To that one guest

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TTOPack-of-teenage-guys: You had already been told to leave by two different team members by the time I dealt with you because you'd been yelling randomly at the top of your lungs and throwing things around in the store. You should have already left. That telling was not 'sneezing' like you claimed, and there was no reason to whirl around to yell "Fuck you, bitch!" loud enough for the entire store to hear when I confronted you about irritating other guests. I was perfectly within my rights to tell you lot to keep your mouths shut next time if you're going to use that kind of language around children's zones of the store. Glad I resembled someone y'all knew enough that it spooked you into finally leaving the store. You're just lucky AP wasn't there. Plus, you pissed off the Starbucks TM by emptying the toppings shakers all over the counter while she made your frappucinnos, which is just plain immature.
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TTOG: I could not accept that manufacturers coupon for two reasons: 1. It had the name for a different retailer. (Not gonna say it's only in 4 states.) And 2. When your little daughter handed to me I saw it had VOID written on the back in computer ink. I give you an 'E' for effort.
Even if a manufacturer coupon was printed at a different retailer, we can still accept them. It is not a store coupon. Manufacturer coupons are good at any retailer that accepts coupons.
TTOG: arguing with me that "we are CVS pharmacy" isn't going to magically make items that stand alone CVS stores carry. AND when the actual CVS tech tells you they don't carry those items & looks them up on the CVS system and tells you we can't order them, don't argue with HER and tell her "CVS DOES carry them." She's worked for CVS for 10 years, I think she knows how to look up and item to see if they carry it (it wasn't even on the website.) Telling her, "well, Walgreens carries it, so CVS should" also isn't going to magically make it appear. I don't know what part of, "we only carry items the actual CVS pharmacies carry, not the stores" was so difficult to understand.
Sometimes you'd like to slap the stupid right out of them only to find out it's so deeply entrenched that you'd be slapping them like a day-long bitch fight.
You'd be surprised how many people don't grasp the concept. We are "CVS IN TARGET." Therefore, anything carried by the STORE which surrounds us will be TARGET brand or supplied.
TTOG: no I will not call whoever it is I need to call to make sure one bottle of shampoo that's only sold in salons can be ordered and personally call you when it gets in, it's not going to "get in" because this isn't a salon. And don't stare at me like I'm an idiot when I explain that to you. And also mumbling that target sucks and you will never shop here isn't going to have me crying in a fetal position in the pillow bin on my break.

TTOG :: Please refrain from using my fitting rooms, if you going to spend the entire time back there telling your older daughter how "fat" she looks && how she has these muffin tops that her "grandmother" will disapprove of on vacation .... First, if your daughter was more than 12 - well, color me surprised. But that not withstanding - she isn't fat. She wasn't even a little bit heavy. At best, she is in the awkward phase and lacks the "womanly curves"she is growing into ... But I digress. Even if she was fat, she doesn't need her mother to demean her appearance and self esteem every time she tried on a swimsuit. And I promise you that she CAN hear you saying these things to her father and younger sister - she isn't in a sound proof booth. It took every ounce of restraint I had to not give you some choice words in return. She found a swimsuit she liked && no it didn't involve boys swim shorts -- because she clearly told you she didn't like them & felt uncomfortable in them. She seemed perfectly ok with her body before you attempted to derail her, and I'm glad for that/hope she always is. ((And dad - you seemed uncomfortable. Maybe next time stick up for your daughter, if you feel so inclined. I'm sure she'd appreciate the support. ))
Oh God, that's terrible. Had it been anything other than swimsuits I would've been tempted to tell the kid "hey- that looks really cool on you"- but if the mom is as terrible as it seems I wouldn't be surprised if she'd be the type to try to get a TM in trouble just for the hell of it and accuse them of being a creep or something.

TTOG: I was 20min from clocking out, trying to re-push a freezer tub that everyone swore had already been pushed and just needed to be backstocked (and yet 85% of it went out) so I wasn't in the greatest mood ever. You came up to me and thanked me for all of my hard work. I looked at you, totally baffled, and told you that was so nice of you to say, and you simply responded "I really enjoy shopping here, so I appreciate the work you guys do to keep it looking nice"

...honestly- that changed my whole outlook. It seems the only time guests express an opinion is when they're upset about something, so to have you walk up to me for no other reason than to tell me you appreciate my work? That was pretty amazing.
I have a guest like that. They tell her she can't fit into most of the girls clothing (she can, because I can, and I'm taller and I have more body than that child) or they tell her it won't look good and they have her try on all these matronly merona clothes. You can tell she doesn't wanna wear that shit. She wants that colorful, sparkly, glittery, bright junk from the little girls department not these fricking old lady clothes. I haven't ever said anything. I just sorta side eye and cringe and hope she gets her way on the stuff she picked up on her own.

To that guest who said she was gonna write a Yelp review, I read it. You're right. We're understaffed and employees are trying to work through difficulties. And you were right to put "over staffs" in quotes because whatever etl told you that bullshit about overstaffing and call outs being the problem in electronics is a damn lie. She just wanted to use us as the excuse for your anger instead of telling you that you were right. (Guest was yelling about the company having understaffed stores to make profit)
Oh God, that's terrible. Had it been anything other than swimsuits I would've been tempted to tell the kid "hey- that looks really cool on you"- but if the mom is as terrible as it seems I wouldn't be surprised if she'd be the type to try to get a TM in trouble just for the hell of it and accuse them of being a creep or something.

