Archived The freaking Catching Fire blu rays

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Self Checkout's Worst Nightmare
Jul 14, 2013
Anyone else have problems getting the Target Exclusive 3 Disc Edition out of the damn clamshell security thing? Someone had the bright idea to tightly pack them into regular blu ray clamshells and just jam them in there. About half of them would not open and I was the go-to for opening them last night since I was the only person who could actually do it. Wondering if this is just my store or not.
Yeah, I had that problem too. I came close to tearing some of the cardstock casings, but luckily I was able to pry them out. I hate it when the DVDs are so tightly packed inside the clamshells that it's next to impossible to remove them without a struggle!
I spent about 10 minutes trying to get one open for one guest.


Seriously, people whine and moan and groan over the stupidest s**t.

I also have something else to post, but if no one gets it, I'll just assume it was funny to me and me alone.

I'm a fan of the "LIEK DIS IF U CRY EVERYTIEM" meme.

gurl bys teh knew taget spekal edishon ketching fyre dvd n stops shoppin n asks taget to get poptartz they dus
gurl teks deep breff. den gurl sais “taget u rooned ma ketching fyre dvd will u fix it” n they seys “no”.
gurl iz hertbrokn. </////3
gurl criez n runz awaii from taget wiffout eatin poptart n she has low blood suga so she fols.
taget runs ova 2 her. she ded.</33333333
taget crie “i sed i no fix ur dvd…cus i wona replays ur dvd fo frey!”
taget screems n frows teh poptart @ wol…a bootiful knew dvd wus insyd.

(Maybe this is only funny to me, but I'm okay with that.)
I haven't handled these yet. Do they fit into the red cases, but people but them in the black ones because those are usually blu-ray cases? Or do they not fit well in anything? Hate to spider-wrap hot sellers because it reduces shelf space, but it's better than complaints about minor damage to the case, like at Bored Food Aver's link.
we put the exclusive ones in the big ones,, the reg blu ray in the small ones... had plenty of space just left some by guest service so they could replenish throughout the day
Well, the Facebook complainers do have a point. If you area collector, you don't want a DVD with a bent or torn casing. It devalues the item as a collectible. Whoever packaged these things in those snug clamshells obviously doesn't understand this.
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