Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

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Thanks! As a matter of fact, I got 3 today! 😀

Today as a bit hectic as we had quite a few sales going on, and the system wasn't picking up a lot of them. There was one sale on girl's hair clips/bows when you buy three, and I swear, one of them rang up as a freaking NECKLACE. Like....what. I had my LOD come over and she helped me make that right, and I also took that time to let her know that the system was doing that with a ton of sale items; obvious sweaters weren't coming up with the BOGO half off deal, same with toys, LEGO sets weren't coming up that way either even though I had the ad right in front of my face, and I literally had a girl's shirt ring up as $16, when the label said $9.00. I think the systems are tired of the Holidays' bs.

Sweaters are not BOGO this week in my store. They're 40% off for RTW and Men's only. The BOGO is for sleep wear... 🙂 But yeh, I have gotten some strange things off of UPC scans during my time at Target. It's really weird when that happens.
Sweaters are not BOGO this week in my store. They're 40% off for RTW and Men's only. The BOGO is for sleep wear... 🙂 But yeh, I have gotten some strange things off of UPC scans during my time at Target. It's really weird when that happens.

...Oh yeah. My bad. I can't brain right now, I has a dumb. 😱 But the sweaters weren't ringing up with their sale price.

I at least make sure that, when it happens, I let the guest know that I really do want to fix that for them and that I like saving people money. They're usually a lot happier when I show some sympathy and try and make it right. I'd be snippy too if I went to buy something on sale and it ringing up as not on sale. Most stores give you a giant middle finger when that happens and you leave mad and disappointed.
...Oh yeah. My bad. I can't brain right now, I has a dumb. 😱 But the sweaters weren't ringing up with their sale price.

I at least make sure that, when it happens, I let the guest know that I really do want to fix that for them and that I like saving people money. They're usually a lot happier when I show some sympathy and try and make it right. I'd be snippy too if I went to buy something on sale and it ringing up as not on sale. Most stores give you a giant middle finger when that happens and you leave mad and disappointed.

Yeh, we run into that issue with items that are discontinued in sales that only exclude clearance. Discontinued is not always picked up on the price adjustment for the sale. We always try to warn he front lanes to watch out for those and make it right. We also try to keep the signs only on the items that ring up but when the sign says "all sweaters, excludes clearance only" then um... it only seems fair to give it to them even if it doesn't ring up right at the register. 🙂
Was heading up with the ship to store and then was going to be leaving because I was staying to my schedule. Was stopped by an ETL and was told to take care of the sweep paperwork before I leave. Upon mention of my scheduled time out the response was "cut it later in the week". Did what was told only now I am in compliance because of this. How do I deal with this? HR is already on the warpath
Thanks! As a matter of fact, I got 3 today! 😀

Today as a bit hectic as we had quite a few sales going on, and the system wasn't picking up a lot of them. There was one sale on girl's hair clips/bows when you buy three, and I swear, one of them rang up as a freaking NECKLACE. Like....what. I had my LOD come over and she helped me make that right, and I also took that time to let her know that the system was doing that with a ton of sale items; obvious sweaters weren't coming up with the BOGO half off deal, same with toys, LEGO sets weren't coming up that way either even though I had the ad right in front of my face, and I literally had a girl's shirt ring up as $16, when the label said $9.00. I think the systems are tired of the Holidays' bs.

Aren't LEGO's excluded?
Was heading up with the ship to store and then was going to be leaving because I was staying to my schedule. Was stopped by an ETL and was told to take care of the sweep paperwork before I leave. Upon mention of my scheduled time out the response was "cut it later in the week". Did what was told only now I am in compliance because of this. How do I deal with this? HR is already on the warpath

You still need to count your hours and clock for 2nd lunches, my state every 4 1/2 hours you punch out. Most people screw up the second lunch. Apologize and don't do it again.
Days like today make me very glad that YouTube is full of videos of kittens and puppies, because they remind me there is happiness in the world.
Why are we still hiring seasonal team members?
Oh, yeah the ones that you hired in November have already abandoned their jobs, been fired or taken out in handcuffs. Today I watched four get their walking papers.
The DTL is in the area and yes we aren't making sales goals, yes we don't have coverage in the area, and the zone is a blazing red and no we don't have anyone to push the line or answer the phones because you fired them. No one can help with a code since the sales floor is now closing with one tm in softlines and only one is hardlines. Yes sfs is running out of boxes and no one can lead us any, yes I do remember helping others out when they ran out and they can't help us out right now. The gsa? Oh yeah they out their two weeks in and yes there is absolutlely no one to watch the lanes.
Good night closing LOD, I don't care for you and well no one really likes you, yes this is what karma looks like, oh yeah, I'm leaving the building to go watch some adorable puppies. Peace.
So my STL had a meeting today with the Flow TL, BRTL, ETL-LOG, and our new ETL-HR.

