Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

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I don't think the ETL-LOG understands causality because she's mad that soda vendors aren't taking their empty shelves. The empty shelves that held last delivery's product and there hasn't been another delivery since. I tried explaining this and just got a grumpy look and something about how we're paying these companies to do this.
I don't think the ETL-LOG understands causality because she's mad that soda vendors aren't taking their empty shelves. The empty shelves that held last delivery's product and there hasn't been another delivery since. I tried explaining this and just got a grumpy look and something about how we're paying these companies to do this.
I wasn't sure what you ment by shelves. I reread and decided what you call shelves for pop we call hulls for sodas.
Doesn't matter if I tell the space manager there's a sweep today, he's going to put things I'm planning to sweep up in the steel when I'm not looking.

Not that it really mattered today because thanks to an unexpected assload of Christmas merch and an ETL-LOG who doesn't know how to do anything involving flow there were trash and transition sitting in the trailer until right up to the end of my shift and more transition blocking access to the steel so no point in trying to load a sweep in the last 30 minutes of my way too long day.

So instead I'll load the sweep on tomorrow's trailer and find a way to get started on the 20+ Project 62 MIRs. Speaking of, what the fuck corporate why do you do this to me.
Tearing down Seasonal early because we have a visit on the first of Nov (Group Leader). So I get seasonal all set with gondolas needed and put all the extra fixtures on a flat and get ready to take it back to my storage trailer. The space I usually use to store my seasonal pallets on the storage trailer is taken up by shippers for 4th quarter. Find out my Log put them there to make space n clean up the back room. So I took them out, put my stuff in and close the trailer.

Next day I go back in there and they stuffed them back in there. Now I have to get the tables out for the display trees. So I take them out again and call my log and say, “I still have two aisles to tear down completely and I’m gonna need that space. Can we please have someone put these shippers on the storage container outside (THAT IS EMPTY), and I don’t think we should be putting merch on the storage trailer with fixtures and gondola pieces, just in case something gets lost.” He says ‘that sounds good, I’ll be right on that.’ I put my stuff away (my storage trailer is neat AF. You can walk down the middle, all the way to the back and take whatever you need out easily. Pegboard lain flat, everything organized by size) and then I go out of my way to take the shippers outside and put them on the storage container. I Didn’t get a chance to take the gondola pieces back cause I had to demerch/remove pegs from the gondola and I was helping push rear seasonal into mini. So I leave the flat in the backroom.

Today, day before the visit I’m helping build the shippers for Trim a Tree. I go to put away my fixtures and now, not only did they push more merch onto the storage trailer, they broke a couple racks of clothes in the process. WTF? Now I’m asking, where do you expect me to put the gondola fixtures? ‘On the empty truck from today with the cardboard and jailers.’ Why didn’t they put the merch on there? Why do they insist on using my neat trailer? Why?

This pisses me off! I have nothing in the backroom, because, ‘the backroom is for merchandise, not fixtures.’ And they still need to stuff things on my storage trailer, that I cleaned and organized! When I was Plano TL it was the same with the fixture room. Spotless, not a fixture on the floor. ETLs destroyed it, several times. Same with signing. They wanted signing in the fixture room, so I cleared out 8 feet. Moved signing from backroom into fixture room, by myself cause signing tm was on vacation. So the backroom is literally all merchandise and they still feel the need to, instead of taking it outside to the storage container, stuff crap on my neat, organized trailer... God help them if the group leader decides to talk to me tomorrow.

Oh that thing over there is broken, I’ll fix it, when I get time. Need help? I will be high dusting for the next month, too busy. Oh you put in a mysupport, DENIED. Mess with my space.
I was on a lane all day so I only picked up bits and pieces of this one.

Guest comes in and beelines for service desk. Small huddle ensues between guest, service desk TM and GSTL. Next thing I know, I hear an overhead page looking for the guest that owns a Chevy Suburban. Turns out the owner of the Suburban was double-parked and the guest who came in to the store couldn't get into her own car. (um, doesn't double parked mean you're taking up two spots? how does that prevent someone from getting into their own car? *scratches head*)

About 10 minutes later, GSTL sends service desk TM outside to collect carts because we don't have a CA until noon and there are 7 carts total in the chute. Shortly afterward sdTM comes in cackling. The guest who was complaining about not being able to get into her car almost hit the TM in the parking lot now that she could finally leave.
Gahhhhh!!!! Annoying people today. And I so wasn't in the mood to deal with it.