TTOG: I was 20min from clocking out, trying to re-push a freezer tub that everyone swore had already been pushed and just needed to be backstocked (and yet 85% of it went out) so I wasn't in the greatest mood ever. You came up to me and thanked me for all of my hard work. I looked at you, totally baffled, and told you that was so nice of you to say, and you simply responded "I really enjoy shopping here, so I appreciate the work you guys do to keep it looking nice"

...honestly- that changed my whole outlook. It seems the only time guests express an opinion is when they're upset about something, so to have you walk up to me for no other reason than to tell me you appreciate my work? That was pretty amazing.

I really wanted to say something - to the daughter && to the mother. Different things & separately, obviously. But since I desperately need every nickel I make to pay my bills, I bit my tongue. Eventually, I just had to walk away because it was burning me up inside like a fire dosed in gasoline.

And wooohoo for positive guests. It's so nice when they recognize, if nothing else, that most of us are really working hard && actually trying to provide a positive experience. I had two different occasions with guests recently who started off mad at me / yelling .... About things I didn't do or have control over .... And both of them ended up taking a breather and apologizing to me, and "explaining" that their frustrations were with Target. I was a little disappointed when the second guest said after her apology that I had actually been really helpful and they would let a manager know before leaving .... And they didn't. Like I'm glad she was happy, but kind of deflated when I was told I'd be getting a "guest compliment" but didn't. -- it shouldn't matter though. I know I do a good job && my leadership has mostly positive feelings about me. Just wish it was acknowledged by the guests // metrics someway. I swear every time I hear the stores vibe score I die a little inside. I can not possibly be more polite/ friendly, answering any more phone calls / call boxes, smile more.... Like my vibe is at at least 98%, so someone else better start getting themselves in gear. Lol
Yes it's heartbreaking! It saddens me even more that her dad didn't shut that down. Hopefully she has a more positive role model in her life besides her mom.

Imagine if it were her grandma who supposedly "would disapprove."
TTOG :: Please refrain from using my fitting rooms, if you going to spend the entire time back there telling your older daughter how "fat" she looks

Another reason I love bathing suit season. I had a girl trying on once and she goes "mom, I think I need a medium in this." The mother goes "OH NO, you're not a medium!!" Oh brother. Lots of people wear different sizes depending on the item/brand/etc.

I also don't like having to "advise" people on what size is best for them. I had a woman trying on a blazer and the thing was about to burst apart at the seams and was pulling across her bust line. She asked if I thought she needed a bigger size and I said I would give it a shot. She stared me down like I'm a crazy person. But maybe its just me that sucks at giving advice lol. I'm a size 16 and dress very modestly (just my personal preference).
Another reason I love bathing suit season. I had a girl trying on once and she goes "mom, I think I need a medium in this." The mother goes "OH NO, you're not a medium!!" Oh brother. Lots of people wear different sizes depending on the item/brand/etc.

I also don't like having to "advise" people on what size is best for them. I had a woman trying on a blazer and the thing was about to burst apart at the seams and was pulling across her bust line. She asked if I thought she needed a bigger size and I said I would give it a shot. She stared me down like I'm a crazy person. But maybe its just me that sucks at giving advice lol. I'm a size 16 and dress very modestly (just my personal preference).

I just tell them about the difference in size between xhil and the others. Typically you'd go up a size when you have xhil vs the others. That's the same for all the juniors vs misses btw. I wear a medium in juniors and small in the other stuff.

I never know what to say when possibly plus sized ladies ask if I have something in a size for them. Usually I'm like "ummmm what size are you looking for?" But sometimes they look at me crazy and are like "where's the plus sizes?" Oh and sometimes older women refer to it as the women's department and I get confused for a few nanoseconds.

Everything is awkward
TTOG: I got a good laugh out of your advice to marry a rich guy, such as a surgeon, so that I would not have to deal with the crap people give retail workers. Thanks for lightening the mood.
TThoseGs: I want to thank everyone who was waiting patiently for the pharmacist to show up and open yesterday morning rather than take it out on the poor pharmacy tech who was stuck for more than an hour and a half. We only had one guest get mad, and it was at the LOD/STL, and only after the pharmacist still hadn't shown up more than 90 minutes after they were supposed to. And in her case it was even more understandable, as she was a little old lady who's senior care-home bus, and a dozen other old-folks, were waiting for her and her prescription.
TCVS: Get yo shit together and make sure yo damn pharmacists get to the store they're supposed to be at on time. Today was the latest they've been, but it sure as hell wasn't the first time the CVS pharmacist was significantly late, and he didn't even know the code for the key box when he did finally arrive. All-in-all the pharmacy didn't open until 11:45, as opposed to the 10 its supposed to.
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I had a thing about another guest but then I was like "this is too rude" so I cleared it all and replaced it with this. But uh, TToG: Go screw, lady. I'm not here for your politeness-that's-really-just-you-expecting-the-goddamned-world-to-serve-you tone or condescending approach to cutting me off by just saying my name over and over until I've stopped talking.
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