Some highlights:
- absolutely no overtime for anyone from this point forward
- truck unload is going from 10pm back to 4am for the rest of Q4
- the Flow TL quit
So my STL had a meeting today with the Flow TL, BRTL, ETL-LOG, and our new ETL-HR.

Some highlights:
- absolutely no overtime for anyone from this point forward
- truck unload is going from 10pm back to 4am for the rest of Q4
- the Flow TL quit
I'm assuming there's just one Flow-TL in this story and at the end of the meeting they flip the table over and walk out.
I'm assuming there's just one Flow-TL in this story and at the end of the meeting they flip the table over and walk out.
No, he's pretty chill and is more likely to get disappointed than angry. Another TM saw him walk into TSC, drop his keys on the desk and leave.
I'm sure this will out me but whatever. I don't really care cause this story is crazy as shit.

So, last night, between 11-midnight (aka dead city in the store), these very obvious fraudsters came to the SD with a pretty beat up breast pump box. He wants to exchange it. He doesn't have a receipt. He says he called and someone (name starts with C) told him he could do it with an ID. My fellow SDTM says, sure, but you have to get the same thing though. He walks off then here comes another one. This one has a toddler bike and a Kitchenaid stand mixer. Doesn't have receipt. He wants to exchange it. Fellow SDTM tells him the same thing. He walks off. I just stand there and process the defectives watching everything.

Second fraudster comes back to the desk with Ninja and some other things - no bike. TM tells him, no, you have to get another bike. Fraudster starts to beg, can't you do this for me, my daughter, it's Christmas, blah, blah, blah. I'm side-eyeing the hell out of him because, yeah, no. You're not the first and won't be the last to try this shit. So, the other TM walks off with him and first fraudster comes to the desk with a breast pump plus some other high priced items. I tell him other TM will be back to help in a few but he's acting like he doesn't have time. Call GSA over. GSA tells him he can't even do the exchange because it's over the $70 limit. Fraudster gets angry, says I don't want you helping me, the other guy was helping just fine. At this point, I grab the walkie and call for LOD (who just happened to be ETL-AP) and ask him to come to the desk.

Before LOD can come over, TM has returned with bike and stand mixer fraudster and for some reason processes the return on a gift card and leaves the gift card on the counter. TM repeats that he needs to get another bike. Fraudie doesn't like that so he grabs the bike AND THE GIFT CARD off the desk and walks off. TM tells LOD what happened before beginning to help breast pump dude. LOD stays and tells him he is only getting the breast pump, not the other high-price items he has. He accepts his fate and gets his brand spanking new pump.

I walk away from the desk for a second after they're all gone and realize that bike fraud is at a lane with the GSA. I tell TM (he's also a GSA) and he walks over to the lane to tell the dude that he can only purchase another bike (remember, he has the gift card). Fraudenstein gets angry and starts cussing and walks out the store. TM tells the SrTL who was walking past and she was like just void out the gift card. ETL-AP can look it up. But lookie here, receipt is still on the counter! TM post voids the transaction. So now the asshole has a gift card with no value and we have the items.

And there was yet another person on line who was going to try the same thing. She walked off when she realized that we weren't having it. I know it's the season and people will try their luck but last night that made me really uncomfortable. I told my coworkers to please be safe walking out the door. They looked like the type who would wait for them to come out and try something.
Keeping the 4+ week hot streak alive. Nowhere near coming clean in the back room. Everything on our jam-packed push line gets shoved over to the other side of the back room as I attempt to set the truck line. Overnight ETL is visibly annoyed by the mess he comes into every night, but I can only do so much with the hours given. I will not skip my breaks, and I will not stay late because my mids spend half their shift screwing around.

I'm waiting for someone to say something to me about how bad things look, so that I can ask them why they continue to approve OT to send us to OTHER stores to help out when OUR store is the one that needs our attention. Stop extending hours for TMs who don't do anything, and fork out OT for those of us who bust our asses, don't waste time, and actually get things done. Sorry STL, maybe you should loosen the grip on your precious bonus just a little bit and see who are your top performers, then do whatever you have to do to keep us. But in order to do that, you would have to leave your office once in a while.
I hate everyone that I work with. My fellow team members screw around all shift and get so hostile that it actually scares me. I've had one guy screaming in my face because he told me he wanted to do the flexible fulfillments, but I saw that he was completely ignoring them and missing the deadlines while I was at lunch. So I started doing them as soon as I got back from lunch and he BLEW UP when he saw me doing them. I had another guy flip out because I asked him why he called for help on a 70 minute CAF when there were two of us pulling. When we pull together, we usually knock out 2 hour CAFs in 40 minutes, so I had no idea why he thought we needed help. I apologized and told him I wasn't trying to insult him and he glared at me and then stormed off. They show up high or hungover every day and then say, "I'm sick man, I've gotta take it easy today".

