Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

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Umm this.. Along with the wall of towels and an ETL standing guard at the other side of this door as the sewage spread throughout the offices yesterday.

The plumber was arriving as I left.
Please tell me that the etl bathroom and not the CA mop room.
Please tell me that the etl bathroom and not the CA mop room.

Those are the ETL offices, mop room would be off the left of that picture with a small office between. Bathrooms would be 30ft to left of picture. No such thing as ETL bathroom.
Those are the ETL offices, mop room would be off the left of that picture with a small office between. Bathrooms would be 30ft to left of picture. No such thing as ETL bathroom.
In your store, maybe. In ours there is bathroom that is locked in the offices area and only etls have the key to.
Ok ever realize when guest comes to looking for item that you know you don't have (like a sony sound bar) and you discover someone 3 days effed up the amount and now you have 32 of them that don't exist, yet the website swears you do.
Why even bother to set my work center to electronics all week when I spend my entire shifts in toys and sporting goods, for which I have never done any sort of training or orientation? I come from a construction background so I'm no stranger to tight timelines, but at the end of the day, even on the worst of days, you get closer to the end goal. There's no such thing in toys and sporting goods, where things usually end up looking worse even after zoning through, regardless of how well you did.

I also hear this is looking to be permanent with mobile taking over all of electronics and the electronics TMs will be relegated to toys and sporting goods. All while being more or less chastised for accessory attachment rates as a department, which will be assuredly poorer going forward. I just don't think I will stick around after my 90 days are up, this makes no sense.
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@Unsilent, would you rather be paid $0.50 less per hour as a hardlines TM? Don't forget that electronics is in a higher paygrade.
I would be pissed if they had me doing sporting goods along with toys. I already have electronics/entertainment/toys adding sporting would be killer. I can usually finish comfortably before 11:30 but another department hahah no. It's bad enough when they have me do CAFs for other departments, making me stop my go backs for my actual department(s) and I can't finish so they're upset I didn't finish when they offloaded an assload of shit for me to do. 50 cents more is nice though
@Unsilent, would you rather be paid $0.50 less per hour as a hardlines TM? Don't forget that electronics is in a higher paygrade.

It's probably an intermediary step to being moved to a hardlines TM, since it's rare that there is a hardlines TM assigned to those areas. I don't know, I just figure I should do the work that needs doing instead of doing filler work, leaving my own work center a mess. There will be a breaking point though, where mobile gets swamped with their actual responsibilities and results at one end or another, maybe both, will be consistently underwhelming. Naturally, this will fall on the heads of electronics TMs, so there's that to look forward to.
I would be pissed if they had me doing sporting goods along with toys. I already have electronics/entertainment/toys adding sporting would be killer. I can usually finish comfortably before 11:30 but another department hahah no. It's bad enough when they have me do CAFs for other departments, making me stop my go backs for my actual department(s) and I can't finish so they're upset I didn't finish when they offloaded an assload of shit for me to do. 50 cents more is nice though
You would love my store, then. Electronics is responsible for the entire blocks of E and F which includes entertainment, electronics, luggage, home improvement, automotive, sporting goods, and toys. Sometimes they throw seasonal and infant headlines in there too. We are also responsible for all salesplanners in those areas.
Receiving door's been broken for two weeks now and the PMT told me last time one of these needed to be replaced, it took two months. So at worst, that's another six weeks of using the fire exit and hearing the front end complain about alarms going off. I don't think there's a best case scenario here.

Ever since the milk deliveries switched to pallets instead of rolling carts, we can't go a week without the driver getting pissed off because the empties are shoved in the back of the cooler behind 2-3 pallets and racks of our shit. If we're lucky, somebody remembered to sort and stack the returning pallets. If not, there's three separate stacks with good and bad milk mixed together.

My ETL keeps ordering garbage cans we don't need. Oh good, another can for by the baler! We already have one that nobody empties, why not work on fixing that first? And starting projects he won't finish, like the flatbed of Sterilite lids floating around for 3+ days now that he wants to put on a shelf somewhere. I give it another day before somebody just tosses the whole mess.

And then there's the broken glass somebody just dropped off at my desk when I wasn't looking. Or the compactor that smells like "cabbage juice" and "a dead pig," as some people have described it.
Receiving door's been broken for two weeks now and the PMT told me last time one of these needed to be replaced, it took two months. So at worst, that's another six weeks of using the fire exit and hearing the front end complain about alarms going off. I don't think there's a best case scenario here.

Ever since the milk deliveries switched to pallets instead of rolling carts, we can't go a week without the driver getting pissed off because the empties are shoved in the back of the cooler behind 2-3 pallets and racks of our shit. If we're lucky, somebody remembered to sort and stack the returning pallets. If not, there's three separate stacks with good and bad milk mixed together.

My ETL keeps ordering garbage cans we don't need. Oh good, another can for by the baler! We already have one that nobody empties, why not work on fixing that first? And starting projects he won't finish, like the flatbed of Sterilite lids floating around for 3+ days now that he wants to put on a shelf somewhere. I give it another day before somebody just tosses the whole mess.

And then there's the broken glass somebody just dropped off at my desk when I wasn't looking. Or the compactor that smells like "cabbage juice" and "a dead pig," as some people have described it.

The lids just take a look up in the steel for a stack of matching bins and if you don't see any - chuck them. Just chuck them. When w find the bins we make overnight who are the usual idiots of backstocking bins with no lids defect all the bins. As a kind reminder to keep all product pieces together.
Receiving door's been broken for two weeks now and the PMT told me last time one of these needed to be replaced, it took two months. So at worst, that's another six weeks of using the fire exit and hearing the front end complain about alarms going off. I don't think there's a best case scenario here.
Seriously? How hard is it for them to call an overhead door repair company, get it fixed/replaced, and send the invoice up to HQ?

