Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

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Stayed almost two hours later today because nobody (including me) remembered the Q4 exception sweep was a thing that needed to be done. ETL-LOG might have known because he kept asking me this week what the merchandise sweep looked like, then an hour before my shift ends he tells me it needs to be done and he'll give me the list of items next time he sees me (he never did). Then again he was probably distracted trying to figure out how he managed to order half of a metro rack for the second or third time now.

Thanks leadership for being so on top of not a goddamned thing.
The image of a faceless ETL just staring at half a metro rack and scratching their head is killing me
Yesterday was fun, between being told to take a double lunch to cut OT when I only have 20 extra minutes and 2 more days to cut it, and being told by the softlines team lead to detrash and push 2 pallets of shopping baskets that were on the line throughout the store just as I'm getting started on my morning electronics routines. Combined with the new BS reshop policy, and a SrTL with a bad memory, my day was capped by the STL coming by asking to see a project I supposedly worked on today and finding an empty endcap and me telling her this is the first I heard of that specific plan. (The plan was something I discussed with the SrTL last week that we decided against doing!) Oh and also dealing with the very needy and whiny RMS vendor all day; yes I'm aware your two predecessors did their job incorrectly but stop acting like I should personally care about your 4ft 50's westerns DVD section is in the wrong spot, that's where the ETL is letting you put it so leave me alone while you make your labels. Also, tough sh*t about the tracphone cards you say need to go elsewhere, they're decode and there's only a few left and I'm under strict orders not to backstock decode so guess what your second stack of pamphlets is going in a drawer as soon as you leave.
Lol did you guys get hit with this too? The worst part is forcing TMS to take reshop out of area instead of allowing guest service to sort it.

Reshop from the lanes is not allowed to go to guest service. Seriously? Are cashiers supposed to work it?
Yay cashiers plz do it
Lol did you guys get hit with this too? The worst part is forcing TMS to take reshop out of area instead of allowing guest service to sort it.

Reshop from the lanes is not allowed to go to guest service. Seriously? Are cashiers supposed to work it?
Is this going to become a thing at every store? Or has it and I just didn't know about it? If so, that sucks...
It doesn't happen often but it is still frustrating to push products on the floor only to be taken by others for their endcaps or for the front. Or take the time and effort to find stuff and take them out of the backroom and have one or two people come over to take some of the stuff for their own department.
Goes to lunch, hands off keys...

Takes keys, immediately needs help from guest pulling something.. i head to the backroom, its a baby stroller all the way on the top. Then i call for the LOD/TL seeing if they can get it for me, but then i notice the ladder and i get it pulled for myself. While this, i had a second guest who also wanted an iPod from me so i had to help her as soon as i could. While i'm on the ladder i call for the consumables tm because i just saw him walk by, i see the cord (i believe thats what its called) on the keys. I'm immediately like shit!! I know it wasn't me.

Turns out, the tm who covered my lunch left the APPLE CASE unlocked!!!!!
Nothing was stolen though
Goes to lunch, hands off keys...

Takes keys, immediately needs help from guest pulling something.. i head to the backroom, its a baby stroller all the way on the top. Then i call for the LOD/TL seeing if they can get it for me, but then i notice the ladder and i get it pulled for myself. While this, i had a second guest who also wanted an iPod from me so i had to help her as soon as i could. While i'm on the ladder i call for the consumables tm because i just saw him walk by, i see the cord (i believe thats what its called) on the keys. I'm immediately like shit!! I know it wasn't me.

Turns out, the tm who covered my lunch left the APPLE CASE unlocked!!!!!
Nothing was stolen though
Core. It's the inside of the lock assembly. How did they not notice that?
Today was fun. Monday revisions and the shift is usually 4-10pm. They added a second person (me) and we were done by 6:20. Ended up pushing the line, zoning, working reshop without needing to red at all wore my black gym shirt 🙂
Literally everyone that breathed was on a lane yesterday, insane.

No, just usual lack of thought by spot. Day before a holiday - no need to staff!

And I knew it was going to be horrid. The flu has hit my area so people had to get well to go out and get stuff. Proven cause myself and four people I talked with yesterday were all coughing sniffling our way around the valentines stuff. I hate being that last minute shopper.
Literally everyone that breathed was on a lane yesterday, insane.
I read this as "literally everyone on a lane was insane" and didn't even bat an eye. Oh, Target and the things it does to us.

1800 piece truck, 800 pieces of lawn and garden. A critical lack of wood pallets. On the same day I'm trying to load a sweep. Everything worked out but that was a rough first half of the shift, what wit having to have the soda delivery literally right by my desk because there was nowhere else for it to go.
1800 piece truck, 800 pieces of lawn and garden. A critical lack of wood pallets. On the same day I'm trying to load a sweep. Everything worked out but that was a rough first half of the shift, what wit having to have the soda delivery literally right by my desk because there was nowhere else for it to go.
We had that issue yesterday. Ended up using FDC pallets for some of the transition since they keep refusing to take them back.
I read this as "literally everyone on a lane was insane" and didn't even bat an eye. Oh, Target and the things it does to us.

1800 piece truck, 800 pieces of lawn and garden. A critical lack of wood pallets. On the same day I'm trying to load a sweep. Everything worked out but that was a rough first half of the shift, what wit having to have the soda delivery literally right by my desk because there was nowhere else for it to go.

Log etl wants to know if can I get rid of the pallets of pillows. Hated to break his heart on Valentine's day but we have to wait for hq to make a decision.
We had that issue yesterday. Ended up using FDC pallets for some of the transition since they keep refusing to take them back.
We've had that problem before, something about if the driver's taking "backhaul" back they can't take the pallets with them. I don't fully understand it. We were told that if it happens 2 deliveries in a row, MySupport it. Don't know how effective that is since it hasn't happened since.

Log etl wants to know if can I get rid of the pallets of pillows. Hated to break his heart on Valentine's day but we have to wait for hq to make a decision.
The only response ours gave was muttering something about "brand" (I think?) when he saw the 5 pallets I had. Flow-TL helped me actually find somewhere out of the way for them. I don't know if the backroom-TL knows about them, or at least he hasn't said anything about them.
@Circle9 a backhaul is when they have a load they are going to be loaded with after dropping off the delivery aka backhaul.

Independent truckers love backhauls cause it means they are making money both ways of the trip.
I appreciate the clarification! That's what I figured but I know nothing about trucking and am hardly around for FDC deliveries. So when I get third-hand from a TM who talked to a TM who unloaded the truck "the driver won't take the pallets something something backhaul something something there's pallets on the something something truck," yeah.
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