Archived TLs losing mytime access?

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yeah, this shit blows. Most of the time, I'm re-strategizing just to get the normal workload done instead of extra stuff. Whoever made this dumb decision doesn't seem to understand that no two TMs are the same. Logistics demands the right people be in the right places to accomplish goals.
TLs are supposed to be in their areas. Not in the office for half of the day Wednesday.
Who's in their office for half the day? Takes maybe an hour to write the schedule and saves an entire week of a headache caused by an STL and ETL-HR that seem to combine their powers of arbitrary pre and post edits to force me to spend half my time backstocking/doing the task list/picking orders/packing orders/etc just to come clean. I am always in my area, that's why it's one of the best backrooms in the district. Corporate manhandling me and telling me that I don't need the authority to properly staff my workcenters for the week is awful. It's like throwing hail mary's instead of proper gameplanning.
I've seen many of my peers and ETLs camp out for the greater part of a day writing their schedule.
Took me a while to write mine when I was severely understaffed. Glad I don't have to deal with it anymore for cafe, but I would like to go back to writing my consumables one.
You should still have control of the schedule in some way. At our store we have to validate it before they post. The HRTM that writes mine used to be one of my baristas so she understands the way I used to write the schedule.
Eh, my STL has decided that she's going to do it for the whole store. It should be nice in some regards, as the ETL girl clique that exists at my store is all on the same weekend and always stacks the grid on theirs.
Our HR-ETL just started writing the entire schedule at our store last week or the week before. RIP 38.5 hours per week StockerAce. *sigh* I was wondering why I had a random Saturday and random Sunday off (I've had one unrequested Saturday off since I started in November and I think two or three Sunday's).
As someone who has been around from TM to ETL, I can say that this is going to be my biggest concern in general over the next 1-2 years. I would go out on a limb and say most ETLs are not in LOG or HR for a reason... and its because they cannot handle those particular workloads. Most dayside ETLs stroll in at 6 or 7 and spend (sometimes) upwards of 1-2 hours looking at "numbers" because that is what they think an LOD is! They operate at their own pace, come out to the floor (many times holding a damn coffee), and get with the ETL-LOG who just shouldered 70% of the work for the store that morning. The (good) ETL-HRs in the company are owning a majority of the schedule writing, payroll allocation, and staffing assessments for their buildings too.

The point is this... we are going to see a huge spike in ETL turnover. The ETL-LOG is going away, and the other ETLs will no longer have a safety net of some expert ETL guarding them from the constant freight flow. You just go slammed on SL repacks? Sorry ETL-Style, you are working freight all day with your team. We just added a truck for 2 days from now... all dayside ETLs what are your plans since that was originally a non-truck day? You need to come in and get with your team right away and lead them, we can't have you sitting in TSC looking at myperformance right now!
Oh, Rock Lobster, you nailed it !!!!! In my years of retail experience, when there are no hours for your "team", the salaried Team (ETLs) need to step in and fill the void. There's no way around it.
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