Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

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Was told first thing this morning to load a sweep. Tried to argue for waiting until our next scheduled sweep, which is tomorrow. Instead I spent most of my shift struggling to sort repacks, dealing with multiple vendors showing up at the same time, trying not to snap when TLs wandered by and asked me if I was sending back all the repacks, nodding politely while AP talked to me about something my TL was supposed to talk to me about yesterday and is going to add more shit for me to deal with, trudging through the 30 Minute Audit From Hell, giving up on repacks, realizing how close shift end was and panicking.
I got a kid beaten today. 🙁

I was putting away reshop in Infants/Toddlers, way in the back, and as usual there's little kids running around. A little girl, I'm thinking 6 or maybe 7, just looks at me. Where she was at, she'd be difficult to spot, so I looked at the young mother with kids that age on the other side of the clothing bar and said "You're kid's over here." She said "That's not my kid." Oh. I looked around, there was another young mother close by, so I called out to her "Ma'am, is this your kid?" She said no. I looked at the kid and asked "Are you lost?" and she said "Yes." All that went through my mind was "Fuuuuuuck."

My first impulse was to call the LOD or hardlines 4 and drop her in their laps. It's not a Code Yellow because I have the kid, the kid is safe, I'm just missing the parent. But I realized that passing her off would make me feel better but would scare her even more. She's lost her mom, kid logic says that mom may be lost forever, she's scared and I need her to feel confident that this is just a little hiccup and she'll be back with mom really quickly. So I have to keep this low-key and I have to make her think that I've got this handled. Any appearance of not knowing what to do is going to make her feel even more scared.

So plan B is to take her to Guest Services. If her mom flags down another team member, it'll turn into a Code Yellow and the mother will be taken to the front of the store, which is exactly where I'll have the kid at. And if her mother doesn't flag someone down, she can be paged to Guest Services to meet her kid. As we were walking, I called out to every woman I saw "Is this your kid?" The white woman looked at me like I was crazy as the little girl is black, but hey, adoptions and step-parents. Woman #5 said "No, but I think she's over there." And right then woman #6 walks out of Boys and the kid said that was her mommy.

The woman grabbed her arm and started hauling her off at a pace where the girl was running to keep up. She yelled "You're going home right now!" as the girl was screaming "No mommy!" I wanted to say something to the mother that would deescalate things, but what could I say? "Your kid is so sweet and quiet it's likely you left her behind rather than her leaving you." No, that's not going to help. I walked back into Infants/Toddlers and then the girl's crying shot up in volume and I heard the sound of someone hitting someone else very hard, repeatedly.

If I had followed my first impulse and had somehow gotten the LOD or AP there, the mother would likely not have hit her in front of authority figures. And then by the time she got her outside alone, she might have calmed down enough to not hit the girl at all. I think by the rule book I did the correct thing, but it feels like ethically I did the wrong thing since the girl got hit.
You'd think there'd be enough people to make the mom think twice about beating her kid in public but most folks wouldn't get involved unless it gets to the point of brutalizing a child.
At that point, you'd hope for a SJW to step up & threaten to call CPS.
Came in today to find somebody had taken down a vendor endcap with no warning or explanation. So when the vendor came in today I called an LOD over to deal with it and heard some explanation about how it wasn't selling and he wasn't supposed to keep filling it because it was supposed to come down weeks ago. Despite nobody saying a word to him or me. Despite the fact that he comes in every week.

And I'm the one on a CCA for communication issues? What the fuck.
Came in today to find somebody had taken down a vendor endcap with no warning or explanation. So when the vendor came in today I called an LOD over to deal with it and heard some explanation about how it wasn't selling and he wasn't supposed to keep filling it because it was supposed to come down weeks ago. Despite nobody saying a word to him or me. Despite the fact that he comes in every week.

And I'm the one on a CCA for communication issues? What the fuck.

My favorite was the STL setting an Oreo check lane and getting the vendor to fill it only for the POG TL to kill it and leave it all in carts at the check lanes and the end cap? Sat completely empty all day..
My favorite was the STL setting an Oreo check lane and getting the vendor to fill it only for the POG TL to kill it and leave it all in carts at the check lanes and the end cap? Sat completely empty all day..
That happened in our store once with the old stl. I found out later, that POG TL got coached for it with a reminder that anything he builds stays. So now, if stl builds anything no one touches. Its kinda funny if it was so sad
That happened in our store once with the old stl. I found out later, that POG TL got coached for it with a reminder that anything he builds stays. So now, if stl builds anything no one touches. Its kinda funny if it was so sad

It wasn't so much that they tore it down, is that they left it empty all day long.. That pissed her off more.. If you were going not work on it until late in your day why clear it out and leave it empty not making money all day?
I don't know why the ETL-LOG is so fixated on sweeps. Have to load an extra one today and tomorrow when normally I'd start loading a sweep...Thursday. It's cool though, not like I have triple my usual MIR workload, a defective tub I haven't touched in months, a pile of credits to sort through and doing it all just enough so I don't get in more trouble.

