TTOCouponer: I get that you like to go to cashiers who you think won't say anything, but I've rung you up multiple times now, enough to know "here we go" when you get to the line (and trying to look genuine by offering the guest behind you to go first, just so I could joke with that guest after you left). 4 Enfamil formulas, 2 formula rebate checks, 2 manufacturer coupons, discount from a registry and 4 "buy one, get one free" target coupons for the formula. I'm not even sure if the 4 buy one get ones technically should have been put through, but the system took them so I couldn't argue it at the moment. However, I know how to read - the coupon clearly says 4 per household per day, and when I pointed that out when you tried to use a second group of 4 of them on a second order, you didn't even try to argue it..."it''s fine I guess sorry bye" and more or less speed-walked away from the store, abandoning the order 😀
If you were a random mother I had never seen before I would be inclined to be sympathetic and maybe put one or two of them through for you as "vibe" but having your coupon history behind you I knew that wasn't the case. Plus if you really needed these you would've still bought them, not gave up the second I denied one of your coupons.
Felt nice to actually catch/deny one of these guests for once, GSA agreed and has seen her before as well.