Archived The "my store is a disaster" thread

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My store generally has a very clean backroom but it is a joke right now. Pallets sit in seasonal while people shop. We better hope no one visits us in the next few days.
Why would it be so wrong for a visit?. This is a good reason, that way the powers that be can see the reality of what is happening in the stores right now.
SFS has taken over everything. 2 people in the backroom yesterday and 3 on SFS. I was supposed to be on pricing but instead I was doing SFS and flexes. The front end kept calling for us to get the big item flexes that are kept in the backroom. As soon as I brought one up and started a new flex they would call again. Everyone is in OT because of this. All leadership has been doing since last week is SFS. Trucks and backstock aren't being done. The floor looks like shit. How target thinks that is doing all this shipping is a good idea is beyond me.
I feel bad for saying this but at the same time I don't. I'm so happy a TL is going on her maternity leave. She's nuts and drives everyone else (leadership & TMs crazy).
My backroom looks like total shit. SFS is so bad they have EVERY smart cart and almost all the tubs, we're pulling into shopping carts. Even our STL is running around all over. Our major backroom problem is they aren't scheduling enough team members, we had 5 ballroom TMs for a double. By the time we pulled all the black line back from the second truck it was almost lunch time. It's only going to get better, they chopped hours and days on the newest schedule. Backroom is under 30 a person during 4th quarter, this is honestly pathetic.
You have 5 BRTMs for double trucks? Consider yourself lucky!

We had 4 TMs for our last double (and one of them was working the unload). They start off behind from the beginning because there's only 5 empty tubs available for the autofills. It took around 10 hours to put up the truck and clear a few tubs of flow backstock.
SFS has taken over everything. 2 people in the backroom yesterday and 3 on SFS. I was supposed to be on pricing but instead I was doing SFS and flexes. The front end kept calling for us to get the big item flexes that are kept in the backroom. As soon as I brought one up and started a new flex they would call again. Everyone is in OT because of this. All leadership has been doing since last week is SFS. Trucks and backstock aren't being done. The floor looks like shit. How target thinks that is doing all this shipping is a good idea is beyond me.
Well in the words of my horrible STL... Sfs is guaranteed sales.... so everything else isn't important . ... clearance? ... nope leave it in the gun no one buys clearance anymore lol... Target shouldn't of made so many stores sfs honestly.... should of left for Super targets and big target stores . ..
Like the title says, come here to rant about your stresses about the job, as I know it's alot of you that feel the same way.

I'm a plano TL. Nearly everyone I noticed the past week has been grumpy, and frustrated!! Myself included. The lack of communication, recognition, positivity, and motivation to solve problems are all lacking.

My STL has become the dictator, and piles on many unrealistic expectations for each area. I know she's challenging us, but they are absurd. Many TL's I've talked to seem checked out..the culture is awful, and I dread going to work now..woohoo..

It's never been like this, and I've been working here for 5 years!

Anyone else feeling this?

We all forget, but 4th Quarter is like this every year. how is your stores numbers? that could amount to a lot of negativity, I see the same thing a lot of the time because I think my STL lives in Fantasy Land (and I have suspicions that all of my store leadership thinks so as well). The problem is, is that we are all so damn good at getting ready for visits, we rarely get "True" surprise visits. In Fact I think I saw my second "true" visit yesterday.

And I have worked for Target for 5 years.
We all forget, but 4th Quarter is like this every year. how is your stores numbers? that could amount to a lot of negativity, I see the same thing a lot of the time because I think my STL lives in Fantasy Land (and I have suspicions that all of my store leadership thinks so as well). The problem is, is that we are all so damn good at getting ready for visits, we rarely get "True" surprise visits. In Fact I think I saw my second "true" visit yesterday.

And I have worked for Target for 5 years.
Been around for over double that and our store has never been this bad in that time. Not really even close really.
We all forget, but 4th Quarter is like this every year. how is your stores numbers? that could amount to a lot of negativity, I see the same thing a lot of the time because I think my STL lives in Fantasy Land (and I have suspicions that all of my store leadership thinks so as well). The problem is, is that we are all so damn good at getting ready for visits, we rarely get "True" surprise visits. In Fact I think I saw my second "true" visit yesterday.

And I have worked for Target for 5 years.

This is so true. A lot of visits our ETLs get text from other ETLs in the district that the business partners/DTL is near.
You know, this whole SFS thing has honestly crippled my store as well. Obviously, I work in the complete opposite side of the store, but I just see these TLs from toooootally different workcenters just doing all of this pulling and scanning and running around and its absolute insanity. The front end also gets no more support from the LOD or any ETL in the store because they are so busy with SFS.

The service desk folks, along with myself, are just accepting the garbage that is this holiday season.

And the guests are psychotic.

And we don't have enough seasonals... I never thought I would want more seasonal TMs...
I was picking for SFS and in HBA when a guest looked over at me, pointed to my PDA and cart and asked, "How can this be cost effective?" I just smiled and said "I'm sure it must be — Target has metrics for everything!" She said, "I'm fascinated by this because I teach retail logistics." I said, "Gotta go this batch is on a deadline!" and scurried off.

Like many other stores this past week it's been all hands on deck as we dig out from the order bump and the Collate Collapse of 2016.
My backroom is screwed. We were almost clean once this week but weren't even close today. They are not scheduling enough people, we have either one or two people starting out the autos, we may gain one person two hours in. Then at four hours in we gain a few more people. So at that point we usually still have half of the pulls left. And the next two weeks out we are all scheduled under 30 hrs, but I'm hopefully they let us stay because if not we are really screwed.
I was picking for SFS and in HBA when a guest looked over at me, pointed to my PDA and cart and asked, "How can this be cost effective?" I just smiled and said "I'm sure it must be — Target has metrics for everything!" She said, "I'm fascinated by this because I teach retail logistics." I said, "Gotta go this batch is on a deadline!" and scurried off.

Like many other stores this past week it's been all hands on deck as we dig out from the order bump and the Collate Collapse of 2016.
Collate Collapse of 2016!!! What it will be known as for generations.
There are still 2day/4day sets and product waiting in the back.

Today we finally found a Black Friday Blu-Ray shipper that mysteriously went missing. I had a Flex order pop up on Thanksgiving and it said we had like 50 copies of the movie, but I couldn't find a single one. My STL told me to just deny the order because we lost the shipper. hard can it be to just keep all the Black Friday movie shippers in one spot?!
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