First was the.....annoying little flea I guess. She didn't rise to the level of swear words. She wanted boxes. We don't give out boxes. When I told her that she said she was told yesterday to call back early this morning, before we got rid of the boxes unpacked this morning. Yeah, bull. We aren't a rinky dinky little store that unpacks everything in the morning and gets rid of the boxes immediately after, so no one would have told her that. She's trying the old "someone told me", thinking that she's describing policy close enough that I would have boxes put aside for her. No, I'm not that dumb. I told her again that no, we don't give out boxes and then she asked what did we do with our boxes. I didn't directly answer, just said we don't give out boxes and she got a little nasty and said "I asked what you do with your boxes." Well, gee, first it's none of your business what we do with the boxes that we legally own and you have zero claim to. Second, I'm smart enough to know that no matter how I answer that question, your follow-up statement is going to be "Well, since you're just crushing them, you can put aside a few for me" and we're still going to be going round and round about no, you don't get them. So I responded with "Is there something about our products I can help you with?" and she got really nasty and said she'd never be shopping at Target again. Well, gee, people usually want boxes if they are moving so it's not like you'd be around anymore to shop at Target, sweetie.

Then the second annoying little flea. She called, asked if we were located near a certain business. Nope, we're not. Then she asked if we were near a different business. I think I might know the Target she wanted from the first business, but no clue with the second business name. Nope, we're not. So what are we near. I told her a very big landmark close by. She said "What (landmark)?" I gave the full name. "Where's that?" Ooookay. Then she asked for the number for the other Target. Well, I'm not entirely certain which other one. Rather than play guessing games and lengthening the phone call past the ridiculous point for someone that isn't even going to come to the store I told her I didn't have the number. She was all mad at that. Honey, if the name of big landmark meant nothing to you, you are far better off Googling the Target you want since I am not sure which one you do want. And one hand on the phone while we figure it out is one less hand to work with, and mouth being engaged with you makes it really hard for me to engage the guests that are spending money.

Then there was the guest that came to the fitting room with two hangers of Jockey thongs. They are technically a packaged item, since the cardboard label is fastened to them and there's more than one. And, ewww. Doubly ewww because they are thongs, so you have not just nasty crotch but nasty ass crack. I wouldn't let her take them in. I said packaged items can't be opened and for health and sanitation reasons underwear can't be taken into the fitting room, period. She looked all goggly eyed at me like I had grown a second head. "But what if it doesn't fit?" Sorry. "I'll leave my underwear on." Sorry. Plus, thong, does it really matter if you put it over your current thong, it's still nasty ass crack.

Then there was the other guest who asked me if it was okay to open the men's socks package so she could feel them. Nope. She looked at me for several seconds, almost like she was trying to will me to change my mind. Nope. She put them back and walked away. Fine. Someone else will pay full price, rather than you damaging the package, deciding you don't want it, and then we have to sell it at the rewrap price.
All week I've been struggling to find space for deliveries because our line is crammed full of transition and end to end bullshit and by Friday I was pretty stressed out. Didn't help that people started moving the pallets around, like into the sweep trailer I was also trying to load. But can't say anything because the backroom TL is involved and lord help you if you try and challenge him and his team about something.

Also they waited until today to tell a vendor his displays needed to come down before he left. The guy's been in the store every day this week except one and they wait until he's refilled it several times to pull this shit? This is why I hate dealing with vendors. It's not the vendors themselves. Most of them are great people I love seeing. It's the things like this where I get caught in the middle and feel like shit because I'm weird with people things.
Saw my week 3 schedule to find that I am scheduled for 1 4am shift and the rest are overnights. 😡
Project62 and Halloween: where did all the gondola fixtures go?
TrimATree and HearthAndHand: Why do I have so much gondola fixtures?

Could have been planned better, but anyway, this week killed me with the Christmas and Magnolia sets in one week and a group visit. Through all of that, building not only gondolas but all those stupid cardboard shippers (fucking Sugar Paper can eat ass) and setting up the Rock Tree, literally only one Team Lead thanked me. That was the former PMT who took over my role as Plano TL. He knows the struggle is real...
Saw my week 3 schedule to find that I am scheduled for 1 4am shift and the rest are overnights. 😡

Really? In my store, tms are asked about overnights. In fact, our flow team recently went overnight for 4th quarter. A few tms weren't okay with it and are allowed to work early mornings instead. The one time I did an overnight, I was specifically asked if it was OK before I was scheduled for it.
Really? In my store, tms are asked about overnights. In fact, our flow team recently went overnight for 4th quarter. A few tms weren't okay with it and are allowed to work early mornings instead. The one time I did an overnight, I was specifically asked if it was OK before I was scheduled for it.

Oh I am fine with overnights. I'm just super not okay with that 4am shift, like wtf they didnt ask me if that was okay and I remember when they asked me months ago if I can work at 4am and I repeatedly told them no.