But hey, at least that one pallet of salvage on the line is safely in the trailer.
Ours went to Kinkos and built a hug chart for backroom accuracy so we all can see and be green again. the we had a 45 minute huddle so he could explain in detail about this and why he hates the pda going away. Good news we are getting move. Bad news, it will make things more of a clusterF***

I am green again. I am happy again. And I get to locu stuff again. Because M-delete is evil now.
My shift before last shift I was drinking water in front of everyone, my LODs, ETLs, GSTLs, even the APTL walked by and talked to me as I was drinking water at the front lane. I've always drank water from a cup from Food Ave at the front lanes with no conflict or issues, it was encouraged.

I walk into my next shift, grab a cup of water, drink it, refill it, walk back to SCO, and I'm being threatened to get fired over a cup of water because I have no doctor's note and apparently they're enforcing it. Straight up "TTGOz, did you know you need a doctor's note for water? Yeah... we could have you fired for that. 🙂" and I'm just "Since when? I've been here two years and I've never known this." and she says "oh it's always been a rule, but the APTL is really enforcing it now."

Among other things, we have to stay in one specific spot our entire SCO shift now. Can't move unless to help a guest, can't leave to zone or help with nearby freight when no one is in the SCO. Remain at the front of SCO at all times, and get in the way of every one in line or trying to walk through. The front of SCO I mean is facing away from the entrances, facing out into the store. I refer to the back of SCO as facing the doors.

We now have to send guests to guest service to fix any missed giftcards(I thought I was suppose to get a gift card for purchasing these two Bounty packages? That kind of thing, I'm good with that too.)

My store no longer accepts price matches unless it's physically printed out on paper or from another store's physical ad... we don't accept any ads or anything from someone's phone now. I blatantly ignore this rule, fuck that. I just ask that they show me the real webpage, not a screenshot of it otherwise I have no idea if it's real or not or an old promotion.

There's other things that have been really enforced on us now. Some things that make sense in terms of AP... I think I'm pretty damn good at catching the thieves and the innocent ones. I haven't let anyone dupe me ever since I got scared into discounting a $70 RC car to $30 because they were in a hurry to catch their daughter at the bus. They were pissing me off and I was getting pissed off, but they were trying to hardcore argue with me, so I just gave it to them with the biggest attitude, I'm like what the fuck ever. Haven't let that happen since, I'm good on telling guests their coupons are no good for what they've purchased, I've gotten good at not using no barcode without permission, I ask for price checks anytime a guest says something is supposed to be this price and it's over $2-$3. My store's official policy is like $2 I think.

Since seasonal cashiers are starting to really come on, it makes sense for them, but to us veteran cashiers it's like "what the fuck?" and being possibly termed over fucking drinking water? Fuck that. I don't need a fucking doctor's note for that shit, what do I tell a doctor? I need to drink water? Well, every human being has to. That's probably the single stupidest thing I've ever heard from anyone's mouth in a long time. "You can get fired over drinking water" fuck that shit. I'm triggered and I think I have a good reason to be. Water has been my life line to preventing soreness on the lanes, sure it makes me have to pee, but whatever. I can hold it usually until my next break or if it's slow I'll take the chance and get permission to use the bathroom. (next sentence is TMI) Sometimes I'll eat a bad meal and it'll make my stomach all icky and I'm pooping diarrhea and I'll be drinking water to minimize it all.

Is anyone else's stores taking this super seriously? Especially the whole doctor's note for water thing? I don't want to waste my time and money going to an appointment just to say I need to drink water and my work says I need a doctor's note or I'm fired or written up. Sure, I can get checked up while I'm there, but do I really need to be? No! I just got checked up like a month ago.
Among other things, we have to stay in one specific spot our entire SCO shift now. Can't move unless to help a guest, can't leave to zone or help with nearby freight when no one is in the SCO. Remain at the front of SCO at all times, and get in the way of every one in line or trying to walk through. The front of SCO I mean is facing away from the entrances, facing out into the store. I refer to the back of SCO as facing the doors.
Wtf.. if i stand in the same place for like 30 seconds I get yelled at. I need to constantly be pacing and/or engaging with a guest
I get no drinks on the salesfloor but on the front lanes? Thats some bull.
I have bottles of water that we can't sell (another grocery store house brand) full and sealed in isolated places in my area because I sweat too much. Things like TTGOz has can be solved by talking to STL and DTL if he/she doesnt solve it.
If you have no AP ETL then your APTL can be overruled by any ETL easily.
Drinking and bathrooms are non negotiable with me.
I have bottles of water that we can't sell (another grocery store house brand) full and sealed in isolated places in my area because I sweat too much. Things like TTGOz has can be solved by talking to STL and DTL if he/she doesnt solve it.
If you have no AP ETL then your APTL can be overruled by any ETL easily.
Drinking and bathrooms are non negotiable with me.

