Archived Those "hot" items.

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The Star Shower lights, Pie in the Face, Shopkins, those really adorable mini-plush little pillow looking things of various Disney characters, and whatever we have a deal for at the moment; one day it was Minecraft stuff, today it was Barbie and Nerf products.

I came into the fitting room one morning to do reshop and noticed on the phone there was a sticky note in huge bold letters that said "NO MORE PIE IN THE FACE". I came in at 9:45 this morning, had a guest ask me around 11 if we had the Star Shower lights and I told her in all honesty, probably not, because they sold so fast. I did have one guest get snippy because our systems hadn't updated that we were completely out of the Pie in the Face game; she'd seen online that we have them in stock, and came into the store only to see we were out. Like, k, totally my fault that our systems don't update as soon as we run out of something. 😎

I don't know what the hype is about with that stupid Pie game, though. There's not even pie involved! It's just whipped cream on a plastic catapult that is timed to go off at random. You can do that at home for free totally cheaper than what you pay for a massive piece of plastic. And from what I heard, those Star Shower lights don't quite work that great unless you have like, three or four of them.
I love adult coloring books, but I send guests to Michaels for them. We only have colorama the corny as seen on tv one. Michaels and ac Moore have cooler ones (I got one called dapper animals that reminds me of Bojack Horseman) and great gel pens and colored pencils etc. and their app always has great coupons

That blows for your store. Ours has a small variety. One of my fellow TM's came through my line with a Harry Potter one. I plan on buying my mom a few as she absolutely loves them; they help her wind down and de-stress after a long day, and a lot of what she colors looks downright gorgeous when she's done.
I had a guest ask me if we had that star shower thing today. Told her I had no idea, she would have to look in seasonal or the as seen on tv section. Of course, she didn't want to "go all the way back there," & wanted ME to do it FOR her. Sorry lady, I'm the only one here right now & can't leave the pharmacy unattended....everyone else is at lunch.
Yup, I messed up Patty. Wrong author. Preston and Child write some excellent Chriton-like stuff.
I had a guest buy 2 Star Showers and this is how he explained it:
He drove by a house one night and said it was lit up like a Griswold Christmas. He went by 3 more times after discovering there were no wires and light strings to put up.!!! Eureka! By the 3rd time he had figured out what they were and made a bee line for Target. He was as happy as could be. Nice guy, too.
We have awesome ones online, even if you don't have then on your shelves in store. Not sure if ac moore lets you use a coupon on them but Michael's doesn't. Joanns does. If I send guests out for them I suggest craft stores that take coupons on them.

I gets my books from goodwill unless it's a new release I must have. Can't beat a dollar or less.

Acmoore has bomb coupons that don't exclude coloring books! They have a great selection and some rotating coloring book sales, too. I've seen the same books on for double the price I paid at acmoore. I didn't realize you couldn't use the coupons on coloring books at Michaels (I buy my books from acmoore) buut Michaels is across the parking lot, so I'll still let people know if they want instant gratification. I'll warn about the coupon fine print, now. Thanks for that tidbit!
The hot items at my store, like so many of you have said, is Pie Face. I don't understand the appeal but every other phone call I get at electronics is a request for that game. I don't even let the guest finish asking anymore.

Guest: Can you look to see if you have a game in stock?
Me: Is it Pie Face?
Guest: Yes! How did you know?
Me: You're about the 10th person who has asked for it today. We're out of stock and every store within a 20 mile radius is out of stock as well.

Also, BeatBo seems to be pretty popular at my store as well. For some reason, I was thinking it would be a hot item so I bought it for my one year old on Thanksgiving night. Good thing I did because we've been out of stock since Black Friday.

Not sure about Star Shower, though.
I hadn't seen BeatBo yet but just stocked three from a pull last night. Also last night was my first shift I was never asked about Star Shower. I've yet to ever see one in store or on the shelf in the 5 weeks or so I've been at Spot.

I saw the little infomercial for it over the weekend but I've never actually seen it in the store. I'm an electronics TM, though, so I'm rarely ever around that area to either see it or get calls about it.

