Archived The Tips of Totally Effective Target Team Members

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When you have a GSA asking, "hey TEEEAM!.... I have a guest who needs help finding a toaster oven. Can anyone respond?" Don't expect your reshop left at the service desk to be accurately sorted. I can and do sort all my reshop myself because I know the store.

New GSA? I hope? I mean, I might not know the exact aisle # of our toaster ovens, but I can certainly walk over to them and grab one. I can also check my mydevice for an aisle # in a number of seconds. I can't imagine why the hell I'd ask over the walkie though unless a guest wanted an exact aisle # and for some reason I had no mydevice or PDA.
ASANTS. My store has DELI in the produce cooler.

My store also has it in the produce cooler. My new ETL LOG had all the raw meat locations deleted to cut the time spent backstocking and pulling meat. There were plans to do the same with produce but it hasn't been implemented yet.
New GSA? I hope? I mean, I might not know the exact aisle # of our toaster ovens, but I can certainly walk over to them and grab one. I can also check my mydevice for an aisle # in a number of seconds. I can't imagine why the hell I'd ask over the walkie though unless a guest wanted an exact aisle # and for some reason I had no mydevice or PDA.
Not new. She lives at the service desk. Lol
When asked to go to another channel, please, confirm you're switching channels instead of just switching and not saying anything.

Such a pain...
My store also has it in the produce cooler. My new ETL LOG had all the raw meat locations deleted to cut the time spent backstocking and pulling meat. There were plans to do the same with produce but it hasn't been implemented yet.
Do do it if you're a PFresh unless you have the hours to support someone extra purging everyday. The hours saved backstocking and pulling don't matter when your floor is empty and your cooler is full. The hours saved especially don't matter when sales floor hours get cut and you're scrambling to get even the most basic of the basic, daily stuff done.
Carry a pen and post its with you. If you can, carry a cordless phone with you. There are times that I'm the only one on the floor and it helps to have the phone for guest questions. If I can't use a cordless I'll take a pic of the item a guest is asking about so I can answer their questions w/o running back and forth. Also carry a few of the little sticky tab things for pegged items. When you bring something up front for a guest put a sticky note with date and name. I also let GS and the GSA know. "GSA, I just brought a book case up for a guest they are finishing their shopping. It at the express lane with a note."
That prevents, "Team, was someone bringing a book case up for a guest?" or "Team does anyone know what the book case parked at the express lanes is for?"
When a guest asks me to check if we have something at another store I'll print a list via mdse locate on a register. I always tell them to call the store, get the name of the TM they speak to and ask them to go look for the item and not just look in their PDA.

I always cover the GSTL when I bring a flatbed of product up to the front, at least the guest service desk. So when they get asked they know what it is. And always tell the guest to tell the cashier it was dropped at the lanes for you. Cover all sides.
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