To that one guest

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Ugh, you're the reason people get offended by Christmas Trees.

Bullshit. I love Xmas trees. I'm not the reason for anything.
I also love Menorrahs and the Mezuzah, and the Baphomet, and the Easter Bunny, and the Great Pumpkin.

"have a nice day" is way more acceptable than "praise Jesus" or any other religious saying as it is a blanket statement that does not presume to know jack shit about the recipient.

How the fuck does she think that's not offensive if I'm Muslim, Jewish, Wiccan, or any of a number of belief systems that do not recognize Jesus as a deity? The hubris that Christians carry must be back breaking.

It's presumptuous and offensive to have Jesus thrown around in that manner. I do not find it endearing or sincere. Telling me to have a nice day rings true, it's something you can tell anyone and genuinely mean it.
Telling me that a fictional dude in the sky loves me is disingenuous and irrelevant in my world.
My mom loves to reply to "god bless you" with "I hope she does"
People's heads whip around so

I'm stealing that!

You do know that "Have a blessed day" is southern speak for "F**k you", right?
I always gave them a saccharine smile & replied "And you as well."

Shiiiiit, where I am, "I'll pray for you" is equal to "you're a fucking tosser, get bent, I hate you" so yeah, I'm disinclined to get all warm and fuzzy over religious phrases.
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Yeah, I grew up Catholic, went atheist in high school, and eventually settled as just someone with zero religion. I've seen plenty of shit. Someone exchanging their generic well wishing is not intrusive. To them, it's the best way they know to show respect. So what if they happen to view the world through a religious filter. Unless you actually know for a fact they're trying to cause you harm, why the hell would you assume that?
The way the op read it wasn't just one thing. If you just say "good bless you" I'll let it pass. No sweat. But if you start with "god bless", end with "go with god" and work in something to try and get me to come to church perhaps...nope.

Every time you come in, you tell me to have a blessed day, that Jesus loves me and some other religious lines that go against my beliefs.
I don't get to tell you the Flying Spaghetti Monster loves you, you don't get to tell me Jesus loves me.
It's Target, not a fucking church.

Next time I'ma say "Praise Allah" or "Praise (insert random Greek goddess here)" or "Praise (insert random famous Internet cat's name here)"

I mean ... seriously?
Go buy a cross necklace and have the bail switched so it hangs upside down. Then watch her head start spinning. 😎
Whatever a stranger or someone I don't know very well asks me what my religious beliefs are I say something like "that is an extremely personal question for you to ask me" and normally they stop immediately.

I actually had to use this phrase a few months ago while at the fitting room. A guest asked me if I was Christian and if I'd be interested in coming to her church to check it out and then tried to give me some literature. She seemed a bit flustered after I told her that religion was a personal matter and would not be sharing such private information with her. She left immediately after that.
While I do attend church, it's nobody's business & I don't appreciate gangsta evangelism.
A guest attempted to give me a pamphlet & I declined so she said "I'll just leave these here..." setting a stack on my counter.
She didn't say anything when I picked them up & pitched them in the trash in plain view.
I promote my beliefs thru my actions, not lip service or pamphlets.
I had someone lecture me a long time ago at a previous job about being Catholic. Apparently, they could tell by the type of cross I was wearing (which was a gift from my father and I still wear yearly on his birthday, even though I was not then, nor am I now a practicing Catholic.) Who knew Christians have their own cross??? I was always taught that Caholics ARE "Christians" (although I've come to learn that my church was one of the few who taught that and Some Christians don't view Catholics as "true Christians.") Isn't the "definition" of "Christian" "someone who believes in Jesus Christ?"

Sorry to get OT....
While I do attend church, it's nobody's business & I don't appreciate gangsta evangelism.
A guest attempted to give me a pamphlet & I declined so she said "I'll just leave these here..." setting a stack on my counter.
She didn't say anything when I picked them up & pitched them in the trash in plain view.
I promote my beliefs thru my actions, not lip service or pamphlets.
As it should be 🙂
There are a kazillion stores in my area. The furthest store in my district is maybe an hour away, if that. We've got enough Targets, but I guess some people don't think so...

Guest on phone: So the Target in {neighboring town}...
Me: That town has no Target. There's one in {a town south of the town the guest mentioned} and us {north of that town}.
Guest: Are you on {major road}?
Me: Yes, we are.
Guest: So the Target in {neighboring town}...
Me: That town has no Target!!!
Guest: Yes it does. *Hangs up*.

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Every time you come in, you tell me to have a blessed day, that Jesus loves me and some other religious lines that go against my beliefs.
I don't get to tell you the Flying Spaghetti Monster loves you, you don't get to tell me Jesus loves me.
It's Target, not a fucking church.

Next time I'ma say "Praise Allah" or "Praise (insert random Greek goddess here)" or "Praise (insert random famous Internet cat's name here)"

I mean ... seriously?
Has your religious guest let off his / her religious lines yet and if so did you pull the praise (cat name) yet, and what kind of reaction did u get.
TTOG: no, it's not MY job to make a recommendation of OTC meds, it's the pharmacist's. I could lose my job and license if I were to do so. I'm sorry if she was already helping someone else and you had to wait. I know nothing about protein powder or weight loss supplements, so I doubt you'd want mine even if I could legally recommend something.
TTOG: You really made my day and put a smile on my face. I'm so happy my boss was walking by when you asked where you could find a manager... We rarely get complements from guests and it was a hoot to be there when you told them how much you appreciated my help!
TTO shoplifter: you are quite possible the stupidest person I have ever met. Working my new job (plainclothes loss prevention/AP), I saw a guy that I had PMR'd at Target in the past. I followed him, and he ended up trying to steal over $500 worth of merchandise. I apprehended him, he fought a little bit, I cuffed him and brought him back to the office to wait for the cops. While in the office, the idiot tells me that he recognized me from Target, and he saw me following him in the store when he had the concealed merchandise, but he figured since we weren't in a Target and I wasn't wearing a uniform, I wouldn't do anything if he stole a felony amount right in front of me. Absolute stupidity.🙄
TTOG: I'm more than happy to help you, but I'm sorry, I can't be your personal shopper. This isn't Lord and Taylor. I'm not going to spend 15 minutes giving you my opinion about your daughter'a sheet set you want to buy, I have shit to do.

The other cashiers complain about you but I really like when you come thru my line. Yes, you always have 600000 coupons but I don't care. Those coupons are always valid and you're not trying to cheat Target.
You are so sweet and friendly and your kids are adorable and I like chatting with you. Yeah, it fucks up my speed score so sometimes I suspend and cheat the system but it's worth it to help you since the other TM's are mean to you to the point where you're always embarrassed and apologetic. Guests should not have to feel bad for using coupons.

I'm happy for the repeat guests who are nice or funny.
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