Archived The Tips of Totally Effective Target Team Members

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@sher - waiting is cool.
What ticks me off is when TMs stand off to the side & ask for water.
I just look at them, point to the line & say "They're PAYING for their drink. THEY come first."
Did your store not have fountain soda? We have a fountain soda machine in the Starbucks area that TMs use for water.
Did your store not have fountain soda? We have a fountain soda machine in the Starbucks area that TMs use for water.
Yeh, we had one but they wanted us to fix one with 'filtered' water - until I told them that the fountain has filtered water & it's COLD.
If I really got short, I'd give them a cold cup to do themselves. Then they come back over & reach INTO my prep area to grab a lid & a straw. So I'd asked them if they washed their hands & they just look blank.
I'd then tell them they just stuck their dirty hands into a food prep area right in front of GUESTS.
Tip: Fond of your fingers? Keep 'em outta my work space.
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When scanning a rack of clearance, it is not a good idea to throw the things going further markdown in a heap on the ground, instead neatly place them on the front of your cart from left to right, then at the end of the rack you roll your stickers from right to left and you're done.

Salvage on the other hand is completely acceptable. Hahaha.
Though shalt not clutter both sides of the backroom hallway. Navigating between pallets, tubs, and carts with 12 pallets is difficult and unnecessary. Nor shall ye put vehicles on corners. Pallets need more room to make turns safely.

I love you. 🙂
- Please do not scream into the walkie. It can hear you if you hold it a reasonable distance away and speak in a normal tone.

My store has thought it would be a wonderful idea to put the people who scream into the walkie in the fitting room.
respect your fruit and temperature sensitive food, put them back in the proper area.
Don't put dairy in the freezer and vice versa. Never ever put a soda can in a freezer section.

And to all Guest please put what you do NOT want an longer back where you picked it up from, thanks.

Some idiot put a rockstar in my frozen bunker once...was REALLY fun cleaning that mess up let me tell you sigh
When pulling CAFs in grocery, start with BEV then SNCK, GRC2, then the rest. That way heavier items and bigger boxes are on the bottom of the tub.


Good tip. Usually I do all the GRC, Snacks and then BEV
My store has thought it would be a wonderful idea to put the people who scream into the walkie in the fitting room.

With the exception of a few, my store has somehow managed to put the "double whammy" team members as operator. Ones who consistently yell into the walkie and have trouble speaking intelligible English usually due to an accent or English not being their first language. One operator exchange with these types of operators goes like this:

A call comes in for Toys and is placed on 2280.

Operator, at the speed of light: TOYS (or boys, who knows) YOU HAVE CALL ON TWO TWO WHARRGARBLE, TOYS ON TWO TWO WHARRGARBLE.

TM: Operator, say again for Toys please?

Operator (again, speed of light): TOYS ON TWO TWO WHARRGARBLE (now louder than before and perfectly understandable): SECOND REQUEST.

TM: Operator, please say again a bit slower, I'm having trouble hearing the line.


TM: *proceeds to try every line from 80-89.

So the tip: Operators, thou shalt enunciate the entire 4 digits of the line including the 8 and the 0-9 part, not simply 2 2 followed by the word "eighty" or "eighty-two," etc. especially if you happen to have broken English or a strong accent, or both.
With the exception of a few, my store has somehow managed to put the "double whammy" team members as operator. Ones who consistently yell into the walkie and have trouble speaking intelligible English usually due to an accent or English not being their first language. One operator exchange with these types of operators goes like this:

A call comes in for Toys and is placed on 2280.

Operator, at the speed of light: TOYS (or boys, who knows) YOU HAVE CALL ON TWO TWO WHARRGARBLE, TOYS ON TWO TWO WHARRGARBLE.

TM: Operator, say again for Toys please?

Operator (again, speed of light): TOYS ON TWO TWO WHARRGARBLE (now louder than before and perfectly understandable): SECOND REQUEST.

TM: Operator, please say again a bit slower, I'm having trouble hearing the line.


TM: *proceeds to try every line from 80-89.

So the tip: Operators, thou shalt enunciate the entire 4 digits of the line including the 8 and the 0-9 part, not simply 2 2 followed by the word "eighty" or "eighty-two," etc. especially if you happen to have broken English or a strong accent, or both.

More often than not the call is on 2280 unless that line is busy. Then I assume most operators just move it up. So 2281, 2282
- An AP team member at a full run outranks everyone.
-AP struggling with a uncooperative is more important than getting by to go to break.
-When AP asks you to go to channel four, turn your walkie down so only you can heard it.
-If you don't have an earpiece, don't switch to channel four when AP asks someone else to switch to four.
-AP telling everyone to run out ranks everything except for the cops and firefighters.
-DO NOT greet the under cover AP team member as a valued team member.
With the exception of a few, my store has somehow managed to put the "double whammy" team members as operator. Ones who consistently yell into the walkie and have trouble speaking intelligible English usually due to an accent or English not being their first language. One operator exchange with these types of operators goes like this:

A call comes in for Toys and is placed on 2280.

Operator, at the speed of light: TOYS (or boys, who knows) YOU HAVE CALL ON TWO TWO WHARRGARBLE, TOYS ON TWO TWO WHARRGARBLE.

TM: Operator, say again for Toys please?

Operator (again, speed of light): TOYS ON TWO TWO WHARRGARBLE (now louder than before and perfectly understandable): SECOND REQUEST.

TM: Operator, please say again a bit slower, I'm having trouble hearing the line.


TM: *proceeds to try every line from 80-89.

So the tip: Operators, thou shalt enunciate the entire 4 digits of the line including the 8 and the 0-9 part, not simply 2 2 followed by the word "eighty" or "eighty-two," etc. especially if you happen to have broken English or a strong accent, or both.

That is when I tell the operator to go to three and chew her/him a new one on proper radio etiquette.

No screaming, slow your speaking, and always repeat it twice. Most of all wait a beat after you hit the button. We don't know "click" means.
- Only you can prevent dropped myDevices.
- Please do not scream into the walkie. It can hear you if you hold it a reasonable distance away and speak in a normal tone.

Guilty as charged...these are things I never, ever learned.

With that said, I have this to add:

- Thou shalt turn your fucking light on when you come up for backup.
- Thou shalt not dump your softlines re-wraps at guest service without first asking if they are able to help 😡
- Thou shalt open the boxes and check serial numbers when doing returns.
- Thou shalt defect out underwear returns, not repackage them 😵
- Unless you're an electronics TM and you are the only one back there, thou shalt sort your own shit at the service desk.
- Thou shalt not fall so hard for your boss 😳
Thou shalt hold the walkie button for a couple seconds before you start talking.

Thou shalt not call for back-up unless all of your cashiers are already on a lane instead of fucking around in One Spot.

Thou shalt not sort re-shop without scanning every item. If you don't want carts of mishmash brought up to the service desk, then don't give us carts of mishmash to push.

Thou shalt not STO heavy shit on top of the light-duty aisles. (I'm looking at you, overnight team.) If there isn't enough to put it on a pallet in the steel, keep it in the lower locations. Low and pro, and safely we go.
Quit taking the WAVe in the BR aisles, it wasn't designed for that. Yes, I realize that thing is heavy, but just ask for help. You're destroying the shelf supports.
Not to mention it is a huge waste of time to go get the wave for one item, and how is someone supposed to get it down if it's too heavy/awkward to carry?

(Looking at you, TM who puts Chistmas trees at the top of light duty aisles)
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