Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

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The ETL-LOG ordered thirty fucking smart carts, which is certainly triple what we already have. We have no room for them. Nobody's sure why he did this.
The ETL-LOG ordered thirty fucking smart carts, which is certainly triple what we already have. We have no room for them. Nobody's sure why he did this.
SFS could always use some more, and they may even get some automatically shipped, but 30 is a bit much... I'd be surprised if they all arrived without damage.

Yup. We say 2 tier. We only use them for market. Supposedly
But it has 3 tiers...
I came in at 9:30, and the backroom was packed with overfilled pallets, flats and carts. I spent a half hour clearing enough room for us to do grocery pulls, and just as I finished, some jerk pushed more back stock carts right into the area I just cleared.

So we finally started pulling grocery. I did snack, like usual, only for some reason my PDA was telling me to go to where softlines are stocked. That couldn't be - no one would be dumb enough to stock snacks with softlines, right? *Sigh*

I could keep going, but that's pretty much how the entire night has gone. It doesn't compare to last night though: Apparently back in August, someone backstocked a bag of dog food that was torn open. Last night our TL came across it. It was full of maggots. =/ It stunk up the entire backroom all night, and the smell was bad enough to make several people sick.

Break is almost over. Maybe I'll rant more after work...
Came back from a three day weekend and what do I discover?
  • The TM I thought was scheduled to cover for me traded shifts with somebody else.
  • Neither of them knew how to check in vendors with the new app, as told to me by the second TM, who apparently called everyone but me for help.
  • The only thing this person did was check in vendors and start (but not finish) a credit. No ESIM, no recalls, no taking care of the mail. They didn't even fill out the store stamps correctly.
  • A few vehicles of salvage just scattered around the area. Most of it's furniture thank God. Some of it's broken stuff that belongs in the compactor. Like the bag of syrup marked "Donate."
  • AP getting on my ass about MIRs and vendor credits that he already talked to me about last week.
  • A GSA trying to pawn off to me some gift cards that the register printed off slips saying "Give to the GSTL," with instructions as to what the GSTL is supposed to do with them.

Then when I went on break, FedEx and a freight truck showed up to make deliveries and a the TM who had the misfortune of answering the door almost had a moment trying to get somebody, anybody who knew what they were doing to come back and do whatever it is receivers do.

So now I have to add "Go back to the ETL-HR and tell her that no matter what anybody else in this store tells her about receiving-trained TMs in this store, disregard that and find me an actual fucking backup I can trust to be scheduled and stay scheduled when I take time off."

Even better yet, I have another day off coming up and if I'm reading the schedule right, they haven't scheduled anybody for receiving that day. I'm debating if I want to let somebody know or just grab some Xanax and popcorn for when I get back.
Go on lunch and find this mess sitting there:

No note or anything about where it came from or who brought it back. Thanks, asshole(s)!

Haven't even checked dates or what's hiding at the bottom of the boxes yet because I've been too busy trying to finish MIRs and clean up the back of the store where everybody else thinks it's okay to leave bales and three-high stacks of pallets wherever they feel like it. Didn't even get to the pile of defectives from the last two trucks because somebody stole my printer and I've lost any motivation to go find another working one.

Also the flow-TL wants to start putting vendor product in a fire tunnel on the opposite side of the store from receiving. I haven't told any vendors about this "plan" because its a terrible idea.
All damaged vendor items... honestly looks like it came from guest services and it had been piling up for a while.
Front end's pretty good about bringing stuff to me every day or so. Or failing that, at least leaving their full vendor bin on the floor within visual range of the vendor credit area. My money's on either somebody decided to try and clean up the vendor backstock aisle (which is a hot mess), or it's all stuff that's been backstocked with grocery.

Whatever, it's just another entry on my list of things I have to deal with. Somewhere near the bottom.
I had the same issues coming back from vacation. Had to work that much harder to clean up. Mirs weren't done completely for two weeks. Hell the sweep wasn't even done the week I was gone.
Started my day off with the phrase I never, ever, ever want to hear again: "The dock plate is broken." The one that had its springs replaced in July, wouldn't move at all this morning. It's fixed now but that was thirty minutes of panic and rage I don't want to go through again.

I'm so far behind in everything right now. Somebody ganked my printer and I haven't had time to find a working one so defectives are piling up. I came in this morning to find three salvage pallets showed up overnight, including one that was just plastic tubs that were probably missing most their lids. Couldn't send them though because I've been out of the Salvage sheets for a week so into a storage container they went. Well, after several hours of waiting for the space manager to manage some fucking space. I miss our old space manager, who got demoted to flow for "attitude problems." The new one is slow as molasses, and has zero critical thinking skills. Nice guy but just can't do the job at all.

Then the signing specialist finally broke down his pallet from a truck or two ago and guess what he found for me? After I had already sealed the truck and printed the paperwork. Thanks?

