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Yeah, the dude was probably playing on his phone instead of doing his job. I wonder how many guests "forgot" to scan items at SCO while he was "checking the time" on his phone (what he told the leader).

pfft, thank God I'm in Minnesota... Minnesota nice seems to exist kind of still... I know every where else a lot of people would just seize the moment to do exactly that but I've seen guests literally catch a cashier mistake that would have saved them money but they still brought it up because it was right... not once, not twice, but many times.

Minnesota gives me faith in humanity, and then I hit the road to drive and that same faith goes away... because Minnesota fucking sucks at driving, and don't think I'm over exaggerating... we're literally the 2nd worst state for driving.
The GSTLs allow the Cashiers to use their phones in lieu of no mydevice, but it irritates the heck outta me when I see 4 cashiers texting on a register. Politely tell them to pull from another line or start picking up strays on their lanes or zone. As for the floor, I had seasonal TMs ask if they can listen to music while on the floor. This isn’t Old Navy where they’re blasting music; Politely told them no, and reasoning why in case they suffer from short term memory loss. Ticked me off that day.
I have stopped even trying to find something on a Zebra without a DPCI. The search engine is dumb and all it wants to do is show me things not sold at my store. Screw that. Target app is way better at intuitive search and once I have a DPCI I can then use the Zebra to see how many we have, if there's any in backstock, etc. I've done OK on HL shifts without a Zebra only because of my phone to answer guest questions.
I could see using a phone in hardlines. You don't need a phone at SCO
This. I took a call for automotive today and they were asking if we had a car cover that would fit a 1973 Dodge Dart and I asked how big the car was and they said they didn’t know.. so I looked it up on my phone and then matched it up to one of the car covers. Without my phone we probably wouldn’t have sold that $50 car cover.
Is this how coachings are done normally? Right to the point and no imput on what TM thinks they can do differently.
Is this how coachings are done normally? Right to the point and no imput on what TM thinks they can do differently.
I wonder if these are coachings or CAs and he just didn’t show the signing the paper? Because I thought coaching could be as simple as saying something to you even out on the floor..
Should have been terminated from the start. Don't some states have laws about recording without the other persons knowledge?
Should have been terminated from the start. Don't some states have laws about recording without the other persons knowledge?
Probably, but they never found out 😉
Peeve of mine. Before the store opens or overnight flow. Go for it but once were open take them out. It's unprofessional and rude to the guest.
Oh no, we got some flow who do it too like they’re at a 70s disco night. I mention it to their TL but they’re also walking around with earbuds in, thanks for leading by example. 😡 ETLs don’t seem to mind except when it interferes when they’re LOD.
Should have been terminated from the start. Don't some states have laws about recording without the other persons knowledge?

Yep. California is a “two-party” state. Recordings are illegal unless all parties to the conversation consent. This crime is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $2,500 and/or 1 year in jail.
honestly, I didn't think they were forceful enough with their conversations. they let the conversations get unproductive and off track a few times. these could have been 5 minutes or less. explain the problem, set the expectation, give feedback on how to improve.

don't let him try to explain why, don't say "I don't make the rules I only enforce them" and don't say you don't know anything about the conversations, you're only delivering the message. it makes you look clueless and gives the TM room to argue and get unproductive.
I wonder if these are coachings or CAs and he just didn’t show the signing the paper? Because I thought coaching could be as simple as saying something to you even out on the floor..

Generally for a documented coaching you should pull them off the floor so they know it's a documented coaching not everyone does this but that's ideal.

Is this how coachings are done normally? Right to the point and no imput on what TM thinks they can do differently.

Three components
A) what they did wrong
B) how it negatively impacts the store
C) the expectation going forward

honestly, I didn't think they were forceful enough with their conversations. they let the conversations get unproductive and off track a few times. these could have been 5 minutes or less. explain the problem, set the expectation, give feedback on how to improve.

You'll notice the first conversation they were trying to get him to admit he stole the gift cards. He wouldn't word it that way and played ignorance.

I have sat in on many of these interrogations. You want one of them to crack but that doesn't always happen.

We busted a gstl for buying alcohol for a minor and we had to get statements from him, her, witnesses before our hrbp would let us do anything.

Again after 90 days target makes things difficult
Wow, this guy is a moron.

Three coachings, the first for theft, which should have gotten him fired immediately.
Insubordination, blatant disregard for the rules and lack of respect.
It almost seems as if his purpose was to get hired at Target and get fired on purpose so that he could go viral on You Tube because, how can anyone be that stupid???
Now, at my store, we're allowed to keep our phones on us and charge them at work. We are NOT allowed to text, etc, but we CAN use them for price match or locating a product.
If we don't have a name tag, we'll be issued one that says New Team Member.
We CAN wear graphic tees as long as they're not political/religious. Marvel and DC and Disney are allowed if they have small images. But our dress code isn't really enforced much (except for me, I'm ALWAYS being issued a brand new Target shirt)
Gift cards that are issued and forgotten are immediately turned in to Guest Services and logged as Lost & Found.

I'd hate to see what this joker would have done if a guest had left their credit card behind!

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