The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

TMs and leadership that call in "sick", but post stuff from parties/concerts/whatever all over FB and Instagram. And don't get coached for it.

People are "calling in sick?" You say you're not coming and that's it. I was told when I started that they aren't even supposed to ask you why you aren't gonna come in. I almost never say why. I only ever told them when I had c diff and they kept trying to guilt me into working when I was calling out. "Oh my attendance is starting to be troublesome? Yea, well if I came in, I'd just be on the toilet, soooo..."

Also, whooooo is fb and insta friends with their leadership!? And why!?
Speaking of calling in/out, I hate when I'm doing phones and the people calling out start giving me their story (people who have never missed a shift are usually all about telling the story) and I'm trying to get a word in to say "this isn't HR and I still have to transfer you to an lod." Idc about your car or your kid missing the school bus or your town's flood.

TMs in softlines that don't charge things out or do their rewrap asap. I was in the fitting room yesterday and someone found a box hidden of rewrap/charge back. It was a big ass box, too. I did it all, then I got rid of the box so it doesn't happen again, but it's going to happen again. If you can't make a repackage look nice, ask the FR tm right away. Don't stuff it in a fricking box. If the package is not something that can be made to look nice no matter who does it, charge it out. If you find yourself fixing something and it looks so bad you wouldn't even buy it, why bother putting it on the shelf? There's no behavior in my store I hate more than this one.
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My pet peeve: on the rare occasion I have to call out (as early as I can the day before, so there's still time to find coverage if they want to) and this one particular LOD asks "why?" None of your business is why. The other LODs just thank me for calling and wish me a good night.
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My pet peeve: on the rare occasion I have to call out (as early as I can the day before, so there's still time to find coverage if they want to) and this one particular LOD asks "why?" None of your business is why. The other LODs just thank me for calling and wish me a good night.

"Explosive Diarrhea" never will anything ever be said. You asked!
A Few of Mine:

- TMs who wear ridiculous amounts of cologne/perfume or who think the breakroom is the perfect place to douse themselves.

- TMs who cut each other off on the walkie in an ongoing fashion. Let the first person finish talking before you butt in.

- TMs who don't answer FRO calls for help on the floor...

- Contrary wise, FROs who say "TM this is the operator, can someone assist me on the floor" and wait for an answer without telling the team what it is they're looking for. Save us all some time and identify where you need the help in that first call. You might get an answer faster.

- TMs who say "softlines can you help me find an item" without giving us a clue where to start looking or who think a dpci will magically tell us where
something is located. Hanging product is NOT located and I'm not going to scan the dpci of every shirt in a given dept to find the one you're looking for. Please give us a brand name and general description of the item.
My pet peeves when I worked at store level:

TM's that never showered - loosing the rock paper scissor battle on which leader is stuck having that awkward conversation.

TM's that say "I don't get paid enough to do.." when being asked to do something in thier JOB DESCRIPTION.

TM's that don't wait for one convo to end on the walkie and start there own. So then you have two different subjects going. TM Stacy? John get back here! Go for Stacy. John, I need you over here now!

TMs that don't look inside the box when a customer is returning a $100 blu ray player - open it up later and Surprise!!! You are a proud owner of a 1990's VCR player.

Guests that don't know how to control thier kids and then argue with me when I tell them to control there kids for the 3rd time or I will escort you out.

Guests that use the middle of the aisle/store as thier own personal toilet.

Going into the bathroom to discover someone has repainted the walls, floor and ceiling in brown "paint".

Having to pay $1500 out of the stores PL to pay for hazmat clean up crew for brown "paint". - there went my bonus.
My pet peeve: on the rare occasion I have to call out (as early as I can the day before, so there's still time to find coverage if they want to) and this one particular LOD asks "why?" None of your business is why. The other LODs just thank me for calling and wish me a good night.

We have one guy who is a TL who will take the calls sometimes and always says "you're letting the team down" I never had to deal with him with that but the tms that have are like well sorry lol
When you cover someone's lunch or break in an area you don't know and they turn off their walkie so you have no one to ask since no one else knows if you have a question. Or when the same person takes an hour lunch and a 45 min 15 min break and you can't find them anywhere if you have a question. Good times.
When GS doesn't mention over walkie when the Softlines basket is full. I understand they're busy and doing a lot, but I feel that someone has to notice. If it's not the GSA due to them not having a walkie, it would just be nice to have another team member (perhaps Hardlines who goes up front to get their cart(s) before Softlines) who happens to notice let us know so that we're not surprised with two carts at the end of the night. I wish I could say I was exaggerating, but unfortunately not. There really has been two, three carts just getting loaded up more and more up front whilst we thought we were good because we had just checked not too long ago. It's gotten to the point where the operator is asking now if they can give us more frequent updates. We have our two carts and Z-Rack at the fitting rooms, but we usually get them taken care of nicely.
When GS doesn't mention over walkie when the Softlines basket is full. I understand they're busy and doing a lot, but I feel that someone has to notice. If it's not the GSA due to them not having a walkie, it would just be nice to have another team member (perhaps Hardlines who goes up front to get their cart(s) before Softlines) who happens to notice let us know so that we're not surprised with two carts at the end of the night. I wish I could say I was exaggerating, but unfortunately not. There really has been two, three carts just getting loaded up more and more up front whilst we thought we were good because we had just checked not too long ago. It's gotten to the point where the operator is asking now if they can give us more frequent updates. We have our two carts and Z-Rack at the fitting rooms, but we usually get them taken care of nicely.

