The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

“It won’t take my money.” As the guest tries to shove a stack of about 8 bills into the bill collector at SCO all at the same time. I had to tell him they go in one at a time. He has obviously not used any SCO at any store ever.

Or they're still sitting on the main screen and haven't hit "pay" yet. This works for both cash and credit cards.
Parents who drag toddlers out way past their bedtime so they wind up with crying kids who end up crashed out on dad"s shoulder.

I love seeing that other moms talk their kids the same way I do.

I love working in kids and nit clothing because of it. Watching toddlers have the same meltdown every day (I want the green one! We brought the blue one. I don't like blue! You picked blue yourself. I want green!)
This might be something of a cultural thing. For some people asking for help = bothering people so the "dumb old woman" or "stupid question" or whatever is a way of offering apology for bothering you with something minor even though it's our job and not a big deal.

Not that I do something similar myself or anything, for exactly such reasons or anything. Nope, never.

For those who have issues with people expecting orders to be ready super fast--I take it your stores aren't participating any the drive up pilots?

I always tell customers that I get paid by the hour so I don't care if they take me away from my work. It seems to make them more comfortable using my time. (I truly don't mind helping customers.)
*walks up to GS in their pajamas and bath robe*
*pulls like twenty tooth brush heads out of purse*
“These were a gift”
...sure, Jan.
But then you have to do the ID return no matter what 😡
Edit: why is everyone that does this always wearing a bath robe?
We are allowed to deny ANY return without a receipt. If they come up with the gift receipt and you suspect a high $ amount of coupon fraud, call AP. That usually scares them off and if it doesn’t they can check the original receipt and see if coupons were used.
People who are used to shopping at walmart but decide to shop Target for one reason or another.
"Would you like the money back on your card or a gift card?"
"Can't I just get cash?"
"It's only giving me the option for your credit card or a gift card. I'm sorry."
* blank stare* "But my card is a secure credit card, you can't put money back on that. It's secure."
I fucking hate that blank stare they give when they don’t get what they want. Like they are seriously SHOCKED someone is saying no to them and they can’t believe it. Bitch if you don’t close your god damn mouth and stop blinking your fucking eyes at me and just accept the fact that no, you can’t get cash if you paid with a credit card you dense imbecile
This job has made me such an angry person and it makes me sad. I legit literally hate every single guest and I think they’re all fucking idiots because I am so burnt out on dealing with these giant ass toddlers. Today was so fucking rough and it just absolutely killed any positivity I had about this job. Pretty much every single person I dealt with was a rude, entitled, whining cry baby. I didn’t get to spend my Christmas with my family at all just so I could get looked down upon and treated like absolute garbage by other people for 8 hours straight. I’m not gonna quit because I need income but when I literally can’t hold back my attitude with this people anymore so if they fire me eventually for not being some guest-worshipping zombie so be it
I fucking hate that blank stare they give when they don’t get what they want. Like they are seriously SHOCKED someone is saying no to them and they can’t believe it. Bitch if you don’t close your god damn mouth and stop blinking your fucking eyes at me and just accept the fact that no, you can’t get cash if you paid with a credit card you dense imbecile
This but like...the people that try to return stuff past the 90 days/without a receipt and it's over $50/stuff from friggin last year. And you tell them "I'm sorry, I can't refund this item for you. It says here on the tag it's from November 2016." ...And they stare at you for like a solid minute before finally asking "Okay, well then what can you do about it?" Like ... nothing? I just told you. I can't do anything with it. And they continue to stare like "wtf why not?"
I freaking wish we could deny people. GSTLs at my store are too scared of bad surveys and complaints to say no to anything
At my store GSTLs have no problem saying no and will almost always back us up if we say no.

Yesterday I went above and beyond for a guest because they were so nice, and they thanked me a million times, signed up for a red card, and wrote a note thingy. Every once in a while you’ll get someone who makes you love your job
This job has made me such an angry person and it makes me sad. I legit literally hate every single guest and I think they’re all fucking idiots because I am so burnt out on dealing with these giant ass toddlers. Today was so fucking rough and it just absolutely killed any positivity I had about this job. Pretty much every single person I dealt with was a rude, entitled, whining cry baby. I didn’t get to spend my Christmas with my family at all just so I could get looked down upon and treated like absolute garbage by other people for 8 hours straight. I’m not gonna quit because I need income but when I literally can’t hold back my attitude with this people anymore so if they fire me eventually for not being some guest-worshipping zombie so be it

You need a break. The people in January are much friendlier. The slow down time is kind of a nice break even though payroll is shot to hell
Is there any chance you can cross-train or cycle to areas in your store like HL or SFS or something with less guest contact? I don't think I could handle guest services day in, day out for that reason. In HL it sucks to have to tell people we don't have something, or that we probably have it but it's not where it belongs so it might as well be in Egypt, but for the most part people understand that I can't just wave a magic wand and have an item magically appear. Some can get a little annoyed that I'm not walking them over to the aisle when they ask for a location, but when I'm in one section with 4 guests piled up with questions and the item is clear on the other side of the store, sorry, not gonna happen. There will probably be someone in that general area who can help, or you can use your own eyes just fine.
As a cart attendant there are a lot of things that irritate me:

1 When I ask on the walkie where something is for a guest and no one responds.
2 We all have that one slacker but the guy I work with now is the worst, all he does is talk about his basketball and walks beside me as I'm doing carts, rarely even bothers to help, the other cart attendants don't like him either.
3 Before the remodel we had a sign that said restrooms, and the guests would come in and ask where the restrooms where, I had to laugh as I pointed to the sign.
4 People mad because food ave closed.
5 People that say they would love to have my job in the summer but say they're glad they don't have my job in the winter.
6 If I have to hear another thing about red cards while I'm busting my butt in the lot...
7 The cart attendant who acts like your boss when he just started working here and you have 4 years of experience, see number 2.
8 Why are we responsible for the restrooms and the trash, we have an overnight janitorial but we don't have a daytime.
9 Those carryouts that are so gosh darn heavy.
10 The fact that they don't give us keys and it takes forever for an LOD to unlock the compactor.
They at least told us we're doing a good job when it was Christmas cause it was so busy, I can only hope they keep doing that when we're busy again
From my perspective, cart attendants are fucking heroes and the fact that they're at the same lowly pay grade as me is criminal.
Couldn’t agree more. I do think GSTMs should be above cashier but cart attendant should be a specialty position that’s on the level of soft lines etc... even just doing carts is a lot in bad weather but all the other stuff they do...
Hazard pay. They've earned it. Fetching carts in *looks at thermometer* below zero temps is risky enough (or in Miami in July), but restrooms, chemical spills, vomit cleanup and on and on... I am so very grateful I don't have to do those things, and wouldn't last long in that role, so y'all have my deepest respect for all that you do.
Couldn’t agree more. I do think GSTMs should be above cashier but cart attendant should be a specialty position that’s on the level of soft lines etc... even just doing carts is a lot in bad weather but all the other stuff they do...
GSTM was higher than cashier at the time of my hire. I'm sure that's been wiped out with the new payscales.
GSTM was higher than cashier at the time of my hire. I'm sure that's been wiped out with the new payscales.

Are you sure it's not guest service attendant that was higher than cashier? On the old pay scale. Service desk team member and cashier were considered the same paygrade.

Technically GSAs make the same as a cashier now except they get a 50 cent job differential

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