Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

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Yeah, I looked there first with her. I didn't see it (didn't look at the tags) so I guess we were out. She was happy with the squeegee I found for her in automotive.

But man, I never foresaw spending 30 minutes with a guest for such a simple thing. It was 'fine' because I was like 45 minutes late for a break, but what about if I'm due for lunch? I just feel so rude that I have to go, especially to older British ladies.

If you have a radio you call for someone to take over for you. And always say you are about to go into compliance. Apologize to the guest, "It's a state law and target thing." If you can explain to who is taking over what is going on. Be nice, most guests understand.
Meanwhile a call button was almost to 3rd because she was distracting me.. so i sprint over there and clear it. There is No guest in sight. As i look up i see a new flow chick walking around texting while her coworkers are pushing racks. I ask her why she didnt clear the button and if she saw a guest. I just get blank stares. So i ask if she needs help finding something to do and she says no. I point to the 4 racks on the floor and tell her its not gonna push itself. She walks over.. Grabs 5 things and walks completely to the wrong area. I tell her thats not where it goes and i call her trainer over to spend some more time with her. She asks me if im a manager. I tell her no but im a tm whos been here 10x longer than her but gets paid less and i expect her to do as much as i have to to earn that paycheck. She tells me to mind my own business...............

So i call her TL over to have a word with her about expectations as a flow tm. (Actually stocking something, answering call buttons, spending less time on her phone) and she calls me a (**female dog**) as the TL walks away. I tell her to hold that thought as i call the LOD over. Explain the whole situation, told the ETL her weave must have infected her brain and if she calls me a name again we will be in HRs office. He tells me to go to lunch and calm down. Apparently the girl rage quit because the LOD told her she actually had to do something to earn her paycheck..
So, I'm new (it's my 4th week)... we get a small appliances call button and I rush over there and go on walkie saying "I got it". I go to the to the phones nearby and press the buttons, but nothing happens. No guests are waiting to be helped.

We're undergoing a remodel, so the automated thing hasn't been changed -- a newbie wouldn't know that, at least I didn't; no one told me. But yeah, later a TM told me that until the automated things are changed, certain 'sections' are still designated as the 'old' section per the guest phones. It's just so frustrating, I told my LOD I got it but apparently I didn't. They really should tell TMs this, especially undergoing a remodel.
Meanwhile a call button was almost to 3rd because she was distracting me.. so i sprint over there and clear it. There is No guest in sight. As i look up i see a new flow chick walking around texting while her coworkers are pushing racks. I ask her why she didnt clear the button and if she saw a guest. I just get blank stares. So i ask if she needs help finding something to do and she says no. I point to the 4 racks on the floor and tell her its not gonna push itself. She walks over.. Grabs 5 things and walks completely to the wrong area. I tell her thats not where it goes and i call her trainer over to spend some more time with her. She asks me if im a manager. I tell her no but im a tm whos been here 10x longer than her but gets paid less and i expect her to do as much as i have to to earn that paycheck. She tells me to mind my own business...............

So i call her TL over to have a word with her about expectations as a flow tm. (Actually stocking something, answering call buttons, spending less time on her phone) and she calls me a (**female dog**) as the TL walks away. I tell her to hold that thought as i call the LOD over. Explain the whole situation, told the ETL her weave must have infected her brain and if she calls me a name again we will be in HRs office. He tells me to go to lunch and calm down. Apparently the girl rage quit because the LOD told her she actually had to do something to earn her paycheck..

I give you props for not knocking out her teeth. Or snatching that weave. That is soooo tempting.,
They pulled me from my register today,,,,,, to take my picture

Ain't crazy compared to all this, but god damn that threw me off

Team Player/Hero whatever the hell they called it and me...y'all crazy

Also Im mortified of pictures and practically begged them to reconsider taking it to no avail...

That is very cool.
Means they think highly of you and you contribute a lot to the store.
Very impressive.
That is very cool.
Means they think highly of you and you contribute a lot to the store.
Very impressive.
Yeah, I'm low key super thrilled about it. I'm just super peeved about the whole picture thing since I get really anxious having it taken and the fact it's gonna be hung up for a month e.e Lately they've been having me do just about anything they need done, I was hardly on the register today during an 8 hour shift. It feels really nice that they think I'm good enough to handle/quickly learn all the tasks they want done.
And this section has the most amount of pushes per day in my store. Today, I had 4 tubs and 3 flats (average day is 2 tubs, 1 flat) and not to mention 2-3 carts of go-backs

The reason there are always so many vehicles is because a lot of the items are larger. One flat of push might only have 3 DPCIs because they're those plastic storage bins. With your experience in that area, you're probably much faster at pushing and working re-shop there than anywhere else.

