Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

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Yeah, something about the doors near receiving just sucks common sense and the ability to read out of every ones brain.
Its probably the combination of fumes from our compactor and the wonderful assortment of chemicals and food items that break during unload, etc.

...I should start bringing my own air supply to work. Just in case.
Tired of the way Target sells shoes. I just think we should sell shoes like Macy's... Everyday people mess up the shoe area. Just put chairs and I will get the size you need instead of trashing my area
We had an alarm go off one night and the cops showed up to check everything out. While they walked through the store with one of the ETLs they walked past the disaster that is shoes and asked if it always looked like that 😀

Haha. That is amazing. I had an LOD tell me recently that the shoes were on the do list for me during a closing shift as FR. I responded with "And exactly what day isn't shoes technically on the "needs help" list?" -- The response -- It's always on the list. Yeah. It's always on the list && always looks like a disaster. So I'm not going to waste my time or yours pretending to zone shoes when I have all of softlines re shop, fitting rooms and another department. I picked up the floor. Your welcome && put it on the list for tomorrow 😉
Or they don't spend the hours at all and it just looks like shit all the time, like at my store.

This...I remember when it looked so good and everything was in the right place from a total reset a while back. Like 2 days later it was trashed all over and looked terrible. I was just SMH, HOW....HOW is that even possible
This...I remember when it looked so good and everything was in the right place from a total reset a while back. Like 2 days later it was trashed all over and looked terrible. I was just SMH, HOW....HOW is that even possible

Speaking of shoes, I had to zone that yesterday. It looked like a tornado hit it. Boxes and shoes everywhere on the floor. It took me about 3 hours to get everything in the right place. My TL scolded me for taking too long but I'm like =__= it needed a deep zone it NEEDED it. I'm just so sick and tired of it looking like crap everyday. Of course I'm just kidding myself, it'll get hit by a tornado opening time. But hopefully the majority of shoes will stay in their proper place.
>.< doing electronics transition trying to get it done 100%, set,pull,research on 3 pogs but they want to call a smart huddle in shoes??? And take me away for 30 min *sigh*
😡 When a PTL tells a team member they will start to write us up when they hardly help the team!!! Makes me want to unleash my Game of Thrones response on them😵
Don't care if I'm the only one who will actually use this, I just need to bitch for a bit.

So for Flow, our store is a 6am, MWF store. Wednesdays usually bring in the smallest trucks, so we end up having a slightly smaller team this morning.

We had roughly 20 people to work out a 2300 piece truck.

Action started at 6.
By 8, we had just started bowling chemicals.
By 10, we were starting to make our way into C and D. Most of the team left at 10.

We finally finished around 12 or 1, but since everyone was focused on freight, backstock, pfresh, and cardboard didn't get touched.

I ended up staying until 4 trying to get the last of the backstock and cardboard done. Ended up having to leave about 5 cages left, and pfresh never got touched.

To the BR closer and our ETL-LOG, I'm sorry I'm not superman but I did what I could.
Boy do I miss MWF, My store is TTS and it sucks on sat. We do 2300 with 5 less people. However our ETL-Log used to be flowTL before his promotion so he still helps. We have a dedicated cardboard guy (seriously he does plastics and then cages till 1) We have dedicated pfresh 2 so and 6 for backstock so after HBA and grocery, we 4 working the rest of the store.
Coke took the "pet food" box off flow's defectives tub to hold some of their backstock. What is wrong with these people. And do I even care anymore.
And I thought our vendors were fools. I actually watched a) two fight over an endcap was assigned to a third and needed an ETL to break up. b) one rebuild an endcap so his items fit perfectly. He dump the extra on the clearance endcap. c) wine vendor redo a four foot section to promote only his wines (did a damn good job of it though) and the best one was the red bull vendor who actually placed a red bull refrigerator in electronics to sell it because he was told it moves faster there. It lasted 48 hrs. (it got moved up from when STL explained why we don't put food in Electronics)
Our store just jams them all out no backstock allowed. So it always looks like shit. Just pick up and throw it on a shelf.
Oh that is so sadly awesome. Flex shoes, Our softlines ladies would love that and the ETL over that would juts explode.
DO NOT use your keys, you will fuck them up.
I pissed of STL because I was using a actual box knife (stanley) and he said if he saw it again he would confiscate it. so i now use my old Wal-mart safety box cutter. Same as those red and green ones only without the worthless metal on top. He says nothing now. Everyone else snickers.
...that's freaking genius. That or using those bars the DC puts up to try and keep things from falling out when you open the trailer door. Though I should probably have a chat with the flow-TL about "hey can you actually have somebody working on trash the whole time instead of letting it pile up" first.

