The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

Guests who threaten me with " I'm going to talk to your manager", when I've already explained that whatever policy they are upset about is one that management, themselves, did indeed instate. ... Just because you can be a big jerk doesn't mean you should get your way. Also, yes there is a corporate hierarchy - but I'm not a complete peon or dredge on society like you seem to think.

And every person who argues with me about what the store carries, or should carry. No, I'm sorry we don't stock every item you can randomly Google .... And even if it was on the company website - still doesn't mean we have it in store. READ the page and make sure it doesn't say online only. ... And if it does, that's what it means. No if, ands, or butts to it. ONLINE. ONLY. ... And . Im sooooooooo glad you bought some boots here three years ago, and you have the dpci . But WE DONT CARRY THEM ANYMORE. Not now. Not ever. No I don't know when they stopped. Or why. And when I said no other stores would carry them either, don't feel compelled to list every nearby store and ask me to "check again". NO. NO MORE BOOTS.

Oh. And yes. I'm sorry the website lied to you and said we had one last whatever in stock. And we didn't. I get it. The website was wrong. Or it didn't call to tell you we sold it before you got here. Or whatever. I didn't make the website. I'm not hiding the last swimsuit in your size. If I had it, I'd give it to you asap so you'd go away. Maybe we sold it to another person, since we aren't mind readers and you didn't call to put it on hold, or place an order. Heck maybe some other PITA like you picked it up and moved it six aisles over && we will find it tomorrow , or three weeks from now. I don't know. But I can't make one magically appear. So good day.
I HAD A GUEST WHISTLE AT ME TO GET MY ATTENTION. I didn't even notice it at first because I was picking something for SFS. Then he whistled AGAIN. Like yo, a simple "excuse me" works just fine asshole.
People do this is the pharmacy, even after I say, "I'll be right with you..." Makes me want to take my spatula over and cut off their lips!:mad:
When guests try to take something out of my hands that I just unlocked...dude it's locked up for a reason.

Also, when they ask me about some completely off the wall item that's "on the website," and when I look at their phone, they are showing me an item that was listed in the paid 3rd party advertisements on the site and not target inventory..just why. Learn how to read.
Guests that ask for something they cannot remember the name of, but it was in "that one commercial on TV." It does not help that I do not have even basic stations to watch so that is very unhelpful.

Guests who tell me we carry something (when I know we do not) that they saw online. I ask them where they saw it and we eventually find it on some Google result page.

Guests who tell me a movie came out on Friday when it is slated for Tuesday. I had so many guests come in April 1 looking to buy Star Wars The Force Awakens and throwing tantrums when I informed them that while we did have copies in stock, we could not sell it to them. They were sure they saw online that we were selling it on Friday before everyone else.
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*On the phone*
Guest: Do you carry this?
Me: No, sorry, we don't (after checking my MyDevice and asking team members)
Guest: Yes you do. Are you sure?
What I want to say:
You certainly do know the store better than I, a team member, do after all, especially since you're calling to ask in the first place. You're right. We do carry that item. Come on in to see the spot where it would be if we actually carried it.
What I actually say: Yes, I am sure. I've checked all my sources.
Guest: I don't believe you. Can I speak to a manager?

So frustrating!
I have one thing to say to upset guests that stamp their feet and call me over after one of my TMs was unable to help them

Take your shitty attitude outside. My TM is not here to be your doormat and neither am I. We tried to help you, we tried to work with you, and we tried to do everything we could to find your item and/or make your card work to buy that PS4 (I'm TL over electronics.... :p)

But berating me or my team isn't going to work. GTFO and call above if you want. You're not going to make my TM feel like shit because you're an idiot. They have better things to do.

*On the phone*
Guest: Do you carry this?
Me: No, sorry, we don't (after checking my MyDevice and asking team members)
Guest: Yes you do. Are you sure?
What I want to say:
You certainly do know the store better than I, a team member, do after all, especially since you're calling to ask in the first place. You're right. We do carry that item. Come on in to see the spot where it would be if we actually carried it.
What I actually say: Yes, I am sure. I've checked all my sources.
Guest: I don't believe you. Can I speak to a manager?