Its dangerous for me to come in at that hour, there is not reliable transportation, I don't have a car and there's gang activity and gunshots. Not risking my life for work.
Project62 and Halloween: where did all the gondola fixtures go?
TrimATree and HearthAndHand: Why do I have so much gondola fixtures?

Could have been planned better, but anyway, this week killed me with the Christmas and Magnolia sets in one week and a group visit. Through all of that, building not only gondolas but all those stupid cardboard shippers (fucking Sugar Paper can eat ass) and setting up the Rock Tree, literally only one Team Lead thanked me. That was the former PMT who took over my role as Plano TL. He knows the struggle is real...
Thank you for setting up rock tree. Its insane this year.
Came back today to find multiple bales outside and a detergent smell I couldn't find the source of. Along with an even worse than usual Monday mess thanks to the extra truck. Total nightmare, was not helped by the shit I had to go through to get those bales outside. It takes twice as long per bale to get those inside and in the trailer than if I just needed to grab them from the steel. And even if I could get them from the steel because of pallets, at least they're indoors and accessible for later sweeps. Because I just know if I hadn't nearly pulled something in my back/legs multiple times to get those in, I'd get at least one person on my ass about the mess "I" was leaving outside.

And "because the ETL-LOG is a lazy piece of shit who doesn't think things through" isn't likely to be a winning answer."

Oh, and we were supposed to get a visit today, which they no-showed of course. Which is great seeing as leadership took down a bunch of vendor displays at the last minute because a dalfkjadslfjkals;dfkjal;ksjdfa;ljkfda;l
Today I was given one of those Zebras with the card reader in exchange for my PDA because they needed it for the return scan more than I needed it. Far as I know, there's not a single damn thing I can do with one of those aside from use it as an expensive paperweight, even if it did have the MyWork app, which it didn't. So for a few hours I borrowed other peoples' PDAs as needed as tried not to get worked up about the latest fun thing.

Because, several people asked me today if I was leaving soon because they overheard talk about interviews for receiving. For external hires or something. Details are sketchy but enough people heard about it that I'm not feeling too great about the next few weeks.
It really feels like most the people in this store only acknowledge me when they need me to do something for them. If I'm calling out multiple times over an hour "has anyone seen the receiving keys?" I'd appreciate an answer. Any answer. Even a "no, I haven't." Instead I got silence every single time. And when I finally let the ETL-LOG know that hey, the receiving keys are either missing or somebody has them and isn't saying anything, I get a more or less "huh, okay." That's it.

Then I find out at the end of the day that a backroom TM has them, had a radio and even spoke with me several times throughout the day and didn't say a single fucking word about having my keys. Thanks, buddy.

Also when I left this afternoon the trailer was still filled with freight from today's truck. And trash because nobody was sent to work on that until after 1pm. And the line, because there's nowhere to put it because there's backstock and SFS everywhere. And part of the sweep I started to load before the trash blocked me out of the trailer and I realized it was pointless.

And today is only Monday. Yay.
It really feels like most the people in this store only acknowledge me when they need me to do something for them. If I'm calling out multiple times over an hour "has anyone seen the receiving keys?" I'd appreciate an answer. Any answer. Even a "no, I haven't." Instead I got silence every single time. And when I finally let the ETL-LOG know that hey, the receiving keys are either missing or somebody has them and isn't saying anything, I get a more or less "huh, okay." That's it.

Then I find out at the end of the day that a backroom TM has them, had a radio and even spoke with me several times throughout the day and didn't say a single fucking word about having my keys. Thanks, buddy.

Also when I left this afternoon the trailer was still filled with freight from today's truck. And trash because nobody was sent to work on that until after 1pm. And the line, because there's nowhere to put it because there's backstock and SFS everywhere. And part of the sweep I started to load before the trash blocked me out of the trailer and I realized it was pointless.

And today is only Monday. Yay.

sometimes I feel the same.

Today wasn't bad in what was going on, I was just tired, groggy, hungry, and sore. Only had to do 9 palettes total today, which was a fucking relief back in frozen dairy which has been so chaotic just like you've described, absolutely no space in our cooler between the egg palettes sent to us every day, and to temp locations and unlocated backstock everywhere and milk palettes.

god damn lol
sometimes I feel the same.

Today wasn't bad in what was going on, I was just tired, groggy, hungry, and sore. Only had to do 9 palettes total today, which was a fucking relief back in frozen dairy which has been so chaotic just like you've described, absolutely no space in our cooler between the egg palettes sent to us every day, and to temp locations and unlocated backstock everywhere and milk palettes.

god damn lol
Our grocery team has really gotten the short end of the stick in this whole end to end thing, not sure the last time they came clean on push and backstock. Sometimes flow takes care of the freight, but that requires a small truck with nothing else to do.

