Archived Time Off Situation

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I also feel my store punishes me hour wise whenever I ask time off. I took a weekend off before labor day weekend to see my family. Entire week I had only one 6.50 hour shift, while the store was frantically looking for cashier hours(we have many signs up for hiring still and in our break room and office we have posters asking TMs to get cashiering hours)

I changed my availability for that week to work every day, at any time. So stupid lol, kind of why I need to get out of retail. Well, maybe not retail itself, but Spot.
Spent the last year with open avail. and never gotten much out of it.
Spent the last year with open avail. and never gotten much out of it.

I've had a 7am-10pm availability as well, 11pm when we're open that late, two days off tuesday and thursday, and haven't been able to do anything but cashier. I've gotten out onto the floor and back in Dairy, but now they're not scheduling me there anymore. I had some time off like every other weekend of June and July for like College Visits, Family, and other things(usually more than a month in advance) and they're telling me I can't work anywhere else because they don't know "if I'll be able to be available to work anymore, so you will not be back there anymore" and get all my hours now in cashiering. Makes total sense LMAO, even though I'm available to work all they want now, my next time off request is Christmas, so I don't see the issue. They're low on TMs back there, but they say I won't work back there because I got a few weekends off in June and July. I've tried pretty hard to leave the front end, and I was off of it for a while, but now I'm just back up there like they've done over and over at my store to me. I've always said I have great management, and I do, but that's just kind of twisted to me. I keep somehow ending back up at the Front Lanes.

I'm just hoping I nail a Car Sales job, then I'll be able to say bon voyage to Spot. Consistent scheduling, salary, and car sale commission? I feel I should do particularly well, I know quite a bit about car products, and can talk a good talk. Rapport is absolutely necessary. I've applied to a few places now and this Dodge dealership asked for my interview, and I interviewed for a Chevy dealership exactly a week ago, just waiting for a call. I keep forgetting to call them, I was going to today, but I laid down for a 30 minute nap just to get some sleep(I didn't sleep last night) and woke up 7 hours later at 3pm. My sleep schedule is pretty messed up and I'm opening for the next week and a half starting tomorrow.
Stores are allocated hours, not money for payroll. So that's meaningless to say they schedule newbies over vets just because they're paid less.

This is not true.

The EOY P&L (profit and loss) has a payroll expense line. You can be under hours and over payroll expense, which erodes your margin. It's not meaningless at all.
This is not true.

The EOY P&L (profit and loss) has a payroll expense line. You can be under hours and over payroll expense, which erodes your margin. It's not meaningless at all.

If you are making hours you most likely made payroll as well.

Most stores are around the same amount for average wage if you check the store reports. Even with some higher earners it appears to usually average out.
If you are making hours you most likely made payroll as well.

Most stores are around the same amount for average wage if you check the store reports. Even with some higher earners it appears to usually average out.

The average wage number is held down by seasonal hires and rotating staff. If a store had no turnover or only staffed vets I imagine it may cause the payroll expense to lopside a bit, but the wage difference is pretty small within paygroups even looking at years of difference.

So in short you're right, but I'd stop short of saying it's meaningless.
Exactly. I never do. It's none of their business. Maybe it's different because I'm overnight, but I've always gotten my requested days Of course I put in my requests sometimes months in advance.
That figures...have gotten my requested days off until this new schedule came out. I requested off months ago, double checked with my ETL that it was on the calendar, and still got scheduled. *sigh* 🙄
I never got to use vacation or sick time when working for target. It was paid out when I worked out my two week notice. Thanks to state laws.
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