The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

Every single guest who scan the little barcodes on the produce items at SCO will be the death of me.

There’s a Grocery Item button for a reason fellas. Honestly speaking if I can get a dollar for the amount times people scan bananas at SCO throughout my time working here, I would have enough money to move out of my shitty apartment at this point
Kroger's system works with the code. Hence, here, guests assume outs does, too. I can't figure out why the system scans the barcode at all. Half the time, you aren't even trying to scan it....just trying to set it down!
In short, the system is at fault.
When guests do a Drive up when it’s pouring down rain for a bottle of shampoo .
When they get mad that I need to card them for alcohol even if they look 42
When they hand you a stack of shirts to prevent from setting it on the belt hangers and all. Like ok I’ll juggle and do my best
When someone does a return and wants to know why the store credit is “what they paid “ 🙄
When the dang Kodak machine isn’t working and the guest blames you for it even tho you have nothing to do with the dang Kodak machine
When I’m stocking bullseye and a guest stands right where I was stocking lol
I feel like I sound bitter but jeez it gets to be a lot sometimes .
Minor point, but you could put the whole mess onto the scanning area and use the hand gizmo to scan the tags. Alternatively you could lay glass paper/plastic bag on the belt and the clothes on top of that.
One thing that really chaps my ass is when Guests ask for things to be bagged that either a) has a perfectly good handle b) an item we could easily put a carrying strip on c) something heavy or in a box with sharp edges like cat litter or boxes of sodas.

Or I'll go through the transaction, bag all their stuff, ring their total, and get all the way to handing them a receipt before they're like "Nah, I don't need a bag" and just crumple it out or worse, drop it on the floor and walk off.

Also Parents who let Little Jimmy and Susie wander around and mess with the registers. Babysitter is not in my job description.

PS: This might sounded jaded, but Guests that compliment me is another one. After three years at Target, that gets my spidey senses tingling for a scam like nothing else.
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PS: This might sounded jaded, but Guests that compliment me is another one. After three years at Target, that gets my spidey senses tingling for a scam like nothing else.
Yep, literally every single sketchy man ever will say “wow, I like your nails” at the beginning of the conversation. Like literally 100% of the time. I’ll have 3 different guests in a day who will walk in and I’ll be like wow he looks shady and each time I’ll call him up to the desk and he’ll say “I like your nails” and then “can I return this $400 item without a receipt”
Minor point, but you could put the whole mess onto the scanning area and use the hand gizmo to scan the tags. Alternatively you could lay glass paper/plastic bag on the belt and the clothes on top of that.
Putting it on the scanning area is what I usually do but I still get a dirty look every now and then lol. The bag idea is actually a very good idea.
Our FDC truck got cancelled yesterday and I had a guest looking for 1% Fair life

"I'm sorry, we're out of it, we can't get it re-stocked because our truck got cancelled due to the blizzards."
Guest: -exasperated sigh- Why? We all drove in this, why can't they? We have to every day.

"It's really bad in Iowa and at least I understand why they had to. I wouldn't drive in this if I had to go more than ten minutes."

Guest: Whatever, they could have came.

Wasn't even an older lady!! Zero respect for our truck drivers. Unbelievable people still think like that. Between jack-knifing, sliding into a crowd of already stuck cars, injuring someone, themselves, or killing either their self or someone else, they can cancel the truck. We get our truck in from Iowa about a 130 mile drive south. There's been an image circulating around of I-35 and there's 5 inches of snow on it and it can't be plowed because the winds just keep blowing inches of snow on top. They closed almost every single interstate to and from yesterday.
Our FDC truck got cancelled yesterday and I had a guest looking for 1% Fair life

"I'm sorry, we're out of it, we can't get it re-stocked because our truck got cancelled due to the blizzards."
Guest: -exasperated sigh- Why? We all drove in this, why can't they?

Oh, our precious little snowflakes. To hell with people's safety, "I want what I want when I want it."
Yep, literally every single sketchy man ever will say “wow, I like your nails” at the beginning of the conversation. Like literally 100% of the time. I’ll have 3 different guests in a day who will walk in and I’ll be like wow he looks shady and each time I’ll call him up to the desk and he’ll say “I like your nails” and then “can I return this $400 item without a receipt”
My spidey senses are up when they are really chatty and start talking about the weather.
Put your own damn bags in your own damn cart! It's bad enough there's 5 of you standing there watching me bag your cartful of crap, trying to balance it all on this small space. I'm not also walking around my lane to pack it. Lazy...
And the bread is with the canned goods, the frozen food is packed next to the clothing, all the heavy bottles are stuffed in 1 bag. Have a wonderful day!
PS: This might sounded jaded, but Guests that compliment me is another one. After three years at Target, that gets my spidey senses tingling for a scam like nothing else.