My team leader acts oblivious any time I bring issues to them. My ETL refuses to do anything about anything, they just say, "It'll work itself out eventually". When I tried bringing issues to my STL he told me, "Don't bother me again, I have a store to run". When I brought up theft of personal items to my ETL they told me, "If you don't want your stuff stolen, don't bring it to work". When I brought it up to AP they said, "Even if we caught them on camera, we wouldn't be able to do anything about it". I know people like to say "call the hotline", but I'm not interested in crucifying myself.

On top of all this, I work "clopening" shifts exclusively so I can never get any sleep and every day when I show up I immediately get told to work the freezer/coolers and receiving while all the assholes get the good hours and easy pulls and get to fuck around all day laughing it up pretending to work. I'm the only one that ever grabs a walkie so I have to handle all the guest calls and bring all the flexible fulfillments to guest service, running around while I'm decked out in my freezer gear because it would take too long to take it off and put it back on again. It's ridiculous how often they just stand around chatting, and some of them brag about how they hide and play on their phone for hours at a time when they're closing that night. They disappear for hours at a time or they just work so slow they might as well not be there. Two guys on the team took THREE HOURS to pull a 60 minute CAF together. We're supposed to be able to pull 70 minutes EACH within an hour, but it took them 360 minutes of manpower to pull a 60 minute caf while I was handling all the guest calls and flexible fulfillments. The LOD finally had to ask me to go help them finish it because they were taking so long.

Everyone in the store loves me except the people in my immediate workcenter. I'm so nice to my teammates and I try so hard to please them, I try to bear the burden of all the shitty tasks they don't want to do but they just take advantage of me and act like I'm a freak. I consistently get first or second place on the pull count every week, but they act like I'm a snail. They get mad at me when I don't do things "their way", when "their way" is backwards as hell and makes things take twice as long or goes directly against what our team leader or ETL instructed us to do.

I need to get some sleep, I'm done.

Get out. AP can fire and arrest people stealing things. It has happened in my store, but your AP is being lazy. Save yourself get out!
@TBRTWITCH No seriously, call the hotline. And maybe start looking for a less toxic workplace.

Highlights of my second time covering receiving:
-There are none.
-My ETL, who had originally scheduled me for the shift today, wanted me to help instocks. Then changed his mind and sent me to the backroom instead. Where I spent three hours backstocking electronics and entertainment. The guy they had cover receiving, to my knowledge, hasn't applied for the position.
-Okay, one good thing. Managed to clear off a flat and a cart: the E+E stockroom is looking cleeeeeeaaaannnn. If you ignore the cart loaded with Skylanders shippers from who knows where sitting in front of the door; it showed up while I was on lunch. And the other cart next to it. And the cart full of gift cards from who knows when sitting in the stockroom. Somebody should push those some day.
-I got through several more episodes of "Welcome to Nightvale."
Why, oh why are we locating gift cards? This especially is the time of year where they should be kept organized on a vehicle and replenished as needed, the same way checklane candy and batteries are replenished.
I am seriously losing respect for my ETLs. Today, they had a whopping 6 TMs for the 2100 piece truck, so people were getting pulled from everywhere to help out. SFS started getting behind and they almost certainly didn't get the picks done on time.

And to top it off, as a follow up to the "no more overtime" plan, everyone who had it accumulated so far this week was told to cut it all. So I got to cut 9 hours by leaving early today and not coming in tomorrow at all. And apparently this is going to cause our backroom to have only one opener tomorrow.
So my STL had a meeting today with the Flow TL, BRTL, ETL-LOG, and our new ETL-HR.

Some highlights:
- absolutely no overtime for anyone from this point forward
- truck unload is going from 10pm back to 4am for the rest of Q4
- the Flow TL quit

There's been a few such meetings in my store lately. We've lost 3 flow TLs in the last 2 months and our ETL-LOG quit without notice. Overnight TMs have been quitting in droves. No OT whatsoever. Our STL has been covering overnights for the last week. Last night our DTL worked a full overnight.
Days like today make me very glad that YouTube is full of videos of kittens and puppies, because they remind me there is happiness in the world.
Why are we still hiring seasonal team members?
Oh, yeah the ones that you hired in November have already abandoned their jobs, been fired or taken out in handcuffs. Today I watched four get their walking papers.
The DTL is in the area and yes we aren't making sales goals, yes we don't have coverage in the area, and the zone is a blazing red and no we don't have anyone to push the line or answer the phones because you fired them. No one can help with a code since the sales floor is now closing with one tm in softlines and only one is hardlines. Yes sfs is running out of boxes and no one can lead us any, yes I do remember helping others out when they ran out and they can't help us out right now. The gsa? Oh yeah they out their two weeks in and yes there is absolutlely no one to watch the lanes.
Good night closing LOD, I don't care for you and well no one really likes you, yes this is what karma looks like, oh yeah, I'm leaving the building to go watch some adorable puppies. Peace.