Star Shower.

Once a guest finds out we are out (and it's usually me that tells them), I usually go over the walkie telling TMs that we are out. If I don't, there are a million people asking "are we out?"

I don't think we've ever really had them. If we get a shipment it's got to be only a few.

This...I think our operator kept track and the end count was 32 calls asking for the Star Shower by the end of their shift haha
Today our operator called out twice asking if we had it. I think someone must have clued her in that it doesn't matter how many times she asks, but we aren't getting in today.

Two came back defective today. I didn't do the return, but seriously, it's an ASTV product, it can't be any better than the other stuff they put out.

Also, what the hell is a BeatBo?
When I got to the SD last night, one of the Star Showers that was on hold on Sunday was still on the shelf. We made the executive decision to reshop it. Then another woman returned hers. She said it wasn't worth $40+. She returned it with all the parts but one half of the styrofoam packaging was missing so we couldn't repackage it.
Today our operator called out twice asking if we had it. I think someone must have clued her in that it doesn't matter how many times she asks, but we aren't getting in today.

Two came back defective today. I didn't do the return, but seriously, it's an ASTV product, it can't be any better than the other stuff they put out.

Also, what the hell is a BeatBo?
It's a Fisher Price toy.

It's creepy as hell. One of my LODs said its the hot toy for toddlers. I've maybe seen it once. Parents keep coming in claiming we have it when we haven't for weeks.
It's creepy as hell. One of my LODs said its the hot toy for toddlers. I've maybe seen it once. Parents keep coming in claiming we have it when we haven't for weeks.
Yeah, I get people saying they saw we had it online but they don't understand that the system only updates like once a day.
When I got to the SD last night, one of the Star Showers that was on hold on Sunday was still on the shelf. We made the executive decision to reshop it. Then another woman returned hers. She said it wasn't worth $40+. She returned it with all the parts but one half of the styrofoam packaging was missing so we couldn't repackage it.
Bet me. Zip tie it in an esim bag, as is at twenty to thirty bucks. Gone in a minute.
Had an irate guest follow me around about 2 hours ago telling me about how she drove ALL THE WAY HERE to get a starshower.
We don't have any lady, you driving all the way here isn't going to magic one up in the backroom. I told you to come back tomorrow at 8am if you want the best chance.
I had a guest accuse me of hiding them at guest services when I told her we were out, even the sales floor team members told her we were out. She said she would call corporate and complain because I had to be hiding them. Yep, I got nothing better to do than hide star shower things at guest services. Online it showed we had one in stock and she was very certain I was hiding that one star shower thing lol.
Modulus is the crazy popular nerf gun I was trying to think of the name of. After canceling another dozen orders for it today the name stuck.
Oh, this stupid thing. I had a guest come in and return three of them this morning. Apparently her son's changed their lists for Santa and she had to return them.

So of course later one came through flexible fullfillment for it. This afternoon, when the guest picked it up, she mentioned that she was here the day before and couldn't find it, so it was "obvious" that we were hiding product in the back.

Because you know...people never return stuff...and we never get more stuff in on truck days...
When I cover the phones, as soon as anyone says "I wanted to know if you could see if you have an item in stock?" I just ask if it's star shower or pie face right away. I'm sick of it. I don't get the people calling at 8pm. Like, girrl, the 8am people got any that we may have had. Bye.

I had a lady call for pie face today. She bought it months ago not thinking it would be the it item, then she gave it away because there were tonss on the shelves and now her kids are mad at her lol. I thought that was funny. She did too, so I was laughing with her. Not at.
1 Guest got PieFace. I couldn't believe it when I saw the box. For her 2 about 12yr old boys. She was so happy.
Another got the new StarWars robot after waiting in the parking lot for days at 8am. 🙂
Yeah, things like this make working in toys during the holidays special.
The other day I had to chase down two guests who were in at open and had each grabbed 3 or 4 Pie Face games each. We are limiting it to one per guest.

Folks, I chased down people at 8am so we could impose limits on a silly game. It's absurd.
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