Archived The Tips of Totally Effective Target Team Members

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Thou shalt not sort re-shop without scanning every item. If you don't want carts of mishmash brought up to the service desk, then don't give us carts of mishmash to push.
LOLOLOLOL If your store is anything like mine, we don't have time to do that. Our HLTMs actually don't mind us throwing different bins together into one cart because they know where things go.
Thou shalt not sort re-shop without scanning every item. If you don't want carts of mishmash brought up to the service desk, then don't give us carts of mishmash to push.

It's funny about that... Our store recently went through the remodel of Home and Living, and for some reason our sort items function on the registers still say "Box F" for half of the items in B, C, and D as if they had no location so we just have to guess where it goes. If we every have a spare myDevice I have them sort with that, but we are so short on them as it is that we can't really spare them.
It's funny about that... Our store recently went through the remodel of Home and Living, and for some reason our sort items function on the registers still say "Box F" for half of the items in B, C, and D as if they had no location so we just have to guess where it goes. If we every have a spare myDevice I have them sort with that, but we are so short on them as it is that we can't really spare them.

That's the one problem with using Smart Sort: it doesn't recognize hardlines items that should be on the floor but aren't on a hard-and-fast planogram (i.e. flexed or visually merchandised). We haven't had the home innovation remodel at my store, but most Fan Central items fall into that category.
Yeah, but ideally everything is still grouped by fillgroup instead of stuff just bring tossed in whatever WACO it fits in (like our cooler...)
I need to tell you something important.

Just because something contains meat, does not mean it is MEAT.

It can also be DELI.

Please learn your DPCIs.


216 - DELI
Oh wait! I have read something!. I had that issue with a newbie too.
Oh wait! I have read something!. I had that issue with a newbie too.

3/4 of flow TMs who work the FDC will ALWAYS put DELI on the MEAT rack. I'm getting sick of walking across the store to put away a rack of DELI that was buried in a fuckton of MEAT.
Meat and deli go in the same room though

ASANTS. My store has DELI in the produce cooler.
Maybe a year ago (? sometime within the last year or so) there was a message that came out company wide to move DELI to the produce or dairy cooler and out of the meat cooler. The meat cooler is colder and it damages the produce that started ending up in DELI with all of those "meals made simple" kits. That's not to say all stores moved it, but either way...fill groups should be kept separate. Makes pulls and inventory way quicker. Makes everything easier really.
When you have a GSA asking, "hey TEEEAM!.... I have a guest who needs help finding a toaster oven. Can anyone respond?" Don't expect your reshop left at the service desk to be accurately sorted. I can and do sort all my reshop myself because I know the store.
Carry a pen and post its with you. If you can, carry a cordless phone with you. There are times that I'm the only one on the floor and it helps to have the phone for guest questions. If I can't use a cordless I'll take a pic of the item a guest is asking about so I can answer their questions w/o running back and forth. Also carry a few of the little sticky tab things for pegged items. When you bring something up front for a guest put a sticky note with date and name. I also let GS and the GSA know. "GSA, I just brought a book case up for a guest they are finishing their shopping. It at the express lane with a note."
That prevents, "Team, was someone bringing a book case up for a guest?" or "Team does anyone know what the book case parked at the express lanes is for?"
When a guest asks me to check if we have something at another store I'll print a list via mdse locate on a register. I always tell them to call the store, get the name of the TM they speak to and ask them to go look for the item and not just look in their PDA.
Carry a pen and post its with you. If you can, carry a cordless phone with you. There are times that I'm the only one on the floor and it helps to have the phone for guest questions. If I can't use a cordless I'll take a pic of the item a guest is asking about so I can answer their questions w/o running back and forth. Also carry a few of the little sticky tab things for pegged items. When you bring something up front for a guest put a sticky note with date and name. I also let GS and the GSA know. "GSA, I just brought a book case up for a guest they are finishing their shopping. It at the express lane with a note."
That prevents, "Team, was someone bringing a book case up for a guest?" or "Team does anyone know what the book case parked at the express lanes is for?"
When a guest asks me to check if we have something at another store I'll print a list via mdse locate on a register. I always tell them to call the store, get the name of the TM they speak to and ask them to go look for the item and not just look in their PDA.

I thank you for your service. It helps me immensely when whoever brings up an item for a guest informs us what it's for.
Carry a pen and post its with you
I started carrying one of those miquelrius stonepaper journals (we used to sell them in stationary) in my back pocket. These things are amazing! I have had the same one for about 18 months and it's completely held up despite living in my back pocket. The pages hold ink like a champ and are completely waterproof and tearproof.
Having one of those notebooks is handy for signing too.
I went through three or four of them in my time.
There are always going to be numbers of fixtures and pogs you are going to need, things that make no frelling sense that you are going to have to try and draw pictures of, etc.
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