What does your TL do that you like?
hmm.... *not* bother me
What do you wish they did more of?
continue to *not* bother me
What do they do that you don’t like?
Amalgamation of TLs over time
- play favorites
- stand around and gossip
- not answer calls on the walkie (obviously excluding restroom breaks, etc.)
- not do basic TL tasks like help vendors, answer the phones before store opens, etc.
- steal fixtures that are in use -- like take an entire shelf from a set POG or SP
- take credit for other's work
- willfully destroy other's work
- ask for a back up cashier when the TL is more than capable of ringing out the *one* extra guest in line aka standing at the front, calling for help on the walkie - just as easy for them to cashier
- Fill up guest carts/3-tiers/U-boats with crap and abandon them around the store or the backroom
- Dump *all* the shit into the fixture room making it a heath hazard
- Stock product incorrectly -- over stock, mis-stock
- Set incorrectly
- Clean out fixture room by throwing e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g away
- leave trash everywhere - salesfloor, backroom, etc.
- hide in an office
- fail to hold their team accountable for basic tasks -- like pricing, reshop, keeping backroom neat, etc
- failing to plan
- not working ahead as much as possible
- tearing down a set (like Seasonal) and making a huge fucking mess in the process
- taking advantage of the DEOs (higher expectations and workload) while not holding the IONs accountable for anything
- not following up with team members - especially ones that are working in a new area or working on a new task