Archived TM Dropped Photo Printer -> Term?

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Oct 19, 2016
So we recently went through our remodel and we were in the new Photo Room organizing the shelves and what not. So I (a TL) asked my team member to move the Duplex Photo printer because it was too heavy for me.
He dropped it.
Like face first.
We plugged it back in and it didnt turn on (surprise).
This specific team member is already on a final and Im not on anything.
What should I consider our consequences to be?
We're both freaking out. I told him its best to just come clean and Ill have his back because IM the one who told him to move the printer. So he did but now we're waiting to see what will happen.
We called Kodak for a new printer and their sending it right away.
But ughhhhh. Freaking out.
I wouldn't be too worried. We all have equipment mishaps.

I've dropped a couple of PDAs and MyDevices in my P-Fresh days, and the glass on the front of the PDA scanner happened to pop out and get lost in the backroom... :eek:

I think you did the right thing and called Kodak for a replacement asap; good luck to both of you! It would be silly to be fired for an accident like that.
wouldn't worry about it,hard to see anyone except the two of you not even mention it again in the store in case you give someone the idea that they should care.
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