Archived Things Team Members [Leaders] Do/Pet Peeves Thread

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And don't get me started on the lazy-ass Flow/HL-TMs who just dump bottles in one or the other rather than checking locations and putting them away properly.


Our resident repack doofus is always assuming location by item type instead of scanning it to check. Not only does he carry a Zebra and never use it, but he'll see me going to toss a water bottle into the kitchen cart that I know for a fact goes in kitchen (not least because I helped set the fucking POG for it) and he'll holler "UM THAT'S SPORTING GOODS" and I'm just like .... ArE yOu SuRe AbOuT tHaT

He does that shit with the electronics Marvel/DC figures too, assumes that they go in Toys and throws them in the toys cart. Saw him trying to give gardening gloves to Softlines the other day lmao. Really hate working with his dumb ass.
Had a bottle of water in our cooler that had a defect/vendor pick-up sticker on it.
Took it to the service desk & pointed it out to the GSTM & left it with them.
An hour later, it turns up in our cooler again.
I took it to the GSTL & ask them to dispose of it properly.
Guess what turned up in our cooler AGAIN?!
I took it to our ETL & asked him if he could make sure it didn't come back.
That time it didn't.
Regarding the sewing supplies we carried them on a back endcap. Then all of a sudden they were taken down and not being sold again. But about a month after that they made a come back and we now sell again.
Yeah, we clearanced the notions out after Christmas, but they came back a few months ago, with a bit better selection. We even carry a couple sewing machines.

No yarn, though. People ask about that all the time.
There was one kit that had yarn in the stationery section, and I think a second one in toys with the jewelry crafty kind of stuff. Don't know if either one is still around.
Yeah, but those are craft kits for kids, right? At least that's all we have in our store--the yarn people are looking for are skeins they can use for knitting & crocheting,
The one in toys was definitely marketed to kids. The one in stationery wasn't as obvious. But yeah, I've never seen Caron or Red Heart or the like in a Target. (yes I crochet...)
moral of the story: use sort stuff or a myDevice.
Yea, but you have to have a Zebra to use the Zebra. My store is down to 12 functioning Zebras and we've been told we aren't getting more because management is sick and fucking tired of us breaking them. Same with walkies. We're running low, but not getting more, because apparently that'll teach dumbass new TMs not to be dumbasses somehow.

In fact, there's my frustration with management - withholding necessary equipment because they're mad at the team.
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Yea, but you have to have a Zebra to use the Zebra. My store is down to 12 functioning Zebras and we've been told we aren't getting more because management is sick and fucking tired of us breaking them. Same with walkies. We're running low, but not getting more, because apparently that'll teach dumbass new TMs not to be dumbasses somehow.

In fact, there's my frustration with management - withholding necessary equipment because they're mad at the team.
Wtf 12 zebras for the whole store how do your leaders expect your store to even function
Not cleaning up after themselves in the break room.

Yes, this is one of my pet peeves too!

We have to deal with stupid guests leaving a whole bunch of items for us to put back every day. It doesn't make any sense why certain people think that it is ok to be lazy a-holes who leave their sh*t for fellow TMs to clean up after them. Fellow TMs are coworkers and not personal servants nor restaurant bussers. Everyone is at least 16 years-old here at Target so they need to be a responsible older teen / adult and clean up after themselves in the break room. 😡
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Our resident repack doofus is always assuming location by item type instead of scanning it to check. Not only does he carry a Zebra and never use it, but he'll see me going to toss a water bottle into the kitchen cart that I know for a fact goes in kitchen (not least because I helped set the fucking POG for it) and he'll holler "UM THAT'S SPORTING GOODS" and I'm just like .... ArE yOu SuRe AbOuT tHaT

He does that shit with the electronics Marvel/DC figures too, assumes that they go in Toys and throws them in the toys cart. Saw him trying to give gardening gloves to Softlines the other day lmao. Really hate working with his dumb ass.

Someone does that for grocery's dry goods....

Oh I can see how ranch dressing and Quaker oat bars go together
Yea, but you have to have a Zebra to use the Zebra. My store is down to 12 functioning Zebras and we've been told we aren't getting more because management is sick and fucking tired of us breaking them. Same with walkies. We're running low, but not getting more, because apparently that'll teach dumbass new TMs not to be dumbasses somehow.

In fact, there's my frustration with management - withholding necessary equipment because they're mad at the team.