So frustrating!

You can ask a manager but he/she will ask me since I am inventory team. (in stocks).
This is pretty small compared to most of the things that have been being posted, but when I put things that need an adhesive peg hook put on them into my reshop cart while zoning, PLEASE just an adhesive peg hook on it when you come in in the morning to do reshop so that I don't have to see the same shit on the shelf again the next night lying on the shelf instead of on the peg where it's supposed to be!
I always have a few in my pocket so i can just fix them as i go. Also, I carry a pen with me so if an item does not have a tag I can jot down the dpci. It drives me crazy that people find items that need tags so they throw them in with reshop. Then gstms tape a piece of paper on the item that says "need dpci" and puts it back into reshop. Why?
Then gstms tape a piece of paper on the item that says "need dpci" and puts it back into reshop. Why?

When I was on the sales floor, I actually preferred this. The idea was that I would search for the item on the floor and find the DPCI (or at least the department and class so it could be SIM'd), then I'd send the item back to the service desk and they'd affix a new barcode.

Once the front end leadership turned over and everyone got über lazy, I had to start sorting my own re-shop so that I knew everything was handled correctly.

The only thing worse than finding ticketless items (most likely from another department) in the re-shop was finding items that had been defected out (defective ticket affixed and everything) and still put into the re-shop carts.
Then gstms tape a piece of paper on the item that says "need dpci" and puts it back into reshop. Why?

In our store, we do something similar. My old GSTL who trained me for the service desk told us that it's salesfloor's job to find the DPCI so that it could be defected out. If we had the chance because of a break of customers then we would try to search for it on the iPad, but otherwise Salesfloor would deal with it. Either we would just let them know when they brought up defectives/items from other areas from their zone or we would just put it into the reshop cart that we think fits the item and they would take care of it.

For a while we had a system where every time that you brought back anything to the service desk, you would look for the DPCI of one of the items missing it, if there were any.
The only thing worse than finding ticketless items (most likely from another department) in the re-shop was finding items that had been defected out (defective ticket affixed and everything) and still put into the re-shop carts.

THIS. When I was still in Softlines and worked operator on a regular basis, there was nothing that peeved me more than a stickered defective item coming back to me. Sometimes an item would come back to me multiple times, even though I usually sorted the defectives into the kid seat in the cart.
When someone brings something up front for a guest but doesn't tell anyone who it's for. The GSA is on the walkie either asking what the flat of furniture is or if anyone knows about a flat of furniture someone was supposed to bring up for a guest.
On the phone
G: Do you have the white noise cd?
Me: no, we do not.
G: are you sure?
Me: let me Ck.
2nd g: can you help in bikes?
Me: 1 min, please to the 2nd guest.
Me: white noise is a new release for 4/23.
G: click.
I did help out the 2nd guest.
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In our store, we do something similar. My old GSTL who trained me for the service desk told us that it's salesfloor's job to find the DPCI so that it could be defected out. If we had the chance because of a break of customers then we would try to search for it on the iPad, but otherwise Salesfloor would deal with it. Either we would just let them know when they brought up defectives/items from other areas from their zone or we would just put it into the reshop cart that we think fits the item and they would take care of it.

For a while we had a system where every time that you brought back anything to the service desk, you would look for the DPCI of one of the items missing it, if there were any.
The sad part is, I have sf Tm's who find the item near the correct dpci & turned it into GS without writing the dpci down. I get stuck with finding the dpci. I am working with my team to stop doing this action, by giving them a piece of paper & write the number down for GS.
Someone printed up sticky labels one time for SD that said "NEED DPCI PLEASE" with space below to write it in.
They'd simply peel it off & stick it on the merch.
Sad when we ran out & the TM who made them was gone.