I'll add it to my ever-growing list of things to do.

EDIT: Shit, forgot flow also leaves their line in there because there's nowhere else to put it until trash is done and/or the front of the line is clear of PIPOs and backstock). And that's half the bottleneck for me when loading the sweep.
Never though I would feel blessed that our recieving is nowhere near our compactor and bailer room. However, it is in a junction of the backroom and when it fills it blocks pfresh coolers and pets backstock.
I told her to talk to her bosses about this because yeah, pretty much my store's fault here. We'll see what happens; she took the more recent expired product back and left the August stock for later. Kind of shitty because I was getting along pretty well with her and this probably poisoned the well.

We had a similar thing happen with Frito-Lay a couple months ago, only it was ~8 cases of chips that had come on a GM truck as cross product (or whatever the term is) for a Superbowl. All over a year old and the vendor didn't touch any of that, said it was ours to deal with.

Backroom TL's response when I called him over about this? Pretty much "maybe we should teach vendors to use a MyDevice or PDA and check the backroom themselves." Because teaching our rotating crew of backroom TMs and random TMs drafted help out the backroom would be too hard I guess.
Half the time with food we end up eating it. Our receiving and pfresh drop it in the breakroom rather than compactor. (its removed from the system first)
Couple days ago, an elderly lady asked for me specifically. I have never met her but she made it seem like I helped her before. I gave her the red card spiel while buying a high-priced vacuum. I sold her on the debit version but she didn't have her checkbook with her and she said she would come back; I took that with a grain of salt. Thirty minutes later I get paged to the vacuums and she's there with her checkbook. I get her a red card; yay!

Two days later she comes back and asks for me at the front lanes. She then asks, what time are you off? I tell her and she's like, can I pick you up after? She said she wants me to put together the vacuum and she'll pay me. I'm like, I can't do that, it's against policy. One of the TLs overheard and was low-key cracking up. Bless her heart, she was 87 based on her RC app. I wish I could've but it was weird and didn't want to jeopardize my job.
Got a giftbasket from ETL-Hr during a huddle because I assembled a vacuum in store for a elderly guest and she filled out the survey. No I can't go home with you but if I can I can make it easier.
Oh God I looked up at that steel again and now there's a water PIPO and a stack of the pallets flow uses. Beer's down now though, yay.
Do what we do. Fill that entire area with bales. Then it all has to stay on the floor.
Oh that is so sadly awesome. Flex shoes, Our softlines ladies would love that and the ETL over that would juts explode.

It was done by one ETL I kid you not one day after a huge reset. She just jammed out everything in the backroom. After POG spent all day, I helped push and backstock everything. And she goes and pulls it all out and makes it look like a mess.. In-Stocks refused to scan it that was over a year ago, I know In-Stocks basically stopped scanning it anyways not long after that. But for her to do that was major insult.. She is now interviewing for STL.. Lord help the store if she makes it.
Today was day three (technically two and a half but whatever) of not having a receiving door. Good thing there's a fire exit right next to it! That at the end of the day I have to call an LOD over so I can bodyslam it from the outside while they try to get it to lock again. Thank God only one vendor has hit the alarm bar on the door so far and of course it was the one who just got this route and doesn't seem to know what they're doing half the time.

Also my TL, after calling in for two days in a row, showed up this morning and quit. Which has fucked over the backroom just a little bit.
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