to be paid the FA rate. Can't pay two people doing same job for different rate or rather pay grades.
I believe it's illegal. For example food ave was paid at a different pay grade at one point. You could have a tm fill in for a shift or cover a break but if more than half their shifts were scheduled there they had to be paid the FA rate. Can't pay two people doing same job for different rate or rather pay grades.
They do all the time in different states. And some stores close to the border are only 5 miles apart.
They do all the time in different states. And some stores close to the border are only 5 miles apart.
State to state rates may differ as well as store to store vut within the same store tou can't have two ppl doing exact same job woth 2 different pay grades
We just hired a person that moves slower than a sloth for “food and beverage expert”. Um come in HR didn’t you see him walking into the interview with NO pep to his step. Why did they hire this sloth ??? Just makes others work slower cause we are all making the same wage.
Hahaha. I have been chided for turning down applicants before they ever say a word. Late for your interview:’ bye’, can’t keep up with me walking from the front to the interview office: probably ‘nope’, have extra long nails, wearing flip flops, have a hair style that takes an hour to perfect, phone goes off during interview.....so many signs you will not work out. First impressions usually correct and so hard to reverse if not correct
Also why the hell did our average repacks per trailer suddenly double or triple?
Wondering the same thing. They've been consistently much, much higher than in the recent (pre-Christmas) past.
Was recently told that auditing is resulting in the DC sending us more stuff rather than on-hand product being pulled from the back. Is that at least part of what's going on?
Any suggestions how to handle a 1900 piece truck with 200 repacks? I have 1 TRW, 4 SRTs, 3 A&A, 2 PP1, 1 SSZ3, 2 BTY, and 1 PP2.

Total shitshow. I already know if we get more than 120 repacks, we will not finish. Now that we have to do autofills, which are huge, it became worse.
Yup. The repacks are killing me and I think I've figured out that the reason my TL often asks me to stay late is because practically everyone else hates doing the repacks in my area. The case packs get done after I leave, sometimes not until the next day.
Before modernization, we almost always had my area done before flow team left for the day. But that was a different process and the goals are different now. Not entirely sure what the goals are, but they're different.
I'm sure it's happening for some nice and dumb reason that nobody will ever comprehend

I'd guess it's for flex fill and the company-wide focus on online orders. Casepacks create drag in the in-store fullfillment process. Ideally, everything would come in super sorted repacks that can be pushed out quickly. Anything that doesn't go out would get backstocked in open stock that can be easily picked as needed. It would be a gigantic improvement to increase fullfillment speed.
Same day each week, yeah. How does that figure in, though?
Just thinking if they really, really wanted to push you out quickly they would schedule you different times and days. Many people would be ticked off by the unpredictability and quit.

Have you talked to your HR? My STL makes (actually tweaks) the schedule and pretty much uses the same schedule every week. So in my store you get the same schedule and same amount of hours every week, unless something needs to be changed due to the needs of business.

I'm front end. Based upon the day of the week I know if I'll be cashiering, SCO or GS.
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Anyone else dealing with a absolute nightmare now that dayside is responsible for push/back stock now.
And almost never does anywork still.
And instead of the store making them more accountable for there portions of the new processe. The STL is just riding the remnants of flow team to get everything done for them at least at my store old flow is responsible for unload and pp1 and for the most part they come pretty clean when they dont have to push all of pp2 before they start the unload because nobody else is doing there share of the work load
Anyone else dealing with a absolute nightmare now that dayside is responsible for push/back stock now.
And almost never does anywork still.
And instead of the store making them more accountable for there portions of the new processe. The STL is just riding the remnants of flow team to get everything done for them at least at my store old flow is responsible for unload and pp1 and for the most part they come pretty clean when they dont have to push all of pp2 before they start the unload because nobody else is doing there share of the work load

We come in at 6am and spend until 8 pushing the leftover pp2 from the earlier day in order to have vehicles for the unload. Truck takes 2 hours so by 10 we're done w the truck and ready to punch out as we're at our 4 hours. Only time the pp1 gets done is if people are asked to stay until they have to take a lunch.
Repacks are highly dependent on available help, if you have help they're fine, get stuck doing a mountain of them by yourself and you will quickly hate life

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