Archived Those "hot" items.

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That's just the way they thought then tho. And there is so much more to the story.
Best thing I ever read was Crime and Punishment by Tolstoy.
It is my 3rd favorite book, and I know this sounds picky, but it is by my favorite author Dostoevsky. I`m kind of a fanatic about him, even have him on a bumper sticker.
Seriously, screw James Patterson.
The man needs to stop, just not write anything for at least five years, not stamp his name along with someone else, nothing.
Nora Roberts is a mixed bag, her J.D Roberts books aren't half bad.

But ultimately, I'm happy if people are reading anything.
So many people don't read at all.

And adult coloring books are cool.

I agree, " Reading is FUN-damental"
That effing Star Shower. We received 6 in yesterday morning or overnight Saturday and all 6 were reserved at GS. All but 1 had been picked up by the time I left at 5:30 and every guest who saw it behind the desk asked if they could have it. I told them if the guest didn't pick it up by store close that they should call first thing in the morning to try to get it. And then I told them good luck.
My stores always kept a list of all the hot items at the operators desk to help keep repeated WE ARE SOLD OUT calls from going the floor.

We stopped holding items for guests from Thanksgiving to New Years. The years we allowed it, the line and SD was so full of holds that it was overflowing.

I personally think the phone system to the sales floor should be turn off during the holidays. All you get is the store hours and location. Calls would then end. If you want to know if something is in, come bring your lazy ass in and check it for yourself.
Why are these Star Shower things so popular in other places? All the stores around here have massive numbers of them in stock. At least 2 Walmarts near me have a huge display of them at the front of the store with their As Seen on TV crap. Target had a few of them too the other day when I was there.
Surprisingly, the only real "hot" item I noticed was Pie Face..we've got skids of Shopkins and the Star Bright (Star Shower?) hasn't sold that quick either. Though we get them every night on our trucks.

Books? A Clockwork Orange, please!
The star shower thing blows my mind. I had never heard of it/seen it until like 5 days ago when another TM had me pull "as many as we have" from the back for a guest. We had 2, so I got both of them for him, not thinking it was anything special. Ever since then I've probably had at least 5-10 questions about it every day. Yesterday our LOD spent the entire day on the phone telling people we didn't have was kind of hilarious. I'd say in the last 2 days it's easily outranked Pie Face for the most requested item.

What makes certain products take off like that? I understand Pie Face because kids go psychotic over random stuff, but this?! I've never even seen it advertised's like there's some weird underground Star Shower cult or something!
I'd never heard of it until an LOD was looking at one we had on hold Black Friday weekend. And as soon as Black Friday was over, it was the most requested item.

Today the operator called out to ask if we had any. Since our last truck was Saturday, I didn't even have to look or wait for sales floor to confirm, I just said over the walkie we were out.
Pie face selling like crazy here too, we got a box of five on today's truck. Gone within hours. I put one on hold for a guest at another Target, then after I hung up, was told by a TL we shouldn't be doing that. There really needs to be a "do not hold/quantities limited" sheet this time of year because I watched as another TL almost put another on hold before getting stopped by the first one.

...Then a couple hours later a guest walks through our huddle with the last three copies of the game and not a single ETL, STL or TL says a damn thing. I wonder if anybody up front said anything? Probably not.

The star shower thing blows my mind. I had never heard of it/seen it until like 5 days ago when another TM had me pull "as many as we have" from the back for a guest. We had 2, so I got both of them for him, not thinking it was anything special. Ever since then I've probably had at least 5-10 questions about it every day. Yesterday our LOD spent the entire day on the phone telling people we didn't have was kind of hilarious. I'd say in the last 2 days it's easily outranked Pie Face for the most requested item.

What makes certain products take off like that? I understand Pie Face because kids go psychotic over random stuff, but this?! I've never even seen it advertised's like there's some weird underground Star Shower cult or something!
I've seen one commercial for Star Shower and I wasn't really amazed. Then again we haven't decorated the outside of the house for years so maybe I'm not in the target market here.
Star shower came in last night 20 of them by 815 all gone guess it doesn't help that I bought 4
Polaroid or Fujifilm "instant" cameras. The kind that pop out the picture like old-school Polaroid cameras did. I worked Electronics a total of 2 hours so far this season, and had 4 guests ask me if we sell them/had them in stock

My store had one of those in the AP Office. We never used them.
I don't understand why the hell anyone would buy a game to get a pie thrown in their face. Why not just get a coin, flip it, and who loses gets a pie in the face?? Save $20

Coin, aluminum pie plate, can of aerosol whipped cream...what, $4 tops?
We are going to incorporate being sold out of star shower into answering the phones. Seriously every phone call for 5 minutes (at least 10) was the same question. Really aggravating.
I never get it on SFS or SPU orders. Whereas Pie Face, Bunchems, that one nerf gun (uhh, looks like an assault rifle, can't recall the name off the top of my head though) and one of the kitty zoomers I am canceling nonstop.
What makes certain products take off like that?
Morning news/talk show coverage.