"You're too pretty to work here."
Eewww! I'm a middle aged woman working with a bunch of college girls, and you chose my lane? What are you up to, weirdo? Lol
I love the ones who say they just called and were told we would do the return. Ummm, I've here the whole time and never got the call.
Guest: Oh I spoke to a manager, they said you could just do it
me: do you remember who?
Guest: I'm not sure, didn't get their name...
me: was it current LOD
Guest: Yeah that was it!
me: Awesome, they're here right now let me confirm with them real quick!
Guest: oh wait I don't think it was them
Yep, literally every single sketchy man ever will say “wow, I like your nails” at the beginning of the conversation. Like literally 100% of the time. I’ll have 3 different guests in a day who will walk in and I’ll be like wow he looks shady and each time I’ll call him up to the desk and he’ll say “I like your nails” and then “can I return this $400 item without a receipt”

Yeah. When I was first starting out with Target, I got a coaching for passing a bad check because the guest got me distracted with some compliment. Guests complimenting has happened twice since then, and both times they were doing some shady shit like trying to bait and switch a phone case or trying to distract me from realizing that TV's serial number wasn't the same as the receipt. 😒
A guest was in the OPU line so I walk up to her with my zebra and say “hi, did you have an order pickup?” (You always have to ask because 7 times out of 10 they’ll say “no, a return” even though they’re in the OPU line) and she said “well I guess I need to fucking cancel it since I ordered it and you don’t have it.” And I was like “oh yeah just go to your order details page and press cancel.” She said “well I tried that but it’s making me press a bullshit reason. I don’t need to put my reason I need my money back.” I said “well it won’t let you do it without picking one so just press the “other” option then if you don’t want to pick a reason.” She just pressed some buttons on her phone for like 2 minutes while I just stood there and then she handed me her ID. I said “what’s this for?” She said “MY ORDER.” I was like “the one you just cancelled?” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN CANCELLED I GOT AN EMAIL SAYING IT WAS READY!!!!!!!!!” I was like “I just watched you with my own eyes cancel your order because we didn’t have it???” “NO, MY OTHER ONE IM HERE FOR MY OTHER ONE WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU PLAYING WITH ME IM SO SICK OF YOUR SHIT” I was like “not once did you ever tell me about any other order, I asked if you had one and you told me you were canceling it and I watched you cancel it, how am I supposed to know what else is happening if you don’t tell me?” and she was like “if you LOOKED UP MY NAME when i HANDED YOU my ID you would SEE MY ORDER” “can I see it one more time then?” She said “oh my fucking god” and handed it to me and I typed in her name and big surprise, nothing came up. I told her nothing was coming up so I asked to see her email saying it was ready so I could type in the number. She pulls up the “action needed” email, clearly saying her order was cancelled, but I type in the order number anyways. I was like “yeah nothing comes up on here because if you read what your email says it’s telling you your order was cancelled” She was like “you’re really fucking testing me right now, give me my money back” I was like “again if you read the email it tells you how to get your money back” She was like “I’m not jumping through hoops because YOU took my money without making sure what you had, this is false advertising, you took my money because you had something in stock so I buy it and then you suddenly don’t have it and you still have my money, this is such bullshit” like going on and on and I’m like “you’re getting your money back you just have to press the buttons” and she finally did it and then was like “alright is it back in my account?” And I was like “it’s not going to appear instantly, you’re getting a refund which always takes up to 3 days.” She then ranted for like 5 more minutes and then finally walked away lmao but long story short FUCK ORDER PICKUP

Funniest thing I've read on a long time. The "my own eyes" part had me rolling.
Our FDC truck got cancelled yesterday and I had a guest looking for 1% Fair life

"I'm sorry, we're out of it, we can't get it re-stocked because our truck got cancelled due to the blizzards."
Guest: -exasperated sigh- Why? We all drove in this, why can't they? We have to every day.

"It's really bad in Iowa and at least I understand why they had to. I wouldn't drive in this if I had to go more than ten minutes."

Guest: Whatever, they could have came.

Wasn't even an older lady!! Zero respect for our truck drivers. Unbelievable people still think like that. Between jack-knifing, sliding into a crowd of already stuck cars, injuring someone, themselves, or killing either their self or someone else, they can cancel the truck. We get our truck in from Iowa about a 130 mile drive south. There's been an image circulating around of I-35 and there's 5 inches of snow on it and it can't be plowed because the winds just keep blowing inches of snow on top. They closed almost every single interstate to and from yesterday.

I went into Walmart and its nearly empty for the same reason- Blizzard. People expect the semi to plow though 5 ft of snow just so they can have soy milk and celery
I went into Walmart and its nearly empty for the same reason- Blizzard. People expect the semi to plow though 5 ft of snow just so they can have soy milk and celery

Guy was napping at the wheel, tried to tell his dispatcher he was falling asleep and didn't want to hurt anyone, got told to keep driving anyways. I think a lot of people who complain about truckers like that should just watch this video.
I am not surprised. I did a temp stint as a receptionist at a trucking company. Mostly stuck with the law, but definitely played a little fast and loose. There was a new guy that stuck to the regulations even though it ate up time and the owner kept saying "He'll learn".

Sad part is they (truckers and truck companies in general) still get away with going farther than is humanly possible while following the regulations even though the DOT makes them send in their gas receipts with their log books - gas receipts that have date/time/location stamps.
A friend was a trucker for many years. His bosses REQUIRED the drivers to keep two books - one with their actual records and a second set that met regs. I don't know how gas receipts played into all of that.
Guests that leave the cart smack dab in the middle of SCO area (During a rush) when they're done shopping. 🙄 Seems to be happening a lot lately. Like, I'm not your mother, please use your legs and walk it back to the entrance.

Guests that just randomly leave their baskets on the floor or on top of my stray basket. Really people? Our basket holder is near the entrance for a reason. For those that put them on top of the stray basket, but hesitate for 5 seconds before stacking it and walking away; If you had to hesitate, then you totally know it's not supposed to go there, but are too lazy to fix it.

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