The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

Don't even get me started on the fing chip cards, If I had a dollar for every time someone complained about those stupid things I wouldn't have to work again for the rest of my life. It drives me insane, why can't people understand that we can't do anything about it and just stop complaining about it. It's too slow, that noise sounds like I am doing something wrong, I don't know my pin, I didn't use to have a pin. Makes me crazy😡🙁
As operator I hate when guests tell me their name and entire life story when I answer their call. Get to the point please. And when they ask me to call other stores for them while I'm talking to them. Umm no I'm not doing that.
As operator I hate when guests tell me their name and entire life story when I answer their call. Get to the point please. And when they ask me to call other stores for them while I'm talking to them. Umm no I'm not doing that.
I would happily give them the other stores' numbers any day, but there's no way I'm calling another store while on the phone with them and helping guests coming in and out of the fitting room.
I would happily give them the other stores' numbers any day, but there's no way I'm calling another store while on the phone with them and helping guests coming in and out of the fitting room.

Yeah, no. Remmeber how you (guest) complained for the first minute of our call because you couldn't immediately get through to me? Yeah that's because I have like one line. And I was assisting a guest about something in my store. I'm not tying up my stores line to talk to another store ... And then relay it to you. And back and forth. Just no.

Also, I get that the other store told you I had two space heaters. I don't. I know I don't because I checked your dpci to appease you. Also, when I was answering the phone whenever ago (recently) I had this same question. And we didn't have any then. And I didn't get a magical shipment of heaters coming in for the fkn summer. Oh you don't believe me? You want me to go check all the clearance end caps in the store? Sure. Enjoy your hold beeps. Hopefully I remember to come back to you after I finish picking up all the clothes in the FR .

And. Other stores. When you tell me you are calling for a guest and have the dpci. Great. But when I politely tell you we have like two pieces of semi functional equipment and I didn't hit the lottery to get one during my shift today && I want to know what the item is to transfer you to that department so they can figure out how to help you - don't blurt out the numbers to me. Still not going to be able to do anything for you.
I'm starting to really get peeved when leaders will grab my keys for me, especially when they don't sign them out. I'm going to sign them out under my name anyways, you're not saving me any time here!
I'm starting to really get peeved when leaders will grab my keys for me, especially when they don't sign them out. I'm going to sign them out under my name anyways, you're not saving me any time here!

I always get out keys for the openers and leave them on the book. Should I stop? I thought it was better for them.
I always get out keys for the openers and leave them on the book. Should I stop? I thought it was better for them.
I'm talking more when my ETL or TL takes the keys and leaves them back in receiving, or randomly tosses them to me when I'm helping out flow and won't be going back to my desk for another hour. Its a minor thing but bugs the hell out of me.
"Do you do the chip?"

I can't stand this. Thank god I'm not the only one! Also the people who like to complain incessantly about how "long" it takes to insert the chip and why must I force them to insert the chip. One lady at Lowe's (where we also "do the chip") asked if I could just put in my 'manager override' so she can swipe the card instead of inserting it. When I explained that wasn't possible, and would probably take longer than the 10 extra seconds it takes with the chip, she said she was going to complain to her bank and tell them to give her a no-chip card or she'll cancel the account.

What I wanted to say was, "Lady, does it hurt being this angry about stupid bullshit like this all the time? Insert the fucking chip and get on with your day."
I can't stand this. Thank god I'm not the only one! Also the people who like to complain incessantly about how "long" it takes to insert the chip and why must I force them to insert the chip. One lady at Lowe's (where we also "do the chip") asked if I could just put in my 'manager override' so she can swipe the card instead of inserting it. When I explained that wasn't possible, and would probably take longer than the 10 extra seconds it takes with the chip, she said she was going to complain to her bank and tell them to give her a no-chip card or she'll cancel the account.

What I wanted to say was, "Lady, does it hurt being this angry about stupid bullshit like this all the time? Insert the fucking chip and get on with your day."
So true! That's ridiclious she thought you could over ride it. A lot of the time they spend more time whining and bitching about it than just putting their card in. I'm tired of hearing the same rant about how long the chip takes and what an inconvenience it is. Why is everyone in such a hurry all the time? 10 extra seconds is not going to hurt you.
In our store they are fine with the gift card. I've even had them do a look up using a prepaid debit card and then they get the cash.
We have zone kits. Anyone else? One of those plastic shoe boxes with do-its (the adhesive hooks), pac men (not sure what they're called now, we just still call them pac men--slip on the peghooks to hold mdse to the end), paper, pen, mdse id slips, tape, box cutter, scissors, blank labels, flip label holders, clearance labels, GT cards, an ad, and whatever else may be needed. Closers grab them with equipment.

I think they're called inventory clips? But I guess they're called pacmen because they used to look like a lil pacman instead of a disc.
PS the zone kit at our store is all on a 2-tier cart, dubbed the 4x4 cart, aka the Megazord. MMPR_Dinozord_Megazord.jpg
1. When I'm zoning toys and basically every little kid that passes by the aisle I'm in says "Look mommy! Over here!" and proceeds to walk into my aisle (of course it has to be my aisle) and gets in the way of me zoning and starts making a mess while the parent does not reprimand their child.

2. When guests ask very specific questions about products and I have no answer for them because Target just places you in whatever zone they want, not based on your knowledge of products. So many times I have had to tell guests that I have no idea how to answer their question and then they give me attitude because "I work here" and "should know about these products". I get this a lot in small appliances. For example, "Is this SPECIFIC hand blender cordless?" What I want to say most of the time is "IDK lady, read the damn box" but most times the box does not even give certain details.

3. Guests that ask me if they can open something. Umm...obviously not? But that doesn't stop them from opening it once I walk away.
How about when a guest comments on the sound the chip reader makes. If i had a nickel for every time someone said that to me I'd be rich. Or "do you have the chip?" followed by "some places have it and some don't...*annoying laigh*" and then I have to make conversation about that for the millionth time.

Or guests that have their own bags but don't hold them open for you they just watch you struggle to do 50 things at once.

Or guests that hand me something to ring that their child has slobbered all over.
When a guest tells me that they saw a clearance item at another store at another price - and decide to berate me, while trying to explain why there is a difference at different store. Listen. I didn't making up the Gd price. But be a little prickly pear and I am going to do everything in my power to not give you the other pice. Cause f**k you. That's why.

Complain to corporate.
I don't get to make any decisions. Not even when I take my break.
So come on....
So omg. This has been happening a lot lately. Guests who put the money on the counter (some even count out the coins and just leave it) and not your hand. 9/10 I don't want to be touching YOUR hand. Fml

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