Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

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The ETL-LOG ordered a slam piece for unload. Maybe it was an accident and he was trying to order something else. I don't know. Here's the problem: we already have one. It came in over a month ago and has never been used. Because the unloaders (or the main, most vocal one at least) don't want to learn how to use it. So here we are today, with a second one that is built for a motorized line, which we do not have.
The ETL-LOG ordered a slam piece for unload. Maybe it was an accident and he was trying to order something else. I don't know. Here's the problem: we already have one. It came in over a month ago and has never been used. Because the unloaders (or the main, most vocal one at least) don't want to learn how to use it. So here we are today, with a second one that is built for a motorized line, which we do not have.
What's a slam piece?
What's a slam piece?
I don't know what the official name for it is, but its essentially just a much, much sturdier piece of line for unloading. I guess the idea is you put it at the end where the unloaders are and it takes the brunt of the impact from boxes and stuff being "slammed" onto the line. Only problem is that it's at least a few inches taller than the rest of the line, so a bit more of a pain to put the heavier things on it.

I think it's a freaking amazing idea (as did our Flow TL, who I think ordered it as soon as she saw it in use at the store she trained at) but it requires doing unload a little differently and change is scary I guess. So instead we'll keep using the same section of line for the end, which gets more and more droopy as time goes by.
So this random ass thuderstorm erupts outta nowhere and the ENTIRE closing team is late because of a pretty serious accident on the interstate. I was opening electronics and doing presentation at the same time and I have to stay an hour late to complete this pallet that was originally supposed to be for a working huddle later but they decided wasn't gonna happen since everyone was an hour late.
I am NOT going out there and driving in this shit because people where I live can barely drive on sunny days, let alone in storms, so I've been chillin at Starbucks since I clocked out 🙄
Over the weekend: Received a solid part of a trailer shipment that had no PO. Never existed. Thanks for the free shit. 😀
I don't know what the official name for it is, but its essentially just a much, much sturdier piece of line for unloading. I guess the idea is you put it at the end where the unloaders are and it takes the brunt of the impact from boxes and stuff being "slammed" onto the line. Only problem is that it's at least a few inches taller than the rest of the line, so a bit more of a pain to put the heavier things on it.

I think it's a freaking amazing idea (as did our Flow TL, who I think ordered it as soon as she saw it in use at the store she trained at) but it requires doing unload a little differently and change is scary I guess. So instead we'll keep using the same section of line for the end, which gets more and more droopy as time goes by.
Ah ok we have one of those and we just use it as the final section of rollers. So it doesn't get attached until they are at the last few panels in the truck.

I'm pretty sure the regular pieces have adjustable legs, so it's only a few minutes of tinkering for the PMT to raise it back up when it starts sagging.
I came into receiving to find this today. Asked about it over the radio and the backroom TL says his team pulled it but didn't have anything to put it on. Then a moment later he so graciously gives me permission to find a vehicle and take care of it myself. If it's in my way, that is.

I let it sit for as long as I could stand it (after showing the ETL-LOG "Yet Another Thing Circle9 is Sick of Dealing With") then gave in and threw it on a pallet somewhere else. When of course as soon as my back is turned, that's when other people are magically able to take care of it.

And of course I managed to pull something in my back today too. Again. At least this time I know what to do!


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Friday, I put up a new sign in three places on and around the food donation area. It said "Food grade boxes only, no repacks or Sterilite. If there aren't any boxes here, check the ambient room." I left two food-grade boxes on the tub with a little product in them.

This is what I came in to this Monday morning. Apparently I needed to also specify "no Readerlink boxes" because somebody used pretty much every book box I had saved.

I swear they do it on purpose.


  • WP_20161003_08_00_15_Pro.jpg
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Friday, I put up a new sign in three places on and around the food donation area. It said "Food grade boxes only, no repacks or Sterilite. If there aren't any boxes here, check the ambient room." I left two food-grade boxes on the tub with a little product in them.

This is what I came in to this Monday morning. Apparently I needed to also specify "no Readerlink boxes" because somebody used pretty much every book box I had saved.

I swear they do it on purpose.
I'll betcha most don't know what "food grade" means.
There's a bakery recall, time to go check the fre-

Fucking dammit. Nothing is backstocked. I found most of what I was looking for sitting on the floor and unlocated in wacos. Bread in a "Pork Donations" waco. A case of shamrock cookies that expired in July. Looked until my fingers started to hurt, even with gloves on. Took a break and went back in. I'm still missing half a dozen danishes and I don't know if they're sitting somewhere in there, or the onhands are fucked or what.
Its time to bring the hammer.
So our GSTL kept asking for backup on the lanes, typical Saturday right? One call is ignored, the next call a reluctant sales floor team member volunteers. This continues about two or three times then finally no one is answering. Well two ETLs are at the mailboxes chatting and typing on their phones. Our STL very hard working but mild mannered and kind of a nerd comes into the office screams "Dont you guys hear that? Come on the team needs help!"

