Archived Think I am going to be fired...Need advice.

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Jan 29, 2016
Hi, I hope everyone is having a nice day and doing well. I have a predicament and need some advice on how to approach this.
I started off in pricing in September, but I think that time is coming to an end. I was told that I needed to speed up my times and work more efficiently, and I tried very hard. Nonetheless, I have had a hard time overcoming my normal tendencies towards meticulousness and accuracy at the expense of speed. I try to do the right thing and follow procedure, but I keep making mistakes and cannot seem to speed up. I am autistic and have been struggling with work-related anxiety and depression, and this is not helping my confidence.
Early on in my time there, one of my colleagues was bullying me, and this badly affected my initial confidence. HR handled it well and solved that problem, but then another one of my colleagues commented on my work within my earshot. I hear extremely well, and she did not have great faith in my ability. My coworkers tend to tell me what to do, even though one of them has only been there for a few months. I recently got in trouble for "claiming" the clearance rack so that I could build up my number of tickets per hour. In the past, my trainer and the new coworker have done this repeatedly, and they do not seem to see a problem with it.
I had several discussions with my team leader about how to do better, but those have stopped, even though I do not think my work performance has improved. She has previously insinuated that I am making excuses and trying to avoid responsibility. We do not seem to communicate well and I have broken down crying in one discussion in front of her. I have accidentally sworn once too, but I do not make a habit of that and did apologize. She once got angry at me over the amount of reshop I had in my basket and scolded me about it in front of guests and my coworkers. At the time, we were going overtime, but I would have preferred that she spoke to me about it elsewhere.
For awhile, I was having panic attacks just seeing her. These have stopped, but I do not think I have built up a good reputation. My impression is that she thinks I am trying to avoid responsibility, do not really try to do things the right way, and am slow. She also thinks I have trouble leaving problems at home; I freely admit this is the case. I will also freely admit that I have a hard time learning a new way of doing things and can be slow, but I swear, I want to own my actions and do better.
They hired a new person a few months ago, even though the price accuracy team has only ever had two people on it. That person has only been there for a few months but is already getting 40 hours a week. I have had my hours increasingly cut back and have been asked to leave early, as my store is not doing well. They consistently have asked me to cut my hours back, but the new hire has been getting considerably more hours and does better. In two weeks, they will have me doing flow team instead, though I have never been cross-trained for it. I will apparently not have more than six hours in price accuracy.
I understand her desire to get the numbers up and ensure that we stay ahead on clearance. If they need me in another department, so be it. I am willing to cross-train. I just want transparency on the issue, so I can make an actual plan. I do not want to end up doing the flow team, as the person who bullied me is a trainer on this. I see this ending in disaster and am very nervous, but I need the hours more.
Does anyone have any advice? Is Target trying to get rid of me by cutting back my hours, or are they going to slowly start moving me around without my knowledge? My store is not making good sales and needs to cut back on hours, but this feels very different and very worrying.
Thanks for at least confirming that the hour thing is normal. That is a comfort, if only because it means that I can try to make a plan in the meantime. The transfer option is definitely a possibility, and I will have to consider that.
Don't take this personally but I'm going to be super blunt.

If you can't keep up on the ticket scans and accuracy, you won't make it in flow. At all. All flow Tms. Are expected to push at least one case per minute in a Asle all by themselves. And that's just general flow. If you mess up, you mess up the entire aisle. Of course flow isn't know for the best pushers but they have a super high turnover so it's likely your Tl/Etl would have no problems with firing you. I'd try to get into softlines or something more laid back.
If you've never signed anything, then you're not on the "path" to being fired. When you've signed a couple corrective actions...that's when you should be worried.

Sounds like your store is trying to find the best fit for you. Maybe they're not doing it the best way....but it doesn't sound like they're trying to fire you.
Yea, your not being fired, you are simply being moved out. Usually they can find something for everyone in flow, and usually this is where they can push people out (either very poor performance, or attendance issues) if it comes down to that.

Imo you probably moved to a much better team, you are likely to find a crowd you can roll with in flow. Also if you find you have good performance in another area (like zoning) you can make it out of flow on to salesfloor or what ever.
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