Archived Things a GSTL would say

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Yeah, we didn't call out reshop. All that would do is remind the LOD about it, who would tell guest services to stop carting it up, and then they would eventually drown under the crush of strays.
That's crazy! I would continue to sort and then have either the CA or an available TM roll the carts right back to receiving. Let the LOD forever be reminded that there's work to do. Thankfully, in my store the TLs and LOD make sure they assign at least one TM to do reshop.
most cashiers are embarrassed by it. i was especially when they did it in the earshot of the guest. dude i don't want the person i signed up for a redcard think i did it just for me. i did nothing shady. i explained the benefits and they felt it was good for them. but a guest hearing all the recognition as they're walking out? now they think i just signed them up for a commission/perks and i lied to them

I totally agree with you. It's so awkward when the guests hear all that.
I used this when I was a GSA, but it's not useful at all in the Backroom. It would just get ripped out of my ear from handling boxes, going up and down ladders, and such.

And don't forget about the loud people. #1 reason why I never bothered to get an earpiece.
most cashiers are embarrassed by it. i was especially when they did it in the earshot of the guest. dude i don't want the person i signed up for a redcard think i did it just for me. i did nothing shady. i explained the benefits and they felt it was good for them. but a guest hearing all the recognition as they're walking out? now they think i just signed them up for a commission/perks and i lied to them

YES. I don't know if I've told this story but in my last month or two w/ Spot as GSA, I was actually scheduled a cashier shift and had signed up a woman for a REDcard. My GSTL was like a REDcard cheerleader on crack, she practically screams into the walkie. She started hollering into it and was like "WOOOOO! WAY TO GO GSA FLABBERGASTED, HELPING OUR GUESTS SAVE FIIIIIIIIIIIVVVE PERCENT TODAY & EVERY DAY HERE AT TARRRRGET! AMAZING!!" The guest of course overheard and actually complained to our DTL, who was visiting our store at the time and just happened to be within this guest's line of sight. Said she didn't like being treated like "walking moneybags" or something like that. Our DTL had the STL coach her on being quieter on the walkie. Yep, that was literally the reason given for the coaching. Not that she was making the customer feel like a sucker, just that she was "too loud." So the new rule was to stop cheerleading on the walkie (which lasted about a week, as all these rules do). She went back to the cheerleading not too long later.

Corporate thinks guests want to be harassed until the end of time about REDcards. What a horrible way to conduct business.
So I just got promoted to GSA, and I was told I have to "encourage" cashiers to "get" REDcards, but I'm trying to figure out the most ethical way to do it, since I've been harassed about it since November.
The shoe is on the other foot now.
Remember what drove you batty? What worked?
Work from there & good luck.
I understand. When I wear pda & belt strap, everything is hooked it. My device, walkie, pda & phone. Hands free..
Someone could make an epic movie montage of you getting equipped and ready for your shift...

The walkie announcement, even if the cashiers themselves generally don't have walkies, is still considered a "morale boost" because for those without earpieces (which in my store, I think is everyone except AP) in hearing range will hear it. It's kind of annoying to hear, but it's not pressed into being obnoxious... so far with anyone I know.

Luckily, on overnight there's a requirement for a different breed of workers. Dayside TL's that try coming on over have to be "broken in" so-to-speak. In one instance a TL actually approached people, sighs, and starts off, "Ok, I understand that what I'm fixing to say is really stupid..." or the ETL who makes lazy, if not bad sarcastic jokes about it.


Personally if you ask me, a good approach is to do a mature, calm bit of recognition. Something that doesn't sound like you're a deadpan, and not a toxic elementary school teacher cheer. Having been on both sides of leadership in different companies, if you let the TM's know in your own way that you understand and you don't want to dumb them down or embarrass them, they will/should in turn respect you with some understanding. Following stupid orders goes all the way up to the top and sometimes it's for the greater good letting those below you know that you know it doesn't make sense.
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We had a Sr. SF-TL who was constantly challenged about "not talking enough about Red Cards" (for %@#% sake). He was awesome and probably had about as much of a humorous approach to talking about them over the walkie as you probably could without getting fired... my personal favorite was "I haven't heard about Red Cards lately!? Where are we at on giving away Red Cards!?! Common, GIVE THEM AWAY, THEY ARE FREEEEEE!!! (unintelligible noise).

He is gone now, to heaven lucky guy, earning twice as much as he did working in this place..
I recently had a guy (guest) cheer for a cashier because they announced it on the walkie so cheerfully and obnoxious lol..embarrassing x.X
Hi guys, so I've been a GSA for about a month and everything is going okay however I have one issue. My ETL GE says I'm not very "present" on the walkie and apart from the usual "Our red card goal for today is..." she's right, I'm not very present. What are some things a GSTL should say over the walkie?

At the start of your shift announce who your first responders are for each hour. (Repeat this a couple of hours later if you have team members coming in after this first announcement.) That way if the call button for more cashiers goes off they know it's their turn to head on up. And you can call them by name. "Jane I have you listed as first responder from 6-7 are you available to come open a lane?" That way Jane can head up or reply they are busy helping a guest and you can then beg call for another person to head up.

Before I stepped down from GSA (I'm still part-time GSA so I can do cash office every other weekend) my ETL-GE wanted me to do a red card update every half hour. I hated that and wouldn't do it if I could avoid it. Of course if he was there he's say "Hey GSA how are we standing on red cards?" so I'd have to respond. If left to my own devices I'd only make an announcement if it had been two hours since we'd gotten a red card asking team members to feel free to talk it up on the floor and bring the guest up to check them out if they wanted to sign up. I would always recognize team members that came up for backup. And if a guest shared they had a good experience with a team member in hardlines/softlines/etc I would announce that so they got some appreciation.

I never called out reshops unless I was actually working the service desk. We have awesome team members over there that take care of that.
At the start of your shift announce who your first responders are for each hour. (Repeat this a couple of hours later if you have team members coming in after this first announcement.) That way if the call button for more cashiers goes off they know it's their turn to head on up. And you can call them by name. "Jane I have you listed as first responder from 6-7 are you available to come open a lane?" That way Jane can head up or reply they are busy helping a guest and you can then beg call for another person to head up.

Good idea, but that would never work at my store. The GSA has enough to do without keeping track of an additional 4-8 sales floor team members. Similar premise, but I would just call out the name of those that haven't backed up in a while.
I wouldn't announce he redcard until the guest left the building.
I would walk up and down the lanes reminding cashiers to ask for redcards. I also asked them to ring faster because I hated calling for backups.
I also taught them all the sign for red. So I didn't have to say it out loud when a guest was on their line.

I work somewhere else now and it's so nice not having the credit card thing hanging over your head as if it's the end of the world if you don't get one. The place I work still wants us to ask but it's not insane. I must have gotten very good training from target though. I get the most credit card applications and protection plans each month. I hardly try.
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