I come outside and he is on the lanes scanning like a madman.

I have always sung the praises of my STL while acknowledging the flaw that hes a softie but seeing that fire out of him puts him in the Spot hall of fame in my book.
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That was a fun morning.

Oh yeah.. And it just got worse.. Three more cashier call outs.. So NO ONE on the floor til about 11am. And they were drowning in reshop and my pulls since I was on a lane. Even then "Can we get a quick backup?" Which would stretch into an hour.. My list got done but don't ask how, ok?

And no I won't fucking extend my shift.. 😡
Yesterday I was standing by the check lanes talking to the GSTL before I went on break when some lady comes up and says "you do realize it's Saturday right?" We both looked at her saying "yes" and she goes "well you think you'd be better staffed. Every register should be open, I'm sick of waiting." Mind you in the not even 5 minutes that I had been standing there is when she entered a line that had ONE guest in front of her, 4 registers were open, as well as 4 self checkouts... me and the GSTL didn't even know what to say to her. Like "oh I'm sorry, why don't you just leave your cart near the checklanes, drive to the Walmart down the street, and wait in line for 45 minutes with their one register open" LMFAO
Why has the front end been slacking so much lately? We've had almost every cashier call out from Tuesday til yesterday & will probably continue in the following weeks. By reading other stories it seems we're not the only ones. GSTL/GSA constantly calling for back up yet me and fitting room (you know, if the softlines TL doesn't have them put the phone on night ring) are the only two people on the floor until after 2-3 on a good day fml
Did they all go out and get wasted or something last night?

I don't know.

And I for one wish target would figure the fuck out what they want. You can't have skeleton crews and a fast check out. Pick one.. This constant and I do mean constant calls for back up cashiers is fucking grating on everyone.. I shouldn't spend 4hrs of a 8hr shift on a checklane. If I wanted to work cashier shifts I would have applied as a damn cashier.. This isn't happening on just Saturday which on a weekend I get it a bit more, but fuck you know its going to be a busy day - end of sale! Staff the damn stores!!!!

It's like this everyday of the damn week!
Last week I think I prevented a couple from fucking in the fitting room.

Also, a very mild conundrum. Today I worked with an electronics TM on a task together, and he mentioned this other TM that apparently never does anything. Mind you the team member I'm talking to is for the most part a pretty pleasant old man, almost grandfatherly in a way, and rarely has anything bad to say. This guy he's referring to is apparently pretty sluggish and never does anything. One day he and the Target Mobile guy witnessed the TM in question just scan an entire cart of reshop, and then proceed to do it over again without skipping a beat. He just slugs and doesn't do anything, so what I'm told from my friend.

I take this all with a grain of salt, until I pass by the TM in question a few minutes later. The following transaction goes as such:

"Can I get a team member in infants?"
-I approach him as I'm passing by-
"I can help you. What's up?"
"There's a guest who wants to know about a replacement mattress for a crib and wants to see if we do that."
-I pick up the phone, and hit mute thinking he muted it but clearly wasn't the case-
"Hi, this is 2Spooky4U. Can I help you?"
-some weird sound and then white noise just comes up-
-TM just looks completely apathetic-
"Oh, I guess it wasn't muted."

After that I try to make some friendly conversation about the odd experience, and he just looks like he can't be bothered and wants to leave immediately. Part of me wants to snitch on this guy for loafing, but I don't really know the best course of action to go about this or if any leadership would even care.
So we got new hires today and they were doing some kind of orientation thingy in which they walked around the store with a paper and asked questions to TMs that was on the paper.

So three of them approach me after I finish with a guest and asked me the question "If an item is out of stock, what is an alternative to purchase it?" So I was just like "they can order it online"

First off, I was Spooked at 3 random people just coming up and asking me a work related question. Like. I don't know what was expected of me. I was told that they might be coming around and to just answer questions they had but no one was like "hold their hand and explain eVERYTHING" they looked kinda uninterested af which brings me to my next point

SECONDLY one of them was just like "we already know these answers but we have to ask anyways" which to me just screams "IM UNINTERESTED IN THIS"

So my TL comes in and is like "I got feedback for you" and tells me that those three guys basically told them I brushed them off. And that one of them asked if they could see something on the MyDevice and I ignored them wH ICH DID NT HAPPE N those fuckers did NOT ask to see anything on my damn MyDevice I'm going to fucking fite them. So she basically started comparing my "order it online" answer to "what if a guest had asked" like um if a guest had asked that would have been a completely different situation because at that point I am trying to provide ~excellent guest service~ and actually need to hold their damn hands. Fuck I'm pissed about that.