I never get it on SFS or SPU orders. Whereas Pie Face, Bunchems, that one nerf gun (uhh, looks like an assault rifle, can't recall the name off the top of my head though) and one of the kitty zoomers I am canceling nonstop.
I had one SFS order for Star Shower on Black Friday. It really confused me because I didn't recognize the aisle it told me to go to since we rarely ship that stuff out.

They must have disabled it for SFS because I haven't had one drop in since then.
The Star Shower....... it will be the reason I finally lose my mind. I can't even finish my workload because I'm either telling every other guest we're out of it, or running to seasonal to answer a call from a guest asking about it. Somehow like half my store hasn't caught on that it's a hot item and are always calling out asking for it. MAKE THE MADNESS END

Pie Face hasn't been as bad in my store. I can't speak for electronics though. I know they get a lot of calls about it. I just don't get asked about it on the floor too much.

Elf on the Shelf has been pretty crazy. We haven't sold out, but we're getting pretty low on everything. Lots of moms have grumbled at me because we're out of the "Elf on the Shelf Pets" thing
Elf on the Shelf has been pretty crazy. We haven't sold out, but we're getting pretty low on everything. Lots of moms have grumbled at me because we're out of the "Elf on the Shelf Pets" thing

We were out of Elf on the Shelf for just a day or two. It was madness. People were making me check reshop. They were hunting for them in random parts of the store. They had to have them.
I hadn't seen BeatBo yet but just stocked three from a pull last night. Also last night was my first shift I was never asked about Star Shower. I've yet to ever see one in store or on the shelf in the 5 weeks or so I've been at Spot.
I keep hoping for the day when the 'hot' item will be a book.

Ebooks are where it's at! I buy mine from Google Play and they always have sales (sales before the oscars for movies that were books first, summer reading sales, anniversary sales, random weekly sales). Plus you can buy embarrassing books without anyone knowing. I buy a lot of dystopian YA, and cheesy romantic YA novels lol. Not gonna waltz into target to ask for a teenie bopper John Green novel.

I love adult coloring books, but I send guests to Michaels for them. We only have colorama the corny as seen on tv one. Michaels and ac Moore have cooler ones (I got one called dapper animals that reminds me of Bojack Horseman) and great gel pens and colored pencils etc. and their app always has great coupons.
Oh and everyon asks about the star shower. One house in my town had it last year. This year, two houses have it. It's cool the first time you see it, but it's not as fun to look at as the houses with more traditional holiday lighting setups.
Modulus is the crazy popular nerf gun I was trying to think of the name of. After canceling another dozen orders for it today the name stuck.
Yes! The Star shower one is getting to us too. We're to the point where we start the day by asking FLOW "Did we get any of the Star Shower or Pie Face" off the truck. They say "no" and then we can spend the whole day fielding about a hundred calls with "I'm sorry, we're out of that".... 😛 pffft Makes me wonder what you could get off ebay for one of those items.
Ebooks are where it's at! I buy mine from Google Play and they always have sales (sales before the oscars for movies that were books first, summer reading sales, anniversary sales, random weekly sales). Plus you can buy embarrassing books without anyone knowing. I buy a lot of dystopian YA, and cheesy romantic YA novels lol. Not gonna waltz into target to ask for a teenie bopper John Green novel.

I love adult coloring books, but I send guests to Michaels for them. We only have colorama the corny as seen on tv one. Michaels and ac Moore have cooler ones (I got one called dapper animals that reminds me of Bojack Horseman) and great gel pens and colored pencils etc. and their app always has great coupons.
We have awesome ones online, even if you don't have then on your shelves in store. Not sure if ac moore lets you use a coupon on them but Michael's doesn't. Joanns does. If I send guests out for them I suggest craft stores that take coupons on them.

I gets my books from goodwill unless it's a new release I must have. Can't beat a dollar or less.
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