Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

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Now, I don't know if my TL and ETL like me or have a lot of faith in me or if this is normal. But they had me do 4 sales planner (?) end caps today. It wasn't difficult after I got the gist of it but it doesn't seem like a job for a TM in his 5th week, especially since my assigned area was a mess (no closer the previous night). Also, they had me put backing paper and merchandise an aisle in seasonal. I found it better than doing go backs or pulls, that's for sure.
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Know when today's Market autos, pulled sometime after 4a and 7:30a were pushed? Not before I left at 12:3op! Because the flow TM intended to push them never showed up and our wonderful new PA who has all the initiative of a rock waited a few hours to ask if anybody was pushing them. Because there's salesplanners to set and I'm sure that's what the "consumables" TL thinks is more important. Sure had fun listening to that PA whine about how nobody told her anything when (I think) if you're going to be promoted to a higher position in consumables you could at least try and pay attention. Maybe.

But that's okay, nothing in Market getting pushed means I don't have to scan Market, which is fifty less things out of the 230+ I have to deal with on my own, with only two hours once you factor in staying on truck, lunch, another pointless huddle and trying not to collapse from dealing with 4am starts on way too little sleep. Not that I got much done anyways, took me half that time to make it through checklanes.

Q4's not even started and I'm already falling apart. This fucking place.
Had some action last night, a tweeker girl tried to steal $950 worth of stuff. I have no idea how long she was in the store but it was 10 minutes to closing and she was up by the jewelry with a cart filled to the brim. One of the managers was there talking to her like oh hi we're closing soon, come on and check out. I was the only cashier. The girl was like um I am just trying to sort through some stuff, my boyfriend has the cash and he's outside. She is clinging to this large makeup bag. The manager is like yeah we can help you sort it out just come to the register. Here let me hold that for you. And then the girl says oh well I put some stuff in there to see if it fit. Out comes like 40 eyeshadows and lip glosses from the makeup bag. The manager says so what is your budget, this is a lot of stuff? The girl says um I dunno I just grab things and decide later. She had like sweaters, decorations, food, more than one wallet, teeth whitening strips... so much random shit. Like a shopping spree where you are timed to get as much as you can. So I start ringing the stuff up and it gets to over $100 with just a few items. The girl says ok stop there. She tries to pay, whadya know its declined. She says to take off this and that, pays again, declined. Her purse is FULL but there's an ipad on top blocking the view in. She says oh just let me go out and grab the cash from my boyfriend. Ok sure. She leaves, the manager follows her out and the girl got in a truck and was gone.
I remember about two years ago, a fire extinguisher popped and literally flew down an aisle in market covering everything in foam. You should have seen it - let alone heard it. Needless to say the girl covering market needed to take a knee to calm her nerves.
This actually happened last Sunday, but I'm just now venting it.

Two guys come riding through the store on those "hover boards" (image below). They are talking extremely loud and knocking things over as they ride around. I'm just a CA, but I was staying late to help with re-locating all the Halloween candy. So they come rolling through yelling, swearing, and knocking stuff over. Pissing me off. The LOD for the night had to try and catch up to them and tell them to leave. However she is a very slow person when it comes to moving about. I asked "Do you want me to go stop them? I can catch up to them faster." She just said, "No I can handle it". I left about 30 minutes later, and the guys were still in the store riding around. Makes me angry.
In the backroom. I held the line up, boxes fell off the rollers. Still learning but man I need to keep up.
This actually happened last Sunday, but I'm just now venting it.

Two guys come riding through the store on those "hover boards" (image below). They are talking extremely loud and knocking things over as they ride around. I'm just a CA, but I was staying late to help with re-locating all the Halloween candy. So they come rolling through yelling, swearing, and knocking stuff over. Pissing me off. The LOD for the night had to try and catch up to them and tell them to leave. However she is a very slow person when it comes to moving about. I asked "Do you want me to go stop them? I can catch up to them faster." She just said, "No I can handle it". I left about 30 minutes later, and the guys were still in the store riding around. Makes me angry.

I hate those stupid things, and it always seems like the people riding them are complete tools. They're always obnoxious frat-boy types who think that "But where does it say we can't ride it?" or "But I'm injured and need it to move around" are somehow loopholes that will give them free reign to ride around the store and fuck shit up.
I hate those stupid things, and it always seems like the people riding them are complete tools. They're always obnoxious frat-boy types who think that "But where does it say we can't ride it?" or "But I'm injured and need it to move around" are somehow loopholes that will give them free reign to ride around the store and fuck shit up.