Yup, I'm definitely gonna be talking about it. My APTL isn't very talkative, doesn't talk to anyone (and I mean that, he really doesn't.)

I probably won't address any concerns to the APTL himself, just HR or the STL. Not that anyone of them is gonna really care to hear or tell the APTL or ETLs about it, but worth a shot.

Wtf.. if i stand in the same place for like 30 seconds I get yelled at. I need to constantly be pacing and/or engaging with a guest
That's the way we use to be. We could zone and help with freight, it was highly encouraged. Recently it was we can still do that, but have to be in the SCO watching the guest(s) if anyone walks in, no ifs or buts. That's fine, I can handle that. Now it's we have to constantly be there watching. I might of exaggerated by saying to stand in one spot, but our APTL wants us all in one area, and that happens to be the front of the SCO.

I get no drinks on the salesfloor but on the front lanes? Thats some bull.
Yeah and I can get that too, my backrooms have a water fountain in them so I can just leave real quick to grab a drink and be back before 2 minutes is over. I just can't get over the whole "oh we can write you up or term you for having water without a doctor's note at the front end" it's just like why. I didn't think the ETL that told me that had to be like that with me lol, she portrayed a very specific tone that I just didn't like. I'm not sure, I need to talk to someone about it next time I'm in. I'm just not 100% sure how to go about it. I just know the specific point I want to get across is it's stupid to not allow cashiers to have water.
Dude comes up to 'bux, tells me his order, then leaves.

He's done this multiple times now. He always gets the same thing. I don't lift a finger to do anything about it until he comes back a few minutes later and actually pays. I won't lie that I'm kind of glad he almost always has to end up waiting in a line when he does that. He just sits at the handoff plane expecting me to have it ready for him. I finally told him last night that I can't make his order if he doesn't pay, and reminding him where the register actually is. Doubt it'll have an impact, he's never paying attention to his immediate surroundings.

Guy's a creepster anyways, AP follows his every move.
I get no drinks on the salesfloor but on the front lanes? Thats some bull.

The front lanes are essentially part of the sales floor.

I don't generally think having a drink on the floor is a bad idea, but it needs to be in a closed container. A cup that you can easily knock over and create a mess isnt appropriate for the floor. But if people are leaving their trash behind on the floor, then yeah, I can see enforcing the rule strictly.

Edit: Are drinks on the floor a Steritech violation? I dont know, but it wouldn't surprise me.
The front lanes are essentially part of the sales floor.

I don't generally think having a drink on the floor is a bad idea, but it needs to be in a closed container. A cup that you can easily knock over and create a mess isnt appropriate for the floor. But if people are leaving their trash behind on the floor, then yeah, I can see enforcing the rule strictly.

Edit: Are drinks on the floor a Steritech violation? I dont know, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Yes they are why you keep it in a closed bottle and at the bottom of your cart.
The front lanes are essentially part of the sales floor.

I don't generally think having a drink on the floor is a bad idea, but it needs to be in a closed container. A cup that you can easily knock over and create a mess isnt appropriate for the floor. But if people are leaving their trash behind on the floor, then yeah, I can see enforcing the rule strictly.

Edit: Are drinks on the floor a Steritech violation? I dont know, but it wouldn't surprise me.

The front lanes it's easy to hide it though.

I know for many leaders it's the appearance of walking around sipping a rockstar while a guest is looking for assistance
The front lanes it's easy to hide it though.

I know for many leaders it's the appearance of walking around sipping a rockstar while a guest is looking for assistance
Now THAT'S un-professional. Water however, isn't, I don't think.
Edit: Are drinks on the floor a Steritech violation? I dont know, but it wouldn't surprise me.

It is a violation.
I know in my state, the food safety laws allow for closed containers of water, but Steritech says no. Between lack of coverage for breaks and Steritech's rules, dehydration is a real risk for the mids and closers in the Deli, who can't easily hop over to Starbucks to grab a small cup of water to chug before anyone sees. Leadership wants ONLY Starbucks TMs behind the SB counter, so we get chewed out if we're noticed. It's incredibly annoying when Target as a company could easily just tell Steritech to ignore that one rule, so long as the water containers aren't near food and are closed. I should be allowed to have a screw-top bottle of water stashed out of the way and away from food.
My LOA ends today. I'm anxious about work, I've heard things changed in the past 2 months...
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