Also, "only" 9 pallets? That's two FDC deliveries for us right there!
It really feels like most the people in this store only acknowledge me when they need me to do something for them. If I'm calling out multiple times over an hour "has anyone seen the receiving keys?" I'd appreciate an answer. Any answer. Even a "no, I haven't." Instead I got silence every single time. And when I finally let the ETL-LOG know that hey, the receiving keys are either missing or somebody has them and isn't saying anything, I get a more or less "huh, okay." That's it.

Then I find out at the end of the day that a backroom TM has them, had a radio and even spoke with me several times throughout the day and didn't say a single fucking word about having my keys. Thanks, buddy.

Also when I left this afternoon the trailer was still filled with freight from today's truck. And trash because nobody was sent to work on that until after 1pm. And the line, because there's nowhere to put it because there's backstock and SFS everywhere. And part of the sweep I started to load before the trash blocked me out of the trailer and I realized it was pointless.

And today is only Monday. Yay.

I feel your pain. When GS radios there's a guest at the jewelry boat and I don't have the keys there is silence. Sometimes I call on the walkie "who has the keys?", sometimes GS calls a second time before I ask. Half the time someone 'fesses up, half the time still silence. But when someone runs to get the keys for softlines, they are logged out so someone has them and is ignoring the calls.
I feel your pain. When GS radios there's a guest at the jewelry boat and I don't have the keys there is silence. Sometimes I call on the walkie "who has the keys?", sometimes GS calls a second time before I ask. Half the time someone 'fesses up, half the time still silence. But when someone runs to get the keys for softlines, they are logged out so someone has them and is ignoring the calls.
One of these days (almost did it today) I want to go "Hey this is Circle9 and I'm headed out for the day" and see if suddenly people can hear me over the radio.
I finally got the chance to devote some time to men's basics, first chance I've had since I came back. I had to do push, so I went through and got the right stuff in the right place first, to make it easier to put push in the right place.

I only made it through 2/3 of men's basics. Of what I did fix, I ended up with three completely full shopping carts of backstock before I started the push. Most of that were multiple items that were exactly the same on the wrong peg, so it wasn't guests putting things in the wrong spot.

Three shopping carts filled to the brim with too much stuff that couldn't fit in the right places. This is why I'm so frustrated about the other softlines folks not really caring about where they put what in men's basics.
Three shopping carts filled to the brim with too much stuff that couldn't fit in the right places. This is why I'm so frustrated about the other softlines folks not really caring about where they put what in men's basics.

Been there, done that in -- towels, Laundry detergent, Tissue aisle, Bedding, Toys......

I have pulled 1/2 a cart of sh*t off of one endcap before.... on more than one occasion.

Shoes, I'd put one shoe away --> pick out the wrong one from that spot --> put that pair of shoes away --> pick out the wrong shoe box from that spot -- to be repeated ad nauseam
Around here it's small appliances--whenever I get a push of small appliances, I pretty much always return twice as much to backstock as was in the pull, because nothing in those aisles is in the right spot and ridiculously overstocked.
I finally got the chance to devote some time to men's basics, first chance I've had since I came back. I had to do push, so I went through and got the right stuff in the right place first, to make it easier to put push in the right place.

I only made it through 2/3 of men's basics. Of what I did fix, I ended up with three completely full shopping carts of backstock before I started the push. Most of that were multiple items that were exactly the same on the wrong peg, so it wasn't guests putting things in the wrong spot.

Three shopping carts filled to the brim with too much stuff that couldn't fit in the right places. This is why I'm so frustrated about the other softlines folks not really caring about where they put what in men's basics.

One of the top five reasons I quit doing In-Stocks when they killed the team.. "oh you expect me to shoot the task list and clean up so what I shoot is correct? but other teams don't have time to push correctly?" Yeah no, I would rather do SFS where it kills my bad back rather beat my head against the wall anymore..
Had to go in at midnight for the 2nd scan because hq fucked up the first one

It'll be easy they said

Four hours should be enough they said


That was around 4:45am

By 8:45am I had another 10 or so boxes and I still wasn't done.

I'm dead

Cherry on top was when I was moving boxes 5 min before my shift ended and this happens


But the ETL log is gonna buy me sushi he can dump it in my grave
Had to go in at midnight for the 2nd scan because hq fucked up the first one

It'll be easy they said

Four hours should be enough they said


That was around 4:45am

By 8:45am I had another 10 or so boxes and I still wasn't done.

I'm dead

Cherry on top was when I was moving boxes 5 min before my shift ended and this happens


But the ETL log is gonna buy me sushi he can dump it in my grave

I don't know what any of this means because I'm a front end bitch. But the spill of dvds is true pain.
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