Nowhere are you allowed to act a fool and vandalize my business. Now get the Fuck out.
We had a couple come through not too long ago. They were clearly high on something. He apparently dropped trou in the men's dept and put on a pair of our shorts as witnessed by AP through security system, then managed to grab one of our t-shirts and get that on, too, although that wasn't on film. He came into the fitting room with a bunch of swim trunks, left fairly quickly but ended up handing me back a pair of shorts that were not ours. I guess they were the ones he was originally wearing. Just because it was so strange, I went into the fitting room and found the tag from the shorts he had lifted on the floor. In the meanwhile, his wife has their toddler and she is screaming at the kid - so much so that folks were coming out of the aisles to make sure she wasn't abusing the little girl. Then the guy takes over for his wife and starts racing up and down the aisles pushing this child. He was going dangerously fast. I'm trying to pick up clothes off the floor and wife sees a dress I'm holding, comes over touches it and remarks "Ohhh....pretty!". Good clue that she was wasted. Meanwhile, hotdog is running through the store yelling wife's name so loud that again, people are coming out of nowhere to see what's going on. AP finally gets hold of them, tells them they have film showing theft but couple keeps denying. We get their address and they peel out of the parking lot at break neck speed. I called for AP to let him know about tag I found but was told he was busy. I didn't realize he was in the process of showing these people the door. I finally catch up with him, give him the tag and apparently that's what they needed to verify that film was valid. Police are called and they go pay a call to the couple. Turns out they were high on meth, might even have been making some. Little girl was taken by Division of Family Services and placed in foster care. From what I heard, it wasn't parents' first offense, so the outlook for the two of them wasn't real good. It was a very interesting afternoon.
We had a couple come through not too long ago. They were clearly high on something. He apparently dropped trou in the men's dept and put on a pair of our shorts as witnessed by AP through security system, then managed to grab one of our t-shirts and get that on, too, although that wasn't on film. He came into the fitting room with a bunch of swim trunks, left fairly quickly but ended up handing me back a pair of shorts that were not ours. I guess they were the ones he was originally wearing. Just because it was so strange, I went into the fitting room and found the tag from the shorts he had lifted on the floor. In the meanwhile, his wife has their toddler and she is screaming at the kid - so much so that folks were coming out of the aisles to make sure she wasn't abusing the little girl. Then the guy takes over for his wife and starts racing up and down the aisles pushing this child. He was going dangerously fast. I'm trying to pick up clothes off the floor and wife sees a dress I'm holding, comes over touches it and remarks "Ohhh....pretty!". Good clue that she was wasted. Meanwhile, hotdog is running through the store yelling wife's name so loud that again, people are coming out of nowhere to see what's going on. AP finally gets hold of them, tells them they have film showing theft but couple keeps denying. We get their address and they peel out of the parking lot at break neck speed. I called for AP to let him know about tag I found but was told he was busy. I didn't realize he was in the process of showing these people the door. I finally catch up with him, give him the tag and apparently that's what they needed to verify that film was valid. Police are called and they go pay a call to the couple. Turns out they were high on meth, might even have been making some. Little girl was taken by Division of Family Services and placed in foster care. From what I heard, it wasn't parents' first offense, so the outlook for the two of them wasn't real good. It was a very interesting afternoon.
Everyone today (BR incl) was called to the TSC, specifically the STLs office except for cashiers/SB/FA/SD/GSA/operator. We all felt like we were being called to the principal's office. But it was just a huddle because we had surprise visits that we did well in. Also in the recognition, she singled me out! I must've turned so red, my face got so hot. She said for a very new TM, she's never gotten so many guest comment cards and she always sees me with a smile on my face and ready to do any go backs. It's nice to get recognition, but it's a bit embarrassing in front of like 25 of your coworkers. Plus, why does everyone think I've worked there 2-5 years?!?
Wait, what? TPS unlock the keybox? The GSTL/GSA don't have keys to the keybox?

Our pharmacy TM's are awesome and yours suck, or, as is much more likely, your Pharmacy must be WAYYY busier than ours. I literally hear pharmacy ask for backup maybe a handful of times per year. To the best of my knowledge the only person actually even semi-trained to backup at pharmacy is one of our hardlines TM's that works primarily in cosmetics.

Our Pharmacy is just stupid busy and guests always have some kind of problem I swear. That and people just keep coming and coming. There is hardly a time later in the day when a guest isnt being helped.
Today was a day.

