Archived TL and TM relations?

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There were times after work I would go out and have beer and wings with my team members. No rules against it but, I always made sure all of them were invited and I also made sure they knew it would not effect the ways things were on the job.
As a TL and up, it boils down to fairness, so essentially;

IF you invite someone out, you have to invite everyone.

IF you facebook friend or accept someone, you have to accept everyone.

Basically if you can show that you made every effort to include everyone, you would win a court case on favortism.

It's an all or nothing thing. This is basically HR101 at any corporation.
As a TL and up, it boils down to fairness, so essentially;

IF you invite someone out, you have to invite everyone.

IF you facebook friend or accept someone, you have to accept everyone.

Basically if you can show that you made every effort to include everyone, you would win a court case on favortism.

It's an all or nothing thing. This is basically HR101 at any corporation.

Lol that is not the way it works. If it is a work related event like a volunteer event then yes you have to give everyone the opportunity to go without excluding anyone.

Off the clock events whether it be you choosing to hang out with some of your team members who are "friends" does not mean you have to invite "everyone". Same with social media there is nothing the company can do about you choosing to accept certain people on your personal account.

You do however still have to make sure you treat all team members fairly while in the work setting including those "friends".
Lol that is not the way it works. If it is a work related event like a volunteer event then yes you have to give everyone the opportunity to go without excluding anyone.

Off the clock events whether it be you choosing to hang out with some of your team members who are "friends" does not mean you have to invite "everyone". Same with social media there is nothing the company can do about you choosing to accept certain people on your personal account.

I never said anything about Target being able to do anything about it. For the record, they can, it's in your HR field manual.

It isn't the act that would get you in trouble anyway, its the situation that this act could create. If one person called the hotline and said you went out with so and so, but you didn't invite them and now you're giving so and so preferential treatment, you would immediately be told you can't do that anymore. If you outright refused, you would be forcibly transferred or axed for insubordination. Target isn't going to risk getting sued, they don't care who your friend is or isn't, that's not what they pay you for.

Besides all that, it's a poor leadership choice to begin with. It's difficult to garner respect from a team when not all of them feel they have an equal status with you.
I never said anything about Target being able to do anything about it. For the record, they can, it's in your HR field manual.

It isn't the act that would get you in trouble anyway, its the situation that this act could create. If one person called the hotline and said you went out with so and so, but you didn't invite them and now you're giving so and so preferential treatment, you would immediately be told you can't do that anymore. If you outright refused, you would be forcibly transferred or axed for insubordination. Target isn't going to risk getting sued, they don't care who your friend is or isn't, that's not what they pay you for.

Besides all that, it's a poor leadership choice to begin with. It's difficult to garner respect from a team when not all of them feel they have an equal status with you.

The only time that Target can do something about it is if you are making inappropriate comments about or to another team member or something else along those lines. Releasing private company information using social media would also be another reason. They can not hold you accountable based on whose friend request you chose to accept.

If someone calls the hotline all this prompts is a conversation with the TL advising them to be careful about how their relationship with the team members is perceived. Target can not make you stop spending time with that team member off the clock. The only way drastic measures would be used is if that TL admitted to favoritism and refused to stop in which case they would be terminated not transferred.

As for the poor leadership aspect that I can not argue with but having a variance in your relationship with people is inevitable. How you deal with that and treat the people is what defines you.
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