The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

The only dog that I know of that has caused "problems" was a stray that wandered in when a thunderstorm was approaching. Thankfully the store was nearly empty, so a small group of very distracted and amused TMs was not a problem. 😀

Haha that's funny! We had one guy (he still comes in) who had a "service" dog but he was super aggressive.. the guest isn't so nice himself.. which is sad.
Or "Paper or plastic?"

Yes what? Yes paper? Yes plastic? Yes answers a lot of questions, paper or plastic is not one of them.

I never ask that. But maybe I should start asking them "Did you bring your own bag today?" and if they say no - because most don't - I can say "Would you like to buy one for only 99 cents?" I'm pretty tired of asking everyone "how are you doing did you find everything okay today?"
my store said don't ask but if the dog is causing problems to radio LOD. if the dog is well behaved and not bothering any one it's not a huge deal

I'm waiting for the lawsuit when a child with a severe dog allergy ends up in the hospital because someone absolutely HAD to bring Fido (and all his allergens) with him.

I'm a crazy cat lady so I understand how one can truly love pets, but that damned animal is not equal to your offspring, no matter how many times you say "fur baby". That animal shouldn't go everywhere just because you would take your child with you everywhere. It's an animal, leave it at home.
"It must be free!"

Jesus, if I hear that one more time. Morons.

I'm lucky, the only time I heard that was a joke. Two part outfit, the guy said "The tag on the bottoms says $0.00, that means it's free, right?" His wife was trying so hard to shut him up but when I joked right back she just started laughing at our back and forth.
Me: *makes eye contact with next guest in line at lane*
Me: I can take the next guest in line up front at guest services. Come with me.
Random guest 3 people back: *leaves line with cart and looks at me*
Me: Oh, are you NEXT in line???
Random butthole: Uh, noooo?

Seriously. I call for back up, I ask for next guest who starts following me, bully butthole tries to run over them. Assholes.
I'm lucky, the only time I heard that was a joke. Two part outfit, the guy said "The tag on the bottoms says $0.00, that means it's free, right?" His wife was trying so hard to shut him up but when I joked right back she just started laughing at our back and forth.
Had that happen, no tage on the bottom, guest jokingly said if you can't find the price in 30 seconds, it's free right. they looked a little disappointed when i found it on my phone 20 seconds later.
I know it's possible to buy something in cash and not have the receipt. That happened to me once - it was before my red card arrived so I used cash for the team member discount and the item had a manufacturing flaw that I found less than a month later, a couple of weeks after tossing the receipt.

But there are a ton of people that call in asking to return something and don't have the receipt and paid in cash, and they are always really upset when I say "store credit at lowest selling price" rather than cash return. And I'm not dumb and I'm sure 4 out of 5 times it's a scam. If not 9 out of 10.

It's just really annoying, as the ones I'm certain are running a scam don't want to hang up and want to argue and want to talk to Guest Services or a manager or both. Like someone's going to say something different. The LOD has far more important things to worry about than a scammer on the phone and Guest Services is often swamped (which is why I asked them to teach me about the policies for common return scenarios in the first place).
I'm lucky, the only time I heard that was a joke. Two part outfit, the guy said "The tag on the bottoms says $0.00, that means it's free, right?" His wife was trying so hard to shut him up but when I joked right back she just started laughing at our back and forth.

No it means its a display and its not for sale, Next guest please!
The one that gets me is when there is some order to the chaos on the Z rack next to the fitting rooms and we are trying to preserve that order by shoving it as far as possible against the end to pack it tightly, leaving a ton of room for fitting room rejects to go, why is it that guests either push the tightly packed clothes away from the end to put their stuff (and depending on the amount of clothes, that could be a hefty push) or push them apart to put them in the middle of the packed area? What's wrong with the wide open areas on both bars?
Guests on their phone the whole time, don't take their bags or ignore me.

I was ringing up this woman who seemed a bit irritated. Everytime I would try to talk to her, she would reply with a loud sigh or roll her eyes. After her doing that the few times I tried to make conversation, I just decided to stop bothering her. But she was still loudly sighing to where my gstl noticed, and came over and asked what was wrong. The woman's reply was "This cashier is terrible, she's not saying anything, it's like she doesn't care.". Ok lol

I was ringing up this family who had a bunch of flimsy reusable bags. The person who was putting the bags in the cart left to go get something. That left me with the rest of the people who were on their phone. Even when the counter was full of their bags, and I had to start bagging on the scanner. None of them even bothered to take any of the bags, if they noticed the full space at all. The person who was putting the bags in the cart finally came back. But instead of clearing out their packed bags, they just stared at me struggling until they decided to take one bag lol. Then proceeded to stare at me finding space to put the rest of their stuff.