Also, great job, @Kaitii!
Funny how I was scheduled for 5-9 and then I look at the grid, I see 5-12. I ask my TL and he's like can you stay? I was like... I guess. How about until 12:30? And I was like, what's 30 more minutes. Just weird to extend my hours without telling me.
Apparently my ETL-HR and HRTM both turned in their two weeks notice. The ETL accepted a position at another company and is bringing the HRTM with her.

The other ETLs and even the STL are giving them the silent treatment/pretending they don't exist.
I go in the other day, check in and look at the grid... It says "5-12" and I'm like WTF?! I was scheduled 5-9. I ask my TL, he's like.... Well, can you stay? I said I guess. And then he goes... How about 1230? And I'm like... What's 30 more minutes.

Just odd they extended my shift without telling me. And also how this week I first had 11 hours scheduled and I now worked 39 hours. And I worked 7 days straight. So happy for my 2 days off.
I was doing go-backs earlier today and as usual, it wasn't sorted. I'm usually domestics/housewares, so I saved the "others" till the end. I went over to Market/Home Storage/Etc and this lady stops me asking for help looking for a squeegee. A TM told her it would be in cleaning supplies, but she couldn't find it, so I told her a place I know would have - the housewares gadget wall. So we walk ALLLLL the way over there. And then she sees it, and goes - "oh, I forgot to tell you that I need something larger than that and with a longer handle since I'll be using it to clean house windows." So, I ask another TM (I'm new) and he suggests automotive, so, off we walk BACK where we started from. But, on the way back, she starts telling me about her friend who bought a new mattress with bed bugs. And I spend the next 30 minutes hearing this story. And the funny thing is, she prefaced it with, "to make a long story short" - I can only imagine how long the unabridged version would be.

She was a nice lady though, with a nice proper british accent. Sometimes, I wonder if I could say - hey, you liked my service, fill out this card! Or go and get one to fill out. Is that apropos?

OMG. This lady came back today and asked for me BY NAME! I had to endure another 30 minute bed bug conversation. I walked her to the checkout lanes and gave her a guest comment card. She better fill it out.
My vent from last night: people are fucking animals! I was zoning and doing BP (Bullseye's Playground) go-backs and I would move from one section to the next. I kid you not, not more than 5 minutes passed before shit was out of place. I just don't get it at all. It's not so hard to put things back in their place!
Apparently my ETL-HR and HRTM both turned in their two weeks notice. The ETL accepted a position at another company and is bringing the HRTM with her.

The other ETLs and even the STL are giving them the silent treatment/pretending they don't exist.
Yeh, that ain't gonna fly when they need something done.
HR isn't a dept you wanna piss off because SO much can go wrong.
And you NEVER wanna piss off the people who handle payroll.
Apparently my ETL-HR and HRTM both turned in their two weeks notice. The ETL accepted a position at another company and is bringing the HRTM with her.

The other ETLs and even the STL are giving them the silent treatment/pretending they don't exist.

Sounds like my store, except it's only the ETL-HR. Sucks because I REALLY like her and so supportive of TMs; she was crying as she was telling us. I just hope the new one is the same.
I do not like working in electronics at all. I don't know anything useful about the expensive stuff over there and since instocks stopped scanning entertainment I can't find any movies or books a customer is looking for without a lot of fiddling with an iPod. Yet somehow I end up being one of the few people who answers calls for backup over there. It gets kind of stressful sometimes, trying to fumble my way through helping people when my knowledge is pretty much reading what's on the sale sign or packaging.

But hey, managed to sell an attachment on an iPad Air 2 today! It was a screen cover for another tablet the customer already owns but whatever. Yaaay.
Whenever I have to cover electronics I'm so glad we have someone in mobile that is super knowledgeable and helps answer my questions. Luckily most people just need you to read the box to them and they're good.
wait for the TPS to waddle over to unlock the keys

Wait, what? TPS unlock the keybox? The GSTL/GSA don't have keys to the keybox?

