I'm Lost! The Target Dating Thread

One of the TPS at my store is dating a Softlines TM who's notorious for flirting with everyone of the opposite gender from her and has no regards for other people's relationships. Everyone knows they've spent nights together, but this TPS guy came in one shift with a hickey and I had to teach him how to apply concealer so guests wouldn't comment on it. 😕
They will get caught by spot. Loose lips...
One of the TPS at my store is dating a Softlines TM who's notorious for flirting with everyone of the opposite gender from her and has no regards for other people's relationships. Everyone knows they've spent nights together, but this TPS guy came in one shift with a hickey and I had to teach him how to apply concealer so guests wouldn't comment on it. 😕
Um...he can say goodbye to his job.
Ok, so... my first real tidbit to add to this forum is most applicable, here.

My wife got hired as a seasonal. She was kept on and made the brand TM for Food Ave. I've been with Spot for nearly a year and am the electronics brand. There is talk of her getting bumped up to Starbucks TL. Probably a non issue, other than she'll never be able to LOD. Thoughts, anyone?
I work service desk and have a crush on my GSTL. I think he likes me too with the playful flirting and he's taken me out to lunch before. My friend and sister say I should make a move but I'm worried if it would be weird since he is my supervisor.
I have way more of my coworkers popping up in the people you may know category on FB and I just saw that a TPS guy at my store is dating a GSA. He was only recently promoted to TPS from HL just before fall started. I don't know of no one knows or no one cares but they are always together and even take breaks together 🙄
I work service desk and have a crush on my GSTL. I think he likes me too with the playful flirting and he's taken me out to lunch before. My friend and sister say I should make a move but I'm worried if it would be weird since he is my supervisor.

Target policy is that you may not be in a relationship with a supervisor to whom you report. If HR/upper leadership find out, they may have you move to another (non-front end) workcenter.
I have been crushing this fiiine Pepsi vendor for like months. We just stare at each other, though. My fling thing with the former Target mobile guy went so badly, I'm scared to make a move.

There was an infographic I read recently about what jobs end up coupled most often. For lady retail people in heterosexual relationships (they showed gay and lesbian but I don't remember) it was truck drivers and other retail people, so maybe I should get used to the idea of finding a boo at work lol. Everyone I tried to date who wasn't in retail didn't work out well because of their stupid M-F schedules.
Not exactly a dating question, but not sure where else to put it. If I work in consumables, can I hang out with the logistics ETL from my store outside of work?
One of the TPS at my store is dating a Softlines TM who's notorious for flirting with everyone of the opposite gender from her and has no regards for other people's relationships. Everyone knows they've spent nights together, but this TPS guy came in one shift with a hickey and I had to teach him how to apply concealer so guests wouldn't comment on it. 😕
Another TPS was fired for dating a Softlines Team Member last march. They're now engaged, so I think it was worth it in that case.
Also, one of our new TPS's got a little close to the hardlines Team Lead and they were both talked to about it last week.
If we *did* start having a relationship outside of work, could we get in trouble? I'm not ever assigned to work in their area, does that make it okay?
Well you say your team lead. If you not under that tl work center it's not your team lead. In most cases it is not allowed especially if this tl is a SR tl with LOD shifts
General rule of thumb, don't date within the workplace.

But if you must, never ever ever with AP, an ETL/Sr. TL, or your direct leader.
Just be fuck buddies. If anyone says anything, you can say "no we're not dating" and you're good.

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