Carry a pen and post its with you. If you can, carry a cordless phone with you. There are times that I'm the only one on the floor and it helps to have the phone for guest questions. If I can't use a cordless I'll take a pic of the item a guest is asking about so I can answer their questions w/o running back and forth. Also carry a few of the little sticky tab things for pegged items. When you bring something up front for a guest put a sticky note with date and name. I also let GS and the GSA know. "GSA, I just brought a book case up for a guest they are finishing their shopping. It at the express lane with a note."
That prevents, "Team, was someone bringing a book case up for a guest?" or "Team does anyone know what the book case parked at the express lanes is for?"
When a guest asks me to check if we have something at another store I'll print a list via mdse locate on a register. I always tell them to call the store, get the name of the TM they speak to and ask them to go look for the item and not just look in their PDA.