And then later my TL calls me on the walkie to come to the boat so I show up and she basically. Shoves a guest's phone iN MY EAR like "hey help her cancel her service we can't find mobile" and I just get wide eyed and fucking petrified because thA T S NOT MY JOB PHONES STILL TERRIFY THE CRAP OUT OF ME WHY SHOULD I KNOW HOW TO DO THAT YOU DONT JUST SHOVE A PHONE INTO MY EAR WE AREN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO TOUCH THOSE THINGS. I'm not even sure why she called me to do it if mobile couldn't be found like she literally could have been like "mobile is probably out on break pls check back in 15 minutes 🙂" so I'm basically standing there pretending to try to figure it out. So I text the mobile TL who was off that day to text the one who is here today to ask her to come back to the boat to help because I'm basically silently freaking the fuck out. Thank you based mobile TL for doing that because a few minutes later she came and helped out

My Lady, if you ever read this ilu but wHAT THE FUCK
Was two hours late to work because there was a truck I was scheduled for and didn't know about so I just came in at my usual Monday time. A big one too, with plenty of call-ins/people not scheduled. Including the TM who pushes electronics who got covered by somebody who could only stay a little while and had never done this before. Somehow I got roped into checking in security because I've done it once before and the flow TL apparently couldn't find anybody else who was willing or able to figure out "compare numbers on a sheet of paper, put spider wrap on expensive stuff or stuff surrounded by other spider wrapped stuff." I was assured that the people sorting holiday transition by receiving would let me know if any vendors came in.

Four vendors (one who had to track me down so he could get checked in) and one UPS delivery that nobody told me about later I decided I was a fucking idiot who should have never said yes to helping in the first place, locked up the remaining security and went back to my desk in my area to do my job.

So we got new hires today and they were doing some kind of orientation thingy in which they walked around the store with a paper and asked questions to TMs that was on the paper.

So three of them approach me after I finish with a guest and asked me the question "If an item is out of stock, what is an alternative to purchase it?" So I was just like "they can order it online"

First off, I was Spooked at 3 random people just coming up and asking me a work related question. Like. I don't know what was expected of me. I was told that they might be coming around and to just answer questions they had but no one was like "hold their hand and explain eVERYTHING" they looked kinda uninterested af which brings me to my next point

SECONDLY one of them was just like "we already know these answers but we have to ask anyways" which to me just screams "IM UNINTERESTED IN THIS"

So my TL comes in and is like "I got feedback for you" and tells me that those three guys basically told them I brushed them off. And that one of them asked if they could see something on the MyDevice and I ignored them wH ICH DID NT HAPPE N those fuckers did NOT ask to see anything on my damn MyDevice I'm going to fucking fite them. So she basically started comparing my "order it online" answer to "what if a guest had asked" like um if a guest had asked that would have been a completely different situation because at that point I am trying to provide ~excellent guest service~ and actually need to hold their damn hands. Fuck I'm pissed about that.

And then later my TL calls me on the walkie to come to the boat so I show up and she basically. Shoves a guest's phone iN MY EAR like "hey help her cancel her service we can't find mobile" and I just get wide eyed and fucking petrified because thA T S NOT MY JOB PHONES STILL TERRIFY THE CRAP OUT OF ME WHY SHOULD I KNOW HOW TO DO THAT YOU DONT JUST SHOVE A PHONE INTO MY EAR WE AREN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO TOUCH THOSE THINGS. I'm not even sure why she called me to do it if mobile couldn't be found like she literally could have been like "mobile is probably out on break pls check back in 15 minutes 🙂" so I'm basically standing there pretending to try to figure it out. So I text the mobile TL who was off that day to text the one who is here today to ask her to come back to the boat to help because I'm basically silently freaking the fuck out. Thank you based mobile TL for doing that because a few minutes later she came and helped out

My Lady, if you ever read this ilu but wHAT THE FUCK
And this is why a lot of people are annoyed by seasonals. This is probably why I never get asked to train people. I don't hold their hands the entire time. I'll show you how to do a pull, set a planogram, or use the electronics keys but I don't take kindly to having to hold your hand the entire time
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