Another peeve is when kids scan stuff for me. Their parents don't stop them, and insist how "adorable" it is. It's more annoying than cute, and it's a bit awkward for me.
Even when the counter was full of their bags, and I had to start bagging on the scanner.

They're being douchebags, but I don't let that bother me. I just get a cart and start loading it up for them. That's usually enough hint for them to get with the program!
One of my pet peeves since the beginning is guests asking "Do you know if you have any more of this another size?" for a clearance clothing item. They're never satisfied with any answer I give them because I don't tell them "Yes, I know EXACTLY where that item is in your size in this large clearance block of clothing!" If their goal is to get me to spend 15 mins looking for the item FOR them, they're mistaken.
IF IM CLEANING UP BROKEN GLASS, WITH CARTS BLOCKING AN AISLE, DON'T PUSH MY CART TO THE SIDE. AND AFTER I SAY THERE'S GLASS ON THE FLOOR, DON'T CONTINUE WALKING INTO THE FUCKING AISLE. Had to literally point out the jagged bit of glass to some dumb bitch before she realized "oh shit" and walked off. If carts are blocking an aisle, an employee is saying there
is broken glass, and trying to stop you from coming in. Maybe use common sense and don't walk into the aisle.
One of my pet peeves since the beginning is guests asking "Do you know if you have any more of this another size?" for a clearance clothing item. They're never satisfied with any answer I give them because I don't tell them "Yes, I know EXACTLY where that item is in your size in this large clearance block of clothing!" If their goal is to get me to spend 15 mins looking for the item FOR them, they're mistaken.
WHY in my work can you not select the size after you scan a barcode? You can in the target app
Right now my big guest pet peeve are the liars.

I tell everyone to not go into the family/disabled rooms, and most people say "Okay" and pick a regular size one. Some people though, they try to sneak in anyway. Most lie by trying to say "Oh I thought you said to take it." Really? Then how come the last 5 people to hear the same words understood? I've had two people lie about being mentally ill to justify needing the larger room. Yeah, sure you're claustrophobic. That's why you're happily smiling instead of showing fear of being trapped in a small space. And there was the woman today with the faked accent trying to act like she couldn't comprehend my words. Uh huh, with that accent your first language is not Spanish. And don't bother to tap your ear near the end of the conversation, you reacted to my voice from behind just a few minutes ago.

There's other liars too. All those people who argue when they call and want cash back for a no receipt return supposedly paid for in cash. The guy that kept asking me over and over what time we closed on Memorial Day. Did I mumble or something, because I don't think that it should take 5 times before you accept the answer. Last night, some woman wanted to play a game. Initially I thought she was just really tired because she seemed out of it. She asked for a particular item. My hands were full and I was slammed so I gave her really specific details for where to find them. She tracked me back down, still acting out of it, she couldn't find it. So I walked with her, paused where they were, told her it was right on the other side of the fixture we were at, and moved 5 feet down to put away something. She still couldn't find it. So I walked to the other side and touched the item and she walked right past me. Her companion had to almost grab her to get her to the right place. Honey, the drunk/drugged impression might make you a hit at your friends' parties, but it's not cute to the public at large. Drop the act.

Why can't people just be straight-forward?
Right now my big guest pet peeve are the liars.

I tell everyone to not go into the family/disabled rooms, and most people say "Okay" and pick a regular size one. Some people though, they try to sneak in anyway. Most lie by trying to say "Oh I thought you said to take it." Really? Then how come the last 5 people to hear the same words understood? I've had two people lie about being mentally ill to justify needing the larger room. Yeah, sure you're claustrophobic. That's why you're happily smiling instead of showing fear of being trapped in a small space.

Why can't people just be straight-forward?
Why does "happily smiling" mean they're not claustrophobic? I can be happily smiling one minute and having a panic attack the next due to my claustrophobia. I can deal with it better most of the time now, but there have been times my husband has literally had to come "rescue" me out of dressing rooms because I was fine one minute and curled in a ball in the corner, half naked, the next due to my claustrophobia. Not saying they weren't faking, but you never know. That being said, I agree, people who fake mental illness just to get some sort of "benefit" from it piss me off because there are those of us who truly suffer from it.

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