I had the same issues coming back from vacation. Had to work that much harder to clean up. Mirs weren't done completely for two weeks. Hell the sweep wasn't even done the week I was gone.
A week-long vacation sounds amazing but I have enough of a shitstorm just doing a 3-day weekend I'm afraid what I would find.
Since nobody remembered that when the receiver takes a day off a backup needs to be scheduled, the ETL-LOG covered receiving Friday. And proceeded to fuck up literally every single delivery. Paperwork is stamped if I'm lucky, but not filled out. If I'm really lucky he wrote the PO and receipt number somewhere on the sheet and initialed it. If I'm really, really lucky, he used an actual PO and not the vendor number, the invoice number or even the vendor's own customer number for Target. I have a completed credit (with no stamp, of course), no BoL or pack slip and a dollar amount that definitely does not match what is on the driver's printout. There was an ADSD delivery from Friday that had not been checked in at all. Paperwork still sitting on my desk, stamped but nothing else. I don't know what happened to the pallet of soda credits. An overflowing ESIM bin. A pile of packages, including ship to stores that had sat around for three days.

So I spend all day trying to figure out what the hell happened, cleaning up the usual weekend messes. And finding out that now I have to watch flow team because they've started throwing defectives in the trash cages and the TM who does trash just throws them away. Had to fish several boxes of lightbulbs out of the compactor. And a shipper while I was at it because this fucking store, that's why.

And when I get a chance to chat with the STL and ETL-HR about what happened, its the same old story. The ETL-HR looks concerned and makes promisingly sympathetic noises. The STL once again gives the same spiel about how he understands how frustrating it must be to have extra work (an understatement if there was ever one). But receiving is a complicated workcenter and these things take time and he hopes I understand that results won't happen immediately. Okay, I understand that, but this is not the first time I have brought these issues up. This is not the first time I have taken time off. This is the not the first time I have come back to find a fucking mess on my hands. But sure, just tell me to be patient, that things will change for the better when pigs fly sometime in December.

I'm so tired of dealing with this. I understand why the last two receivers left the way they did.
Went off to the pallet pullers during unload. These people just stand around, waiting for pallets to be filled up while the rest of us are busting our asses on the line. I don't fucking know why can't you take the small pallet and bowl it rather than waiting for that shit to pile up.

I'm losing my hours for these slow idiots?! Watch, next time we unload and see these fuckers stand around I'll tell the whole team to stop what we're doing and just stand there and watch the air rot
Today a guest came up to me while i was a couple aisles away from Electronics asking about the classic NES. I let her we didn't know have any. I was still in the same aisle, same spot making labels for the front end-cap, she came back to like two minutes later and asked if there was anyone in electronics and i let her know it was me. She said she needed someone in electronics to let her try out a turntable. I assumed she mean't one out of the box, and i told her the only way she can try it out was if she bought it, then she can return it if she didn't like it. She was like "Oh god no" and just walked away. She went up to Target Mobile, and he got me. She asked the same thing, and i told her the same thing again. She said (something along this line) "So your going to lose a $100 sale if you don't plug in the turn table and let me try it out" and i told her the same thing. "Okay i'm going to speak to your management .. what's your name" "X" "ok"
Then the signing specialist finally broke down his pallet from a truck or two ago and guess what he found for me? After I had already sealed the truck and printed the paperwork. Thanks?

You do know we aren't specialists anymore? That title was taken away years ago. Whenever I get anything that says that, I toss it.
Been out of shoes for months with other more important brand issues.... now I'm back in it for the next six weeks to tidy it up. I'm really good at this kind of thing... just hope my temper holds. The past two days have been a back and forth dance. I perfect it, they wreck it.... I'm so sick of this "they pay someone to pick up after me" attitude. That and being told smugly "job security". Any @#! excuse to be a lazy ass... " Your messes don't give me job security you morons... any job security I have comes solely in what you buy. The messes only serve to make us all want to go postal on you." Gosh, wish I could actually afford to say that... lol Closest I've come is to smile at a lady who said that to me and politely inform her that I have a multitude of jobs in the store that I cover..... not sure she quite got the implication that I could do without folding tables too but anyway.....
What the hell C & S, yesterday we got a delivery of a pallet of poinsettias, today they sent a half a pallet of mums! WTF, we are not florists.

Cleaning out the warehouse again at your expense? -_-
Went off to the pallet pullers during unload. These people just stand around, waiting for pallets to be filled up while the rest of us are busting our asses on the line. I don't fucking know why can't you take the small pallet and bowl it rather than waiting for that shit to pile up.

I'm losing my hours for these slow idiots?! Watch, next time we unload and see these fuckers stand around I'll tell the whole team to stop what we're doing and just stand there and watch the air rot

In my store we combine pallets that go close to each other. Like if theres a pallet for cereal etc and a pallet for soup etc....just combine the two small pallets and get the hell out on the floor.
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