We have the opposite problem at my store. Guest Service calls out that they have a full cart of softlines re-shop, but no one from softlines comes to get it. Then again, that may be because everyone except the operator is stuck on the lanes for their entire shifts.
Meds being put away in the wrong place....we all should have learned our alphabet & numbers in kindergarten or earlier. There are also shelf tags that indicate WHERE to put them. How fracking difficult is it to match the name/number on the bottle with the name/number on the shelf tag???? Over the weekend, I found 7 things that had been put in the wrong place 😱

Also, open/RTS bottles go in front!!!
When GS doesn't mention over walkie when the Softlines basket is full. I understand they're busy and doing a lot, but I feel that someone has to notice. If it's not the GSA due to them not having a walkie, it would just be nice to have another team member (perhaps Hardlines who goes up front to get their cart(s) before Softlines) who happens to notice let us know so that we're not surprised with two carts at the end of the night. I wish I could say I was exaggerating, but unfortunately not. There really has been two, three carts just getting loaded up more and more up front whilst we thought we were good because we had just checked not too long ago. It's gotten to the point where the operator is asking now if they can give us more frequent updates. We have our two carts and Z-Rack at the fitting rooms, but we usually get them taken care of nicely.
Come to our store, where the GSTL is required to give a "reshop rundown" every half hour.

Hey team it's time for our reshop rundown! Softlines you have an almost full cart; Electronics you have a half cart; Domestics you have 14 items in your cart; Chemicals you just have one bottle of Tide in your cart, Seasonal your cart is empty, HBA you have a hand basket full, and Market your cart is about 1/3 full.

And of course we don't even have anyone in half of those departments for most of the day.
Come to our store, where the GSTL is required to give a "reshop rundown" every half hour.

Hey team it's time for our reshop rundown! Softlines you have an almost full cart; Electronics you have a half cart; Domestics you have 14 items in your cart; Chemicals you just have one bottle of Tide in your cart, Seasonal your cart is empty, HBA you have a hand basket full, and Market your cart is about 1/3 full.

And of course we don't even have anyone in half of those departments for most of the day.

That is one of the most annoying things I've found to have been rolled out is the constant announcements for guest services strays when at most you have one person in softlines/hardlines/etc all day.
What really sucks is when you have 3 team members in the entire store cashier etl log and me(master of the floor). Etl log is pulling cafs cashier has the portable and I'm the only one on the sales floor and then you learn that the cashier isn't guest service trained so you have to keep running up to assist with returns. And then the cashier anwsers the phone and tells guests Starbucks is open even tho you can clearly see its not. So guests come in for Starbucks and guess what else I get stuck doing. I worked at a stand alone Starbucks in college so the etl log figured I wasn't busy enough. Longest shift ever. But we know Target if expect more pay nothing
"Hey, HardlinesGuy. Just wanted to let you know we found these empty packages the other day."
Oh, thanks! Do you know where and when they were found?
"No, but it was some time in the last 4 days."
Can you at least tell me WHERE it was found?
"Nope. No idea."

I have a TL who does that. Like, are you trying to make everyone's ears bleed?

One of my ETL's kinda mumbles when they talk on the walkie and we end up having to say "Can you please repeat that?" at least three or four times every time they talk.
My favorite is when the operator is like "Domestics team can you pick up a call/check a dpci/assist a guest etc and HBA team can you..." and I'm just What team? I'm the only person in ALL of hardlines right now! 😵
Or when the operator specifically calls me because I've been the only one responding when there are 4 other team members in hardlines.

Another pet peeve is when the operator does that without switching to a different channel. No need to create a bunch of traffic on channel 1.
Me: *has 3 hour shift today*
ETL-Log: *five minutes before my shift is done* can you stay another hour?
Me: Sure.
ETL-Log: *five minutes before fourth hour is done* can you stay up to your fifth?
Me: Sure.
ETL-Log: *on my way to clock out, mere feet from the terminal* can you take a lunch and work another three hours when you come back?
Me: ...sure.

Let me be clear: I'm not complaining about getting extra hours. That's fine and dandy. But I don't like having extra hours as a surprise minutes before I leave. If you want me to work those hours, I'd be happy to, but just schedule me for them in the first place. I just feel like it puts me in an awkward position: do I keep my plans I made for after work or do I pad my tiny-ass paycheck with a few more bucks? Money's necessary and all, but so is having a life outside of the store. I'm poor enough that I almost always say yes when I'm asked to stay, but it still bothers me. Just schedule me, damnit!
Me: *has 3 hour shift today*
ETL-Log: *five minutes before my shift is done* can you stay another hour?
Me: Sure.
ETL-Log: *five minutes before fourth hour is done* can you stay up to your fifth?
Me: Sure.
ETL-Log: *on my way to clock out, mere feet from the terminal* can you take a lunch and work another three hours when you come back?
Me: ...sure.

Let me be clear: I'm not complaining about getting extra hours. That's fine and dandy. But I don't like having extra hours as a surprise minutes before I leave. If you want me to work those hours, I'd be happy to, but just schedule me for them in the first place. I just feel like it puts me in an awkward position: do I keep my plans I made for after work or do I pad my tiny-ass paycheck with a few more bucks? Money's necessary and all, but so is having a life outside of the store. I'm poor enough that I almost always say yes when I'm asked to stay, but it still bothers me. Just schedule me, damnit!

Couldn't agree more. What pisses me off to no end is having no hours during the week, but lo and behold, we are so fucked up by the weekend, they ask on Saturday for us to come in on Sunday. We weren't killing sales to add hrs. they just magically appear. I usually say no because I do have plans.
This cashier at my store that is slow in everything she does. Clocking in, walking out from TSC, going to the restroom, even telling f***king stories omg. And she always has to stop and tell some story or walk to guest service from her lane to get in some conversation. It irritates me because I will be at service desk trying to sort or clean or what have you and she keeps sending over guests to be rung up because she is too slow to deal with a line of 3 people at 8am. Jeez! It's like dealing with a humanoid sloth.

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