Ever since the milk deliveries switched to pallets instead of rolling carts, we can't go a week without the driver getting pissed off because the empties are shoved in the back of the cooler behind 2-3 pallets and racks of our shit. If we're lucky, somebody remembered to sort and stack the returning pallets. If not, there's three separate stacks with good and bad milk mixed together.
We keep empty milk crates on a flat in the ambient room.

The lids just take a look up in the steel for a stack of matching bins and if you don't see any - chuck them. Just chuck them. When w find the bins we make overnight who are the usual idiots of backstocking bins with no lids defect all the bins. As a kind reminder to keep all product pieces together.

Our instocks TM brought back a bunch of plastics overstock a few days ago, most of it missing lids. I backstocked the ones with lids and then slapped a pull clip on the rest and put it on the line... She was not happy (even after explaining why we couldn't backstock it).
@Bosch @SFSFun
That's normally how we handle plastics too. But this guy's full of big ideas and it's up to somebody else to clean up the mess see it through.

Seriously? How hard is it for them to call an overhead door repair company, get it fixed/replaced, and send the invoice up to HQ?
Apparently it is pretty fucking difficult. Last I heard, the repair company (which are a 3rd party or something because the original company doesn't do this work anymore?) ordered parts but there's some mixup between them and Target where the billing hasn't been approved or something. Doesn't help that they never left contact info when they came in 2 weeks ago and it took forever for the PMT to track them down for an update. And that when they were last in, the door situation was "a piece is broken but things are mostly still in place" and not that picture I posted earlier where the whole thing looks about to kill somebody.
And starting projects he won't finish, like the flatbed of Sterilite lids floating around for 3+ days now that he wants to put on a shelf somewhere. I give it another day before somebody just tosses the whole mess.

Odd. Just spend the 5 minutes marrying the lids to the tubs, and toss/defect anything that is not a match. :eyeroll: it's not complicated.

Get rid of that shit before BTC starts.
So at worst, that's another six weeks of using the fire exit and hearing the front end complain about alarms going off. I don't think there's a best case scenario here.

Doesn't the LOD unlock the fire exit so the vendors don't hit the alarm bar? That's what they do at my store when contractors need to get in and out via the fire exits.

Ever since the milk deliveries switched to pallets instead of rolling carts, we can't go a week without the driver getting pissed off because the empties are shoved in the back of the cooler behind 2-3 pallets and racks of our shit.

When we have enough empty crates, we put them on a pallet, shrink-wrap, and take the pallet outside, where it sits until the milk vendor takes it. We don't have room for that shit in the dairy cooler.
When we have enough empty crates, we put them on a pallet, shrink-wrap, and take the pallet outside, where it sits until the milk vendor takes it. We don't have room for that shit in the dairy cooler.
Yeah that's super against the health code here. Also doesn't help that there's nowhere to put it outside.
Our instocks TM brought back a bunch of plastics overstock a few days ago, most of it missing lids. I backstocked the ones with lids and then slapped a pull clip on the rest and put it on the line... She was not happy (even after explaining why we couldn't backstock it).

Is she new? Cause she should know better and just defected all those without lids. No excuse for that lazy BS.
So I came in a half-hour late due to bus shenanigans while thinking, "Gee, I'm pretty invisible and insignificant, no one's going to notice." A few moments before I walk in, I get a text from an unknown number. It's one of the HR TMs asking if I'm coming in. One of my friends from instocks told me the GSTL and the STL have been looking for me, giving me an extra stretch of hours onto my shift for me to cover as a cashier.

Also, a mildly white trash family came into my line to buy just a swimsuit for the mom. Not only was the tag missing, but the teeny white tag with the DPCI on the inside was missing as well. When we found the actual price, they were chill but I'm still suspicious.
Its not a good idea to have Food Ave, opened by a newbie on her 2nd day and never been shown how to open. She told the Overnight LOD who didn't pass that on to the opening LOD, overnight told her to clean and someone would get with her, about 11:30am she finds the GSTL and asks who is coming over to help me?

Yeah they scheduled her but not her trainer.....
Its not a good idea to have Food Ave, opened by a newbie on her 2nd day and never been shown how to open. She told the Overnight LOD who didn't pass that on to the opening LOD, overnight told her to clean and someone would get with her, about 11:30am she finds the GSTL and asks who is coming over to help me?

Yeah they scheduled her but not her trainer.....
We have no training hours to pair up trainers and trainees. If our store is getting training hours, they're being turned into regular hours, meaning the fresh meat is getting normal shifts. If they were actually paired up with someone, maybe we could actually train people properly... I haven't seen a training schedule for a new TM in years.
We have no training hours to pair up trainers and trainees. If our store is getting training hours, they're being turned into regular hours, meaning the fresh meat is getting normal shifts. If they were actually paired up with someone, maybe we could actually train people properly... I haven't seen a training schedule for a new TM in years.

Our STL was not happy since we have hours, they I know we have a TM on LOA, why this newbie was hired. No this was yet another fuck up by our ETLGE who can't write a schedule to save her life. I also know the trainer, he would have never not shown her how to open if she was going to open the next day by herself.

Our STL was double not happy since we are in trouble with Steritech, and having a newbie with almost no training would have not done well.
Whatever's eating the pet food in the storage trailer has started shitting in there too. And nobody seems to think this requires any sort of timely action.
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