I just want to vent about closing shifts lately. To start off I am pharmacy backup trained and work in pfresh and during the night I am literally the only person who can backup pharmacy. The first close after I was officially trained I was in pharmacy for literally 2 hours of my shift throughout the night backing up. It hasnt gotten as bad since then but usually I have to backup 3-4 times throughout the night and sometimes I can be back there for 20-30 minutes straight.

Our pharmacy TM's are awesome and yours suck, or, as is much more likely, your Pharmacy must be WAYYY busier than ours. I literally hear pharmacy ask for backup maybe a handful of times per year. To the best of my knowledge the only person actually even semi-trained to backup at pharmacy is one of our hardlines TM's that works primarily in cosmetics.
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That's twice now that when doing trash on a truck day I a) Have to make a bale first thing and b) have to pull things out of the baler so it can actually crush far enough. This time it took forever because there was a lot of excess cardboard in there. All wedged in there of course so took even longer to clear it out. I really don't mind doing trash but that shit is ridiculous. At least we have a (just one) roll of bags again from some mysterious stash so I don't have to dig through the cages to toss all the plastic.

Also I found out our store's solution to the "way too much softlines backstock nobody is going to try and actually backstock" problem was to put half of it on the opposite side of the store from the backroom in the fire tunnel/hallway near TMSC. I am seriously tempted to get in touch with our DTL somehow and ask if they saw that little gem on their visit this week.
I had a first, ever, the other day. A TM approached me to let me know that there was an upset guest, and asked if I could come to the Service Desk to speak with them. I arrived, and was screamed at for "committing fraud" and how "illegal" what we were doing was. The problem? When they swiped their card, it was charged. No more, no less. Apparently, being told "Your total is XXX, how will you be paying?" and then "Okay, go ahead and swipe that in the reader to settle up" (or some variation) is not clear enough. The guest was totally confused as to why such an action would result in their card being charged.

I must've spent a good five or six minutes being yelled at before I finally post voided the transaction, told the guest that the charge was cancelled and grabbed the items. The guest continued to explain how they were "inconvenienced" by our "fraud" because they really needed those items. Well, if you really needed them, why on earth didn't you just leave with them?! The charge was for the correct amount, the receipt was correct, so why?

People don't make much sense to me. Never have, certainly never will.
Also I found out our store's solution to the "way too much softlines backstock nobody is going to try and actually backstock" problem was to put half of it on the opposite side of the store from the backroom in the fire tunnel/hallway near TMSC. I am seriously tempted to get in touch with our DTL somehow and ask if they saw that little gem on their visit this week.

Call fire Marshall, non emergency, drop a dime. Takes a minute to find who to call. But be very specific about when they need to show up and that its an ongoing problem that is with the blessing of leadership. And that you fear for the safety of everyone in the building.

Our city fire Marshall had no problem showing up at 5:30am to find many exits blocked and with pallets and vehicles. You could hear him screaming at the ETL-Log. They were perfectly ok with anonymous but you will need specifics so they know you are NOT joking.
Call fire Marshall, non emergency, drop a dime. Takes a minute to find who to call. But be very specific about when they need to show up and that its an ongoing problem that is with the blessing of leadership. And that you fear for the safety of everyone in the building.

Our city fire Marshall had no problem showing up at 5:30am to find many exits blocked and with pallets and vehicles. You could hear him screaming at the ETL-Log. They were perfectly ok with anonymous but you will need specifics so they know you are NOT joking.
I've actually thought about calling them about the state of the backroom's fire tunnel before but I think they're trying to actually keep that one clear now. Then again when shit like this has happened before:

In hindsight I should have done more than take a picture but whatever. That was not a good day at work.

This is what I saw today up in that front tunnel:

Going to pay closer attention now and I guess document some more?
The kicker for me was the pallet of tile and tile cutting tools left in front the fire door and the side with the handle so you could NOT open the fire door at all. I sent the fire Marshall that and the man lift/bucket that no one had ability to move parked on the other side of the same fire door. Softlines with repack boxes double deep chest high to me packed in front of that exit. That had been there for days.
Our AP always makes sure the back fire aisle is clear. The only problem is that he pushes everything into the fixture room.

Do fire marshals care about fixture rooms?
Our AP always makes sure the back fire aisle is clear. The only problem is that he pushes everything into the fixture room.

Do fire marshals care about fixture rooms?

Only that the door can close. Cause our fixture room is off of one of the fire exit tunnels, so the door is a fire rated door. And has to be closed at all times. Which it never is.
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