Archived The Red LPDA Grip...

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Why can't the LOD holding an LPDA and a walkie listen/feel for flexible fulfillment alerts and call a BR TM when one comes in. This way the BR TM can use a PDA that actually works well for pulls and back stocking. This would also keep the LOD aware of what the work load is of the BR TM.

Seem that more and more is being placed on TMs

This is what the LODs do in my store. The LOD signs in and when they get an alert they call the backroom. It works pretty good and is actually one of the things my store does right

Ours usually do this as well.
We were asked to use the red-handle LPDA last week. It was horrible. Trying to SUBT999 with that thing is a miserable experience. Despite the fact that it scans faster than the PDAs, I think it took twice as much time to do anything. And you have to unscrew the whole thing to change the battery. Nope, no thank you. "But we're red on FF timeliness!" Yeah, that's not on me. Alerts haven't been working properly for me so I just toggle and check MyFA every half hour or so. If the other TMs aren't doing that (and they're not), that's where the blame should fall.
I feel lucky in that we have yet to even hear about this thing at my store. Our job is annoying enough without being forced to use sub-par equipment. Besides, if being logged out of alerts is an issue even on LPDAs, then what's the point?

If they force us to use one of these things, I would just dump it on whatever TM is stuck pushing CAFs that day since he can get by using item search and keep the good PDAs in the back.
The Alert Services is being worked on, you may have noticed the past few days that the service has completely stopped or will not log in. I don't have an ETA as to when it will be fixed as the problem isn't the PDA itself, but the actual alert application on the server that handles calls and sends them to the device telling them there is a new alert. It's a bit difficult trying to narrow down exactly what is causing it due to the fact that there are multiple different error messages being reported that are pointing to different things, so pin-pointing down a source directly isn't a feasible probability in this scenario.

This should also resolve the random time-outs when fixed eventually.
I would use them if it weren't for the whole "Oh, you were trying to type in a number? Let me splatter 6 random letters all over the screen and screw up your flow."

UGH. I hate that. When I'm backstocking three items, it's "3rgyuy". I can't backstock or research the items I just backstocked with any reliable speed >.>
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