To That One Guest - II

Of all the irony, a guest called tonight. She placed an online order, she had not yet picked it up, but sent her an email saying her order had been picked up and her bank showed that she had been charged. She wanted to know what the heck was going on. So yeah, these online orders, this is people's financial and banking information, this is a serious issue, and that's why ID requirements shouldn't be ignored because "my fast and loose interpretation of government issued is perfectly reasonable to bet someone's money on".
Of all the irony, a guest called tonight. She placed an online order, she had not yet picked it up, but sent her an email saying her order had been picked up and her bank showed that she had been charged. She wanted to know what the heck was going on. So yeah, these online orders, this is people's financial and banking information, this is a serious issue, and that's why ID requirements shouldn't be ignored because "my fast and loose interpretation of government issued is perfectly reasonable to bet someone's money on".
I would want to know how someone else would know about her order enough for them to pick it up. The one time this did happen in my store was because a team member ended up closing out the wrong order.
I would want to know how someone else would know about her order enough for them to pick it up. The one time this did happen in my store was because a team member ended up closing out the wrong order.
yeah, everytime this has happened at my store (not too much), the items were still sitting in the hold location and we just put them aside for the guest and apologized.

the other night a guest called angrily, i answered, and she had this same situation happen to her. she says her name, which i recognized. i open up her order and say, “oh, i actually just gave that order to your alternate pick up person.” she was like, “oh okay! i told him to pick it up, but i doubt he would actually do it!!! lol!!!” rather than call her alt pick up person, she chose to angrily call and accuse us of something.
Of all the irony, a guest called tonight. She placed an online order, she had not yet picked it up, but sent her an email saying her order had been picked up and her bank showed that she had been charged. She wanted to know what the heck was going on. So yeah, these online orders, this is people's financial and banking information, this is a serious issue, and that's why ID requirements shouldn't be ignored because "my fast and loose interpretation of government issued is perfectly reasonable to bet someone's money on".
There are many other explanations people pointed out. Most likely the wrong order was processed by mistake. Or alt picked it up.
Guest " Do you carry Nacho Cheese?"

Now I'm 100% sure she is asking for cheese in a can or jar but I don't carry it.

Me " We carry Velveeta or Queso dip"

Stares blankly at me

"We don't carry nacho cheese"

Still looking at me

Me " I'm not sure what your looking for then"

Guest " Ok thank you"

My mistake was not just saying " No" 🤦‍♀️
TTOG: Do you realize that our store is one of the busiest in the district? Obviously not because you kind of unloaded on the other TM that was working SCO with me.
1. No, we don't need a "better stocking team". Yes, I understand it's frustrating that we don't have what you're looking for.
2. Friday-Sunday at my store always looks like it's been ravaged by a hurricane
3. No one is making you shop at our location. Don't like it, go somewhere else. 🙄
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Guest: I'd like to pay on my Redcard.
Me: Alright, go ahead and insert your Redcard into the reader.
Guest: *stares at reader*
Me: Ma'am, I need you to insert your Redcard so we know which account to pay on.
Guest: Why do you need my Redcard?
Me: Because my system needs to know what account to put your payment towards.
Guest: *stares*
Me: I need you to insert your Redcard into the reader.
Guest, mumbling under her breath as she does "So say that next time"

... I just did. Three times.
TTOG: Why would you think I know where greeting cards are? I'm the freaking SCO cashier. To randomly (and loudly) scream "DO YOU KNOW WHERE GREETING CARDS ARE?"
I respond with "Um, no, but let me check for you."

1. Must you scream so the whole world can hear you?
2. I don't respond well to people just shouting at me from across my work area.
3. You're not likely to get any kind of service if you shout things throughout the store.
4. There *are* TMs on the salesfloor that can help you, despite what you'd like to believe.
TTOG: Okay, so you have me completely mystified. Why were there several travel toothbrush holders and soap holders spread throughout RTW clearance? Some under fallen clothes, some just on clear floor under the racks, and one balanced on a flat bar. Good balancing job btw.
TTOG: Okay, so you have me completely mystified. Why were there several travel toothbrush holders and soap holders spread throughout RTW clearance? Some under fallen clothes, some just on clear floor under the racks, and one balanced on a flat bar. Good balancing job btw.
Concealing jewelry?
TTOG: How are you going to walk into the store like any normal/ able-bodied person from grocery side to guest service, stand in line where it says "line starts here", read your receipt to return something at guest service, ask them to call an electronics person, have me walk up, yell at me about "activating" your flip phone that wasn't even bought here? Then when I tell you that we are going to talk with the target mobile guy in electronics you suddenly say you cannot walk at all, demand a wheelchair that I push you in, and yell at the mobile guy that you "cannot legitimately read" because you are "illiterate" for over 30 years...?

How did you get a driver's licence if you don't know what "stop" means?

Is this for real?
BTW I wheeled her to electronics, immediately clocked out for work (it was the end of my shift) and walked slowly to see that she was purposefully ignored by the mobile guy because he was selling a family iPhone plan.
Guest: *walks into store carrying a shirt* can you remove this security tag from this shirt?
Me: oh.. is this from here?
G: No it's from another store but I want the security tag taken off
Me: no I'm sorry sir I can't do that

It was one of the little white things that's attached to the clothing in stores like JC Penny I think. A coworker told me that it doesn't make an alarm go off if you take it out of a store, but if you try to remove it without the proper tool then it gets ink all over the clothing. Pretty sure he stole it from somewhere and brought it to Target GS to get it removed 🙄
TTOG: How are you going to walk into the store like any normal/ able-bodied person from grocery side to guest service, stand in line where it says "line starts here", read your receipt to return something at guest service, ask them to call an electronics person, have me walk up, yell at me about "activating" your flip phone that wasn't even bought here? Then when I tell you that we are going to talk with the target mobile guy in electronics you suddenly say you cannot walk at all, demand a wheelchair that I push you in, and yell at the mobile guy that you "cannot legitimately read" because you are "illiterate" for over 30 years...?

How did you get a driver's licence if you don't know what "stop" means?

Is this for real?
BTW I wheeled her to electronics, immediately clocked out for work (it was the end of my shift) and walked slowly to see that she was purposefully ignored by the mobile guy because he was selling a family iPhone plan.
Couldn't the wheelchair thing be refused on the basis of liability if anything bad happened while a Target employee was touching the wheelchair? Seriously, if someone's little snookums went running with a cart and a collision was inevitable it would be Target's ass on the liability line when Snowflake sues.
Couldn't the wheelchair thing be refused on the basis of liability if anything bad happened while a Target employee was touching the wheelchair? Seriously, if someone's little snookums went running with a cart and a collision was inevitable it would be Target's ass on the liability line when Snowflake sues.

While this in an interesting thought...

1) I would imagine if there were to be a refusal for a wheelchair, it would be through an ETL since I can't really "assume" snowflake is lying about her "disability" or whatever.
2) I pushed her down a path of least resistance which lasted a whole 2 minutes, no children/obstructions in site.
3) Talked to STL about this. "Team members are not required to help a guest like that, but it is certainly a gesture of good-will. An incident like that would need to be investigated and we have special teams in place to determine liability. But I am sure you would be okay considering that you were providing helpful and warm-hearted guest experience regardless of the guest's intentions."
TTOG: I don't care if you're a Shipt shopper, when an item requires ID, I need to see it. It doesn't matter that it's not for you, *you* are making the purchase. Instead of saying "Well, you can see it, but it's not for me" just say "All right." It literally takes less than 2 seconds after that.

Some people 🙄

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