There’s still no excuse for not using Sort Stuff at a service desk POS.
TL;DR at bottom of page

I'm pretty buddy-buddy with a lot of my co-workers in my department and nearby departments, but Saturday night they did something to me that genuinely sets a clear line between friends and co-workers.

Two guys, one guy in Consumables, one guy in the Meat Department, I was working in Frozen Dairy at this time, me and meat department guy were working on 1 o'clocks together and he was off at 2pm. After we finished 1 o'clocks around 1:45, we went back into the cooler and I discussed my plans for the rest of the night, dropping one or two smaller man cafs for Dairy cooler to make 5 o'clocks bearable since I'll be alone. He offered to drop one for me, and I said "No, don't, I'll drop them so I can set my own work load." and he goes "okay"

We were joking around, and lo' and behold, this fucking dick was messing with me and decided it would be funny to fuck up my night and drop a 250 task man caf for FREEZER. NOT DAIRY.

I looked at him and I said "are you serious?" and he said "Welp, have fun! I'm going on my last 15 and clocking out."

For some stupid reason, I decided to follow him onto his last 15, and he and Consumables guy met up and took their last 15's together. I sat down with them, I'm telling Consumables guy what Meat guy just did, and he says "Wow, yeah that's pretty douchy"

I was eating chicken from the deli, and Consumables guy was looking up Dairy man caf counts through the mydevice to see what I could drop. I set my chicken down on the table and instinctively he goes to steal some from my lunch and I take it away and he goes "TTGOz, don't test me!" and we're joking around ha ha ha so funny... he asks for a piece of chicken and I say "noooo this is mine!" and he says "okay" and drops a 200 DPCI man caf on me for Dairy. They did it to fuck up my night intentionally, they laughed while I sat there speechless.

at this point, I was just fucking D O N E. I get up, walk away, and end my fifteen minute break abruptly and promptly walkied for my LOD.

"Hey, LOD, where would I be able to meet you?" and he says "Oh I'm actually by the Dairy coolers" and I walk back. I tell him what the fuck these two pineapple heads just did to me. He was equally just as annoyed, and I explained to my closing LOD who happened to be the ETL-Food that night and to our mid LOD who was our ETL-Sales floor what happened and eyes were fucking rolling.

I had other shit to do that night, qmos bin was full in both the cooler and freezer, I had to shrink wrap empty milk crate palettes for the milk guy Monday, I had to scrape ice off of the freezer floor, and alongside all of that I had to keep milk and eggs filled and worry about 1 o'clocks and 5 o'clocks and worry about taking my half. I had zone to do that night, and ad takedown to do as well.

Apparently, there was nothing else we could do to get rid of these man cafs besides pull the batches and work them. I had a lot of support that night. the 250 DPCI freezer man caf got broken up into four separate batches and was about 90-109 tasks each.. making it in reality something like 430 DPCIs being pulled. I had 3000 eaches to pull.

So, that's what I spent my night doing. My ETL is going to sit down with them, and since I'm in development for leadership he suggests I also do the same at my own leisure. In reality, I'm not too pissed about the Dairy man caf since I did intend on doing one or two smaller ones that might have equaled the same amount of DPCIs, but my ETL-Sales floor pulled that and apparently it was about 212 tasks and there was 4 three-tiers and a full u-boat to work out. Our whole hardlines team had to come and help..

The actions these guys did Saturday literally affected the whole course of the whole store, and I'm gonna make sure they understand that if my ETL doesn't get that point across. I'm more upset at my Meat guy who dropped the freezer man caf, and he's gonna get the wrath of TTGOz next time I see him. I already talked to Consumables guy about it and he says he's sorry and that he didn't mean to drop the biggest one. Bullshit, you didn't hesitate and your finger clicked square on the Fill For Depth man caf, but he did apologize. I may let him slide for now.


TL;DR My co-workers dropped the biggest man cafs on me on a Saturday night closing shift as a joke to intentionally fuck my night up and I'm pissed.
TL;DR My co-workers dropped the biggest man cafs on me on a Saturday night closing shift as a joke to intentionally fuck my night up and I'm pissed.

Pale could use the practice!
Did they get a CCA?

Not sure, I doubt it. I don't mind if they did or don't, I just wanted them to get talked to and I'm pretty sure they will. It's not the worst thing in the world but it just was kind of fucked up they did that, but it's not like it affected the whole store for days on end, just for that one night.
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