Was so excited to be in hardlines again since who knows when I'll be there again...come downstairs after clocking in and the LOD is like "hey Kaitii I want you to switch with Pudding tell him to go to receiving for the huddle" and they basically told me we need red cards and good reviews and I just "but I get or two a week" to which they replied "that's more than him." And yeah they basically told me "he sucks you're better you do it" and told me not to tell him so he doesn't feel bad. I def won't since he's actually been feeling really proud of himself as a cashier and I don't wanna ruin that feeling for him.

So I had to give up my hardlines to him and take over the register which made me sad as fuck but they told me that I can spend 1.5 hours of my shift helping out in hardlines so there was that.

GSA told me that the red card goal was 2 = free starbucks but really I didn't even have my hopes high that I would get one lmao

I got two

Two red cards in a station I wasn't supposed to be in for that night ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Good for your score. But, I would start talking to the etl-hardlines for more hours there.
Apparently the front end TLs/GSAs/GSTLs/whoever else don't want me in hardlines. Not because I'm bad at hardlines...but because I'm such a good cashier they don't want me anywhere else. I mentioned that I was supposed to have 1.5hrs in hardlines to help out but the GSA fought w the LOD over who gets me where...and the GSA won.

I never asked to be noticed I just wanted to do my job and go home and now they're all basically fighting over who gets me ;_;
Is it weird that I actually walk guests to the actual aisle/location? The only time I don't is when guests insist I don't or when I'm helping another guest. My other coworkers think I'm doing too much.
Is it weird that I actually walk guests to the actual aisle/location? The only time I don't is when guests insist I don't or when I'm helping another guest. My other coworkers think I'm doing too much.
I do it if I'm not sure where the item is, but I know I'll recognize the aisle when I walk past it.
I need to vent about our Mobile person. She's a nice enough person, but she constantly follows me around and calls me to the boat every five minutes because she doesn't know anything. I explain basic stuff to her, hoping she would remember. She does not. She also has a lot of family drama, and unfortunately she brings it to work.
Is it weird that I actually walk guests to the actual aisle/location? The only time I don't is when guests insist I don't or when I'm helping another guest. My other coworkers think I'm doing too much.

It's not weird, it's actually good guest service.

1.) It helps you to remember where the item is in the future.
2.) It gives you an opportunity to vibe with the guest. Help them further, talk up the Red Card, increase the basket size, FREE SHIPPING. Maybe you'll even get a good survey and/or comment card out of it.
It's not weird, it's actually good guest service.

1.) It helps you to remember where the item is in the future.
2.) It gives you an opportunity to vibe with the guest. Help them further, talk up the Red Card, increase the basket size, FREE SHIPPING. Maybe you'll even get a good survey and/or comment card out of it.

Yes! And about #2 I've gotten 3-4 guest survey cards in my first 6 weeks (which my STL commended me on). I haven't worked retail in some years but my old retail job stressed about walking them to the section. I personally don't mind, the walk is good exercise. I clock in about 12-15 miles of walking in a 8 hour shift. Good for me!
Huddles where everybody stands around an extra 5 minutes waiting for the last stragglers (who are never showing up, by the way). Just get the huddle and the project over with and hunt those people down later. I have shit to do.

Leadership who see a task list of "only" ~160 and 4 instocks TMs and think we can have one research, one fill back endcaps (without a printer) and maybe the last two, who start an hour later, can go backstock softlines? Or wait, maybe after research is done, no, right away, nah, they can scan first, but there's a lot of softlines backstock we suddenly care about, but research, wait, how about one backstocks and the other one scans?

Never mind that that "small" list is mostly chemicals and HBA and I've told them I was going to spend some time sorting out the Tide because nobody in this store can tell the difference between HE/not HE, 48/64 or other useless details on the packaging. ~1.5 hours and two carts of overstock later, I got through 4 out of the 10 aisles of chemicals.

Also still waiting to see what my bosses mean when they say things like "instocks is supposed to own the 4x4 process now" (a fact my instocks TL didn't find out until last week or so). Or if that chat ETL-HR had with me about my instocks concerns is actually going to amount to anything.
I was doing a midday zone in RTW and found this - every single Christmas item we had in stock in Bullet's playground. Either a confused guest thought the mannequin was a Christmas tree that needed gifts left under it, or just ended up with a basket of stuff she decided she didn't want, but didnt have the manners to return it up front.

Target Mess3.jpg


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Big wind and rain storm the other night, power went out and about hour later we started covering up p fresh with tarps, then as soon as we get that done about an hour later with all the guest thinking they can just untape and move every tarp we put up. LOD comes over and says take it all down we need to move every thing to the coolers, 6 TMs and 2 hrs later, what a mess, I won't be buying any dairy, meats or cheeses for a while they where warm when we moved it, power didn't come on for another 6 hrs.
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