We are up 13% for the month and feels like we dont have anyone on the floor either..from 2:30-6 ish I think we had 1-2 people on the floor last night....not including electronics or market though

If we just make forecast my LOD last night said we will have around 1000 flex hours....what are we saving them for after xmas? Its been freaking nuts

When I was closing backroom last saturday I pulled about 17 vehicles of pulls and after the last pulls were done there were still 8 of them on the line even though we had 1-2 people working on them the whole day. It was also JUST me from 1:30-8:30....boy that sure was fun....I literally just did autofills and myfas my entire 8 hour shift
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So today, my shift was extended but first part I was doing toy demo. A guest wanted a toy pulled from the back, and my TL asked me to do it, and I asked someone to watch my station. My ETL-LOG happened to be there and was like... Why are you here? And I say I'm pulling an item for a guest. He gives me serious attitude. He then walkies my TL and asks when the toy demo ends (even though I tell him it ends at 2). He just thinks I'm slacking or something. He later apologized to me saying I'm glad you sold some, we put you there because you're the warmest and most approachable person in the store. But, it was annoying that he thought I went to the BR to "slack off" and had to walkie my TL to verify.
Typical Saturday in December at Target. Flow and backroom bail early cuz overtime bad. Early backroom team members milk the clock earlier in the week so when Saturday comes, they leave super early. A backroom helper says hey "Bob isn't feeling well" and I say "he's probably gonna leave early". Of course I am the master of the backroom and was correct. Fucker left at 3pm. He couldn't stay till 430pm. Too many wimps and softies in the backroom at my turd store. I just wish people would just say " I am leaving early because I don't want to work late". Even though you're scheduled till 430pm. I get it that you're a piece of shit and normally work 4am to noon so working until 430pm is out of your comfort zone. Guess what? Fuck you and your comfort zone. The 4pm caf batches rolled. Missed one because I was working with slow poke. Even the LOD made fun of the backroom team member that left early. She said with a smirk "he had plans?". Haha.
There's this one seasonal TM that's extremely slow. She literally took 3 hours to push a pull. I saw in on the floor, 30 minutes before I had to leave. My SrTL asked whose tub it was and I told her and I just decided to push it and did it in 10 minutes; my SrTL laughed when she found out. Before that, the seasonal TM asked me, I'm working 2-10, do I just get 2 breaks or do I get a lunch? I was so dumbfounded.
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This lady came in and had 3 curtains on hold but wanted 4 so we took her to get a 4th and then she decided to harass employees while making them go through every curtain rod in the store, hit one in the head accidentally With one and didn't apologize, then ran over one With a cart, again not apologizing, then when one was putting a curtain rod back into the box (she made them take them all out even though you could see them in the box) she pushed the box fast and gave her a papercut again not apologizing.

THEN demanded someone help her find matching pillows to go with the new curtains and treated that employee like crap

THEN went to guest services and demanded she gets 20 percent off everything cause someone at another store somewhere gave her 20 percent off her whole purchase

THEN got mad they didn't have any large bags and demanded she gets New bags (she thought one that was a little crumpled was used) and made them put one thing in each bag and then redid their entire bagging.

Everyone was ready to slap her 😡 we were held hostage by this woman for over an hour
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This lady came in and had 3 curtains on hold but wanted 4 so we took her to get a 4th and then she decided to harass employees while making them go through every curtain rod in the store, hit one in the head accidentally With one and didn't apologize, then ran over one With a cart, again not apologizing, then when one was putting a curtain rod back into the box (she made them take them all out even though you could see them in the box) she pushed the box fast and gave her a papercut again not apologizing.

THEN demanded someone help her find matching pillows to go with the new curtains and treated that employee like crap

THEN went to guest services and demanded she gets 20 percent off everything cause someone at another store somewhere gave her 20 percent off her whole purchase

THEN got mad they didn't have any large bags and demanded she gets New bags (she thought one that was a little crumpled was used) and made them put one thing in each bag and then redid their entire bagging.

Everyone was ready to slap her 😡 we were held hostage by this woman for over an hour

Hurt me, get the FUCK OUT!!!!! Your sales don't